The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 01, 1892, Image 1

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    The Hesperian.
THE HESPERIAN. editorial,
Issued semi-monthly by tho IIkrpi'.rian Association of tha Untvur
sty of Nebraska. N ord(jr to bring facility Mill StlllloiltS into
PAUL PIZEY, '93. Managing Editor C0SU1. touch, ,md to limii;0 tho Hesperian
associates truly representative of our institution, the
CHAS. F. STROM AN, '93 Editorial , ., ,
MISS WILLA CATHER, '95 Literary HMMlgomOllt luiS prevailed lipOll 801110 1110111-
E C STRODE, '93 Law Litkraky v c fri f ,lt,,,nv to contributo for the imuer
SCHUYLER MILLER, '95 Alumni oub 01 nit niuiiiy 10 umtiiumoioi mc pupn
H S. LORD, '93 Athletics regularly. We trust that this is an innova-
G E.FISHER, '94 Exchange ,. ,. ' ,. , , , .,, . .
adam Mcmullen, '96 1 T nrAI tl0n that thc 8tudonta Wl11 appreciate.
c L. tallmadge, Business Manager When our football club carried the scar-
"-- jot Jln( cr01lm to victory last Monday it dom-
One copy, per college year (In advanct ) $1 00 Olistnitod boy Ollll a doubt that WO have a foot
One copy, one semester . Co mm hm m08t 8ftnguin0 lmd
Advertising Rates on Application. dured fQ hQ 0ne of tj,e V(Jrv bcst terims
alumni and ex-students. j tj10 wost failed to score against our
Special endeavor will be made to mako The Hesper- 111
ian interesting to former students Please send us your EloVCll. 1 his hits served to show What OX-
'"ulTcriptions on our books will be continued eollont foot ball material wo have. If our
until ordered stopped. cui) bo supported with tho proper spirit and
Address all communitions to The Hesperian, Uni- " . J. ,
versity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. the HOCOSSary Clish, there IS CVOry reason to
" ' ' bclicvo that tho University of Nebraska will
this season win tho pennant.
E. M. Pollard, Pres. Miss May Lewis. Secy.
university union literary society. Foot HALL is a game necessarily rough,
11. A. Senter, Pres. Miss Willa Cather, Secy. WCciilcnts are nt all times liable to happen,
n dblian literary society. b t Nubility to accidents is greatly dimin-
Paul Pizey, 'vj. Miss Lincola Groat, Secy. , . . . ,
ished if tho game is played 111 a fair, honest,
UNIVERSITY Y. M C. A. iouv,vt b I .' e
John L. Marshall, J r, Pics. H A. Senter, Sec'y, gentlemanly spirit. Tho popularity of foot
university v w c. a. ball is duo to tho fact that gentlemon, not
Miss Bessie Merrill, Pres. Miss Emma Boose, Secy. . ,
thugs, have played it. Tho game of the
ATHLETIC association. n ' , . , , 1 1 !
J II. Johnston, 'vj. C. E. Tekft, Secy. 24th was characterized by a singlo oxhibi-
oraturical association. tion of ruflianism. Ab tho men wore rising
Paul P,ZEy, P,es Chas F Stroman, Secy. r BCp. lltor timo lmd bcen cttllodj
SCIENTIFIC CLUB , , 11. M 1 ,'l
H A. Center, Pres. H G. Bafber, Secy. when slugging COlllll not possibly avail, one
university debating club. of tho Illinois men deliberately struck a Ne-
C E. Stroman, Pres. Miss Vesta Grey, Sec'y. S(uaroly in tho fuco and
R. E. Jonnson. CPUBUCAN CLr.h. Johnson, .s-,0'. knocked him senseless. This attack was
democratic club. brutal and cowardly, and wholly without
A, E. Gulimetih, Pres, Sec'y. justjficftti011i it was the act of a bully whose
R. H. Ghaham, dependent CLjUBw. Searson, Secy, proper place is tho prize ring, not the col-