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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1892)
THE HESPERIAN 12 which brought them back to the starting point Slater got the ball but was immediately tackled, but with the ball in Nebraska's position. This Armstrong now struck the line for five yards encouraged our men and out halves soon carried Illinois lost the ball on four clowns. Hut six the ball ten yards farther into the opponents minutes remained and there were sixty-five yards field.' Hut at this point Flippin got a notion into to make, Could we score? Mere is the way we his head that five yards was not a large enough went at it. Flippiivbucked twice with a gain of gain so he tucked the ball snugly under his arm eleven yards, then Johnston tried the same and and trotted five yards down the field at a 2:04 made nine yards. Then little Pace advanced it gait. This placed our team Wllllin cigiuceu iweive mure; juinihiuu uuu nippiu iujw eacn yards of the goal line which Captain Johnston thought we could make, so he sent Flippin through for six yards then tried his turn at mak ing a hole through their rush line, and he gained three yards. Then our boys lined up and gave Flippin the ball which he laid down over the goal line. This gave Nebraska 4. Then the ball was taken to the field and Oliver gave it a light tap with his toe and sent it spinning between the goal posts scoring two more. It only took ten minutes for Nebraska to score after she got pos session of the ball. Illinois now took the ball to the centre and made five yards with the wedge. Slater hit the line for two more then Sweeney struck the line but rebounded with a loss of two bucked for six apiece and time was called. At this rate we would have scored in four minutes more. When we played past the Illinois team was powerless. Illinois took her defeat hard. They had come to win, "so had we." Nor as some might sup pose, was it" luck," but at every point our team work outclassed their's. Their tackling was bet ter than ours. Hut as one of their men said: " We had training and beef, you had training, beef and science." THlf SIM. BOT. The botanical survev of Nebraska, recently yards. Illinois played her guards and tackle for undertaken bv the Sem. Hot., is one of the most smaii gams. Alter tnree arempis 10 advance tne ball it was found that only fourteen feet had been gained, but referee Arms, of Illinois, said that he had been taught that fourteen feet was the same as five yards and decided that the ball belonged ambitious and important of the many schemes now springing up in the University on every hand. The Seminar has undertaken to conduct a botan ical survey of the stale with its own resources, both as to workers and funds. The survey has to Illinois. Slowly but surely the ball was ad- aire.Miy becn organized, collections made in two vanced by Illinois until within two yards of the important localities, and preparations made for a coveted goal Iwo yards to gain m three min- thorough survey of the whole state, embracing utes! Could it be done ? hvery one was alert. evcry form 0f plant life ami extending over Sev ille ball was passed to Sweeney and he bucked cral years, An imporlaiU fealure vv,n be the iwi 11 gum VII VJIIV. Jtlltl. 1 im IIIUHJ lllUV UlUll the same thing and found the ball within a foot of the goal line. The referee gave them another trial, claiming that he had called time and that they had no right to put the ball in play the last time. Again they tried, but in vain. Our rush line was invincible. The ball was now given to Nebraska, but as time was now up the ball was not put into play. Thus ended the first half, 60. Second half At 4 o'clock Nebraska started the ball from centie with a gain of five yards, Flip- survey herbarium, for which distinct cases are to be provided at once in the herbarium of the Uni versity, and whichwill be presented to the Uni versity at the close of the survey. At the public meeting of the Seminar on Octo ber 15, the details were made public in the an nouncement of the L. W. for the coming year. Another matter of interest announced was that Gray's Synoptical Flora will be the Sem. Hot. prize for 18(12-3. This prize is offered for the best llMlier liv nnv clnrlmif in (1ii rlntvirlriSi-nt nf pin was then given the ball but fumbled, Need- botany, giving the 'rcsuIts 0f o.minal work. The uamiaungon it. umpire Arms gave Illinois book offeied this year will be generally rec five yards for an " off side " pk-y. Nebraska now- got the ball on four dows ; Johnston made two yards around the left, and then two through the center, and Flippin hit the line for lour more. In the next two trials nothing was gained, so Oliver made an "out of bounds" punt but Illinois suc ceeded in falling on the ball. Hall taken in fifteen yards. Four gains were now made around the ends and through the centre. Slater was next IT veil l l(i hn :incl start oil mvimwl (1,, -:..i.. i.'i- nin foiUl t ,.,.M.. T .. "' , : 1.. . , . ?"V "I1' es?cy. Alter this program, the I.. W. earn o tnt i a, ' " , , I ' ' " Crwtt !?. le verity a bust of, Yont. lHiR 'h.,,: .i. " "u ": p" m.nar. 1'rot. Hessey spoke briefly , .., rr: xi.:-...a,B.,u?, Oliver amlT. H. Marsland read a naner .... (jUl u.v. uan uh ieeunams tumble. After i" Oliver made a good After "punt." illy recognized as well worth striving for. Hesides the announce ments, the folbwing papers were read : " Ob servations on Cross Fertilization," by Fred Clem ents; " Notes on the Flora of the Sand HUN," by Roscoe Pound ; " The Leaf Structure of Reaficldia flexuora," by J. O. Smith; "The Hlack Cotton wood," by P. A. Rydberir : " Notes on the Canyon Flora of Sioux County, by A. F. Woods, and " The Present Status of Nomenclature," by Prof. resented(?) given by the in response, on Darwin's life and work. Several botanists were present irom abroad, among them Prof. A. S. Hitchcock, y