The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 15, 1892, Page 13, Image 13

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say is that wc thank you, and hope that you
will have value received before the school year is
ended. Every student is not able to give much
to the association, but every student is able and
should join. You will never be sotry that you
assisted the association by giving it your mem
bership. It, has been said that a college is
known by its standing in athletics. Whether
this bo true or not, the fact remains that athletics
have greatly spread the reputation of our college
throughout our own state. People hear of our
foot ball and base ball teams and then inquire all
about us, and this is just what we want. The
amount of good that you may do by simply join
ing the sssociation is simply great. Let every
student be a commitee of cne to see that he joins
the association. Do not delay but join at once.
At last a coach has been secured and under his
proficient instruction the foot ball players are
making great improvement. In Mr. Williams the
athletic association has secured a coacher that
knows how to awake an interest in athletics and
especially in foot ball. There is no doubt that,
with him as coach, if the men will follow his
instruction, we will give the pennant a close rub.
It might be well to say that every player should
implicitly obey the orders of coach and captain,
no matter what they may be. This is the great
secret of foot-ball, for unless a captain knows
that his orders will be obeyed, how can he tell
when to make certain plays ? So let every player
be always at his post and ever alert for the sig
nal, and when the signal is given, he should
know just what to do and then do it. Let every
player know the signs perfectly, so that no blun
ders will be made that may cost us the game and
perhaps the pennant. Let victory be our.'j.
Following is the schedule of games as now
October 21 at Lawrence, with Kansas State
October 29 at Denver, with Denver Athletic
November 5 at Omaha, with Missouri State
November 12 at Lincoln, with Kansas State
November 19 at Lincoln with Doane.
November 24 at Omaha, with Iowa State
The tennis association was not what it should
have been last year. There was a feeling among
many of the students that a clique was running
the association and that no one was wanted ex
cept a select few. As a result of this feeling
only a few joined the association, and tennis as a
part of college athletics was a failure. This year
it is the aim of the association to make tennis a
grand success. There is no clique at the head
of the affair. Everyone who is interested in
tennis is requested to join and help the good
work on. Last year Doane beat us in both sin
gles and doubles. Heretofore there has always
been a charge of unfairness set up against Doane.
Last year no such charge could be trumped up.
They played us on our own ground with our
umpires, and beat us because of superior ability.
Doane has good men. They work hard at ten
nis. We have good men but the work is a minus
quantity. We have every advantage over
our rival colleges. We have a tennis court in
the armory wherein we can keep in practice all
winter. We have a school two or three times as
large as any of our adversaries. Why should wc
not lead in tennis as in every other athletic sport.
Many say they cannot join because the fees are
too high. The dues ar.e 50c each semester. The
fee for the first semester and initiation combined
is $2.00, making $1.50 to join, the other 50c is
the dues for the first term. This fall the associa
tion started with some small debts. They are all
paid off. We are free. One court is in good
condition, the other courts will be cleaned im
mediately. One is partly cleaned at present.
We have been having fine weather for tennis ex
cept the last few days. The grounds should be
occupied every afternoon and evening. There
is a place in the tennis court for some mail to
make a record. We have no special players. In
all other sports we have our crack athletes. In
tennis we have none. Here is a chance for some
Boom the University Debating Club.
Are you going to join the new society ?
Prof. Hussey has the class in art historJShis
year. 0'.
Ward Hildreth has a brother in school this
OVer 400 new students have matirculated this
year. -
L. B. Cornell spent a few days in Falls City
last week.
Mrs. L. Burnham of Omaha visited her son
Carl a few days last week.
W. E. Kirk is editing the college deparment of
the city Y. M. C. A. Greeting.
W. F. Squires will not be in school this year.
He is night clerk at the Lincoln Hotel.
The difference is that a cow gives milk ; those
old reading room chairs may give whey.
It is amusing tojsee some or the new students
looking for their mail in the overshoe boxes.
Harry Benedict, of Doane, spent Saturday and
Sunday in the city, the guestof J . C, Thayer.
Stauffer : "Well, an ostrich may eat shingle
nails, but I'll bet he can't stand nitric acid."