u THE HESPERJ A.N i if it' wt' ft The senior class in Geology are enjoying a series of sterioptican views on Geological subjects. University Debating Club meets every other Saturday night in chapel. Come out and debate. Prof. Hitchcock will conduct a bible class on Sundays at 2 p. m. in room 16. All students arc invited to attend. "I don't give a jam ior a bruised nose," said Haughton, as he wriggled from under a Fresh man in the cane-scrap. Prof. Wightman has twenty students in his Italian class. This is a marked increase over those of previous years. 0. T. Reedy is not "winking the other eye" much these days. Cause : It is carefully con cealed under a bandage. Hoagland : (as he stood on his neck in the hall heels suspended over the mail-box) "Say, Mr. Speaker, where am I at ?" The beaming countenance of Richards lit up the halls Monday. He is expecting to take up his work in the University again. Attention is called to the Hesperian boxes, in all the buildings. Drop a local in the slot, and enlighten the uneducated public. If an extensible hat-rack could be attached to Forsyth's feet, wouldn't that pompadour be great for removing cob-webs from lofty ceilings ? Dean Smith during the opening week of the law school delivered a series of very interesting and instructive lectures on "Nature of Law." "Stand up," says Manager Talmadge, as he winks a solemn eye, and draws forth his sub scription book, "stand up for the Hesperian." "Its better to be born good looking and lucky, than rich, soliloquized Durrell as he relieved the sidewalk of a five dollar gold piece last Monday.. "No," said the rustic, watching the awkward squads and finally spying Will Westerman "set ting up" the band, "1 believe those must be the incurables." No. 1. "What's that white flag ior on the University?" No. 1. "An unconditional surrender to the First Preps." The tennis association will soon be compelled to remove their wire back-stop, to make room for the battalion drill. The association is adding new members. To the uninformed Prep's who have scratched the slate for the first time, it may be said that when the young lady's father stamps his foot, it is ready for the mail (male.) f "Young Gentlemen," said a Prof, to his class in evolution, "when I am endeavoring to explain to you the peculiarities of the monkey, I wish you would look right at me." The University Rcpubliban club, in the cap. acity of the "Field Home Guards" aided mater ially in the demonstration for Ex-Governor l'o r aker, Thursday evening, the 6th. The change in the pupil of a dog's eye as he goes from light to darkness, occupies 3 seconds. . "That is the time," says Will Johnson, "h.n you want to jump the picket fence." The orchestra numbers about 20 members, and under the direction of Prof, and Mrs. Men zendorf, are hard at work. Within a few weeks the orchestra will probably appear in public. Among the names of the new members of the Faculty, the name of Miss Wilder of the depart ment of physical culture, was unintentionally omitted in the last issue of the Hesperian. At camp. "Jane, what's been chewing your hair?" "Ma'am, it's that University batallion ; they all wanted a lock of my hair before they lef." The Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. gave a very inter esting programme in the chapel last Sunday after noon on the "Evangelization of the world in this generation." A large audience was in attendance. The Faculty course in Bible study has started out very encouragingly. The class meets ever) Saturday at 9:30 in room 1 6. This is an unoi -cupied hour for the majority of the students and a large attendance is anticipated. A one hour course in English versification has been offered by Prof. Bates. The English depart ment also offers a new course in advanced daily composition and theme writing. The class 111 extemporaneous speaking is proving successful. The Republican club held a short business meeting Wednesday evening, the 5th. A stjle of club uniform was adopted, and the organiza tion of the "Field Home Guards" was effected. Judge Field then addressed the club on the tar iff. Mr. Divine, of Colfax County, addressed 1 Meeting of University Independents in Room September 24. He discussed tariff, finance an 1 other live issues, and endeavored to show that in the rise and fall of prices, the tariff is a mine issue. The departments in modern languages ar among the busiest in the University. The thnv instructors have each twenty hours besides tin time devoted to personal instruction. This should abolish the idea that only the student labors. The new Literary society met in room 27 Friday evening. The society organized with x s charter members. The limit of membership was placed at 40. Students from Weslyan Univer-