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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1892)
PSS Corner I Oth and P Street DEPARTMENT .- STORE. Headquarters in Lincol 1 for Dress Goods, No tions, Linens, Domestic Hosiery, Underwear and Shoes. Lowest Prices and Prompt Service. W. R. DENNIS & CO. should be your Hatters and Furnishers All Latest Styles and Best Qualities 1137 O Street. PADTT A HT The Only Strictly First-Class Eating House in the city CAIK 121 NORTH ELEVENTH STREET. . CHAS. W. BRANDHORST, Prop. 1& (UNE UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THI3 COUNTRY WILL OBTAIN MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM A 8UDY OF THIS MAP OF THE (tap, Bock IsM & Pad Sj The Direct Route to and from CHICAGO, HOCK ISLAND, DAVENPORT, DES MOINES. COUNCIL lll.L I-'KS, OMAHA. LINCOLN, WATERTOWN, SKHX FALLS, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL, ST. JOSEPH, ATCHISON, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS CITV, TOPEKA, DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, fliul 1TKUL0. Free Reclining Clinlr Cars to and fiom CIIICAUO, CALDWELL, HUTCHINSON Mid DODOE CITY, and Pnlaco Sleeping Core between CHICAGO, WICHITA nnd HUTCHINSON. SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS of Through Conches, Sleepers, Free 11601111111? Clinlr C'nrs nnd DIiiIiir Cms dnlly between CHICAGO, DKS MOINES, COUNCIL HLUFFS, OMAHA nnd LIN loi.N. nnd between CHICAGO nnd DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS nnd PUEI1L0 vlnSt. Joseph, Or Knuini City nnd Topekn. Exclusions dully, with lliiilce of Rontei to and from Snlt Lnke, Poitlnnd, Los AiiKelcsnndSnn Frnnclsco. The Direct Line to nnd from Pike's Peak, Mnnltou, Garden of the Gods, tho bniilturlums, and Scenic Grandeurs of Coloindo. Via The Albert Lea Route, Fast Express Trains dnlly between Chicago nnd Minnenpolls nnd St. Paul, with THROUGH Reclining Umtr Curs FREE, to nnd from those points and Kim ww City. Through Clinlr Car nnd Sleeper between lVorln. Spirit Lnko nnd Hlmix Falls vln Rock iRlnnd. The lavorltu Lino to Wntertown. Sioux Fulls, the Summer Resorts uud Hunting uiul Fishing Giounds of the Northwest. For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired Information apply to any Coupon Ticket Olnco, or address E, ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Gcn'l Manager, Gcn'l Tkt. & Fwu. Agt., CHICAGO, ILL. 0y WcJwuuXh FINE rz-T-7sXF y iOZ5 i6 OJ7 -.y i. j0 i '(try s JT.v "tE2 CLOTHING KarmjC--r HATS 7 AND CAPS Qerxts FurrisKirg Qoods. gpecial Rates to gtuclents. THE RESTAURANT 138 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. DIAMOND The Most. Complete Short Order j-louse SPKOIATi 1NI1U0KMKNTS TO STUUKNTS. In the City. Call on him on your home from Society. w mrwurnrowBffaBB