The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 15, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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to disguise matters as well as wrest the law.
Edward Bellamy in the new Utopia soon
about to dawn, dispenses with lawyers.
Swift makes Gulliver say to his master,
'there was a societvof men anions u? bred
up from their youth in the art of proving by
words, multiplied for the purpose, that white
is black and black is white, according as
they are paid. To this society all the rost
of the people are slaves."
The lawyer laughs at the extravagauce of
this calumnv, because he feels safe in his
position. He knows that the profession has
been the theme of eulosv and admiration in
allages; that under the rule of popular govern
ment the odium that has attached to the ad
vocates of arbitration and tvranical law no
longer sticks to the profession. Opinions de
rogatory to the character of the bar expressed
in a flippant manner are more unjust when
applied to the profession as a whole. I
challange you to find an equal number of
men to whom are comitted such vast interests
who have been more faithful to their charge.
I appeal to the experience of the bar and to
litigants and ask them to call to mind whom
they have known that appropriated trust
funds, sold out their clients, or betraved
their confidence. Rumors are plentiful, but
known instances of misconduct are far from
numerous, so we are justified in declaring
that integrity is the rule, and dishonesty the
exception. Let us then glorify our calling,
and erect for it a lofty standard. There is
little danger that we can exaggerate the
qualifications demanded at the bar, for with
out a an aequate conception of the require
ments of the calling it is impossible to full
fill the duties we stand pledged to society to
fulfill. There is no reason why this forum
may not be the theatre of events that call
forth the profoundeet learning, the highest
arts of advocacy and legal acumen. Here
will come causes that will try "the mettle of
your pasture." In this city, with its uni
versities and seats of learning, now but "the
baby finger of tiie giant mass of things to
come at large," with its United Statessup
reme and district courtH, with a law library
equal to any demand upon it, with hosts nf
lawyers from distant parts thronging thes
forums, foemen worthy of your steel : with
great corporato interests and other cnterpri
ses centering here needing counsel and cm
dance, and more or less fruitful of litigation,
there is no reason why the bar should lack
a spur to achieve the highest honors of thv
Those influences have always bred an able
and distinguished bar at the capitals of states
and have moulded and equipped lawyers for
the highest places in the nation. "We al
ready have an able bar numbering among its
members those whose reputation is not lim
ited by state lines. But the ability and pres
tige of the bar must grow with the devolp
ment and need of the state. The situation
is full of hope and inspiration to the younger
members, if thev start in with a stout heart
and an iron digestion, remembering that
success lies with them, and not in their starts,
not to be won without dust and heat, keep
ing ever before them great names that have
shed undying lustre upon the profession,
shall with unconquerable resolution force
their way over the thorns and thickets of the
first years of their pursuit, they will at last
wear the garlands and be crowned with the
honors of the noblest of the learned profess-
bome wise man has said that a lawyer
is an odd kind of fruit, first rotten, then
green, then ripe, representing the stages in
a lawyer's career. First: there is a period of
study-preparation-followed by a despairing
wait for an opportunity, a chance, then a
period of awkward, immature performance,
then the finished work. Buckle to your
work until you get fairly well out of the rot
ten period, and barring the ups and downs
incident to any vocation, the path is plain to
the end of the road.
In conclusion, allow me to say that our
presence here to-day is a tribute to the law.
Let us all acknowledge its sway and supre
macy as it spreads silently, steadily over this
immense territorial realm, enfolding all in
its embrace. The pioneer in his dug-out,
the miner in the cabin on the mountain side,
the freighter on the outpost, the herder on
the plain, the citizen, rich or poor, wher
ever his abode, then will this college of law
not have been established in vain.