The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 15, 1892, Page 12, Image 12

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'go Thos. Hall now has charge of the corre
spondence of the First National bank of this city.
qo F. C. Taylor is still professor of Greek
and Latin at Franklin academy, Franklin, Nebr.
'92 Paul Hibbard and J. V. Wolfe are em
ployed as chemists in the Oxnard beet sugar man
ufactury, Grand Island.
Frank Rockhold, once of '93, writes "ye editor
in chief " that he is with the Pacific Insurance
company of SanFrancisco, Cal.
'92 Morgan M. Maghee has recently been
given charge of the electric power house. He
turned the weather over to C. A. Skinner.
Randolph McNitt, a former student of the U.
of N. is the nominee of the republican party for
county attorney in Webster county, Nebr.
'83 Bion H. Culver, having successfully fin
ished one year's work as principal of the High
school at Ponca, has been re-elected to the same
Miss Ida Matthews, last year of '94, will go to
Chicago about the 1 st of December to take an
extensive course in music. At present she is
visiting in Kansas.
'89 -Frank Manley, now a civil engineer for
the Union Pacific, was in Lincoln, Sept. 27, at
tending the funeral of his brother, Clyde W.
Manley, late of the class of '96.
'87 C. S. Polk is city attorney of Plattsmouth.
His brother, a former student, now editor of the
Plattsmouth Daily News was in Lincoln in at
tendance at the rpeech of Ex-Governor Foraker.
'92 Fred Hyde was obliged to give up his
trip down the Rhine and forego seeing the sights
ofderVaterland" in order to be home in time
to begin his duties as principal of the public
schools of Sidney.
V The "Field Home Guard" is the name of
the new military organization of the university
republican club. The boys are enthusiastic and
will do all that a political organization can do,
towards the elevation of their favorite, Allen W
Died.On Sunday Sept. 25, at his home in
Lincoln, Mr. Clyde W. Manley of the class of 91
For the past two years Clyde W. Manley has
been a faithful industrious student of the Uni
versity. His close attention to work and his ge
nial good nature made for him a host of friends
not only in his class but among all wich whom
he came in contact. He had planned his work
for the coming year, but was taken sick with ty
pnoid fever, and after an illness of a tew days he
died. At a meeting of his class resolutions of
condolence to his stricken parents were adopted
and a committee appointed to represent the class
at the funeral. By his death, the University loses
a good energetic student, his class an ellicient
A "training table" has been started and now
the foot ball player will have only such diet as
will build up and give endurance. Such a move
can only result in good.
The bath rooms have not yet been opened for
the general use of those who take gymnasium
work, but through the efforts of Captain Johnston
the foot-ball players have had their use. This is
only one of the many things that the Captain has
accomplished for the team. If every player would
take as much interest in themselves as does their
captain, the University would have the best team
in west.
The classes in the gymnasium have begun
work. There are two hundred and twenty four
students enrolled, there being an equal number
of ladies and gentlemen. There will be no advan
ced class this year as all the time of the instruc
tors is used for required work. Some arrang-
ment should be made whereby advanced g m
nasium work could be carried on by those w ho
are so inclined.
The wheel club meets 10-day to elect ofiu ers
for the ensuing year. This club was a success in
every particular last year, and there is eury
prospect that it will have a large membership
this year. Every lady and gentleman, who
rides a wheel should join this club. Every now
and then the members will take a spin to some
neighboring village. These trips not only iur
nish recreation but enjoyment as well.
There is an article in the Carlionia on foot ball
that every student who is interested in the ga-ne
should read. We would especially urge that
every player, whether he belongs to the first
eleven or not, read this as soon as possible. 'Ihe
merits of the game, as now played, are clea'ly
pointed out. Let those who are prejudic d
against foot-ball read this article and study l'w
game and we venture the assertion that they v.. II
change their opinion.
Have yOu joined the Athletic Association?
This means you my reader, you should, at leit
have enough interest in the success of athletics to
join the association. The fee is small, but if the '
membership is large, it not only encourages ath
letics, but it will help the association fiianciallv.
There are many improvements that must be
made and many more that would be made if we
had the money. We thank the faculty and others
who have assisted us so liberally. All we can