The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 01, 1892, Page 15, Image 15

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Judge Field addressed the " Field Mome
Guards" and the Republican Flambeau club at
the Lansing, Saturday evening, the 22d.
A select company of U. of N. students held a
party at the Conservatory of Music Saturday,
the 22d. Dancing was the order of the evening.
Chicago university is to have a 40-inch tele
scope. It will be considerably larger than the
Lick telescope. It will be located in the suburbs
of the city.
"Johnson is a great editor, isn't he?"
" I should smile! Why, he is so used to say
ing ' we,' that he often puts two fares in the street
car box."
On the stairs " Come and study with me,
" Yes, just as soon as J get my books. , I left
them on the steam registrar."
Graham (as the Sophs nipped him on the way
to the Freshman reception) " Boys, for heaven's
sake don't spoil that neck-tie. I paid half a dol
lar for it not two hours ago."
There are one hundred and fifty-nine students
registered for botany. Six of these are doing
work abscnta. The whole number represents
eighteen different subjects.
Prof. Hitchcock, formerly a pupil of Dr. Bes
sey's and now professor ofbotony in the Agricul
tural college of Kansas, was in attendance at the
Sem. Hot. meeting last Saturday.
The Botanical department lately received a
splendid working microscope, made by Litz of
Germany. It will be used exclusively for investi
gation work in Dr. Bcssey's office.
The Botanical department has received from
Mr. Y. J. Hesser of Plattsmouth, a fine stem of
a cycad. Jt represents a kind of tree formerly
very abundant but now almost extinct.
What mean those melancholy wails,
Which man in misery set?
Is it the sound of witches' cries?
'Tis Martin on the clarionette.
The first year Latin class recently underwent
a preliminary written examination. Out of the
185 members Mr. H. Aden and Miss M. H.
Lewis were the only ones who handed in papers
without fault.
Prof. Fossler gave the sophomore German class
an interesting sketch of the life and works of
Lessing, on Friday, the 21st. The class have
finished Minna von JJamiem, reading it since
the opening of the year.
Profs. Uarbour and Taylor are now located in
their new double house corner Thirteenth and U.
This house was built in accordance with the
plans of the professors and is a model of arch
itectural beauty and convenience.
A large number of valuable books treating
almost entirely of lower plants, have been fur
nished the botanical department. There are so
many students doing advanced work in botany
that these references are necessary.
The class in International Law under Professor
Caldwell is now carrying on diplomatic corres
pondence. The class has been divided and the
members of the divisions represent different coun
tries. Any case in diplomacy that has ever come
up will be handled by the class, for any applicant,
at the regular diplomatic prices.
A mock court has been organized in the law
school, under the supervision of Dean Smith, in
which the prospective lawyers will be drilled in
the procedure in the early English courts and in
the courts that have since been established in
Kngland and the United States. The drill is
practical, and in this end will no doubt prove in
valuable. Judge V. A. Elliot, of Denver, Colorado, de
livered a series of very able lectures on mining
and irrigation laws before the law school during
the first of the week. His lectures were enter
taining, and were listened to with interest and
profit not only by the members of the law school,
but by practicing lawyers of Lincoln as well. He
will return and finish his course of lectures before
the close of the semester.
The graduating class of Baltimore Medical Col
lege has passed a resolution denouncing the use
of any foreign language, living or dead, as a " silly,
conceited and pedantic anachronism," and these
physicians will write their prescriptions in English.
A foot ball team is much talked of among the
students of the law school. It is a good move,
and if the team is organized the boys will get an
opportunity to display their proverbial skill and
tact. A game with the Cotner medics is especially
An excellent review of Columbus and America
was given by Prof. Blackmar, of Kansas State
University, Friday, the 2 2St, to the students en
masse. Following the review a meeting of students
general was held to select new university colors.
After considerable discussion, scarlet and cream
were chosen.
Flossy : " I don't care, I think Jack Townly
is real mean ! "
Annette: " Why, Flossy ? "
Flossy: " He wrote to me from Florida, say
ing he had shot an alligator seven feet long, and
said when he shot another he would have a pair
of slippers made for me! Life.
The life size bust of Darwin, which had disap
peared just before presentation, returned after a
few hours' absence in good form and color. A
large audience was present at the meeting and
much interest shown in the discussion of each