The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 15, 1892, Page 10, Image 10

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whilo shouting nt tho top of his voico, "Tho
sword of tho Lord and of Gidoon 1"
Tho police ofiicors hoard of it, and sot out
to find him. Thoy hunted tho country over
and ovon dragged tho rivor, but thoy never
found him again, living or dead. It is
thought that ho was drowned and tho quick
sands of tho rivor sucked hip body under.
But tho littlo Dano boys in om- country firmly
boliovo that ho was translated, liko Enoch
of old. On stormy nights, when tho great
winds swoop down from tho north thoy hud
dle together in their beds and fancy that in
tho wind thoy still hoar that wild cry, "The
sword of tho Lord and of Gideon."
W. Cathku.
Closely following tho death of one of
America's first and greatest poets, Whittier,
came tho news that England was bereft of
her Tennyson. At the ripe, old ago of eighty
three years, ho completed his life's work and
passed away. Who will riso to fill his place
only the future generations can toll. Ho
was all poet, a man of great gifts and high
purposes, and he enshrined himself in the
hoarts of all who know or read . im. While
perhaps ho will not be ranked as high as
Byron, Browning or Shelley, yet lie will
always stand as one among the greatest of
tho poets that shed lustre on tho Victorian
It is with a feeling of heartlessness strangely in
termingled with trepidity and indigenous inex
perience, that "I" becomes "we," at this mo
mentous period of our existence.
But we have no apology to make for our ap
pearance. If, in the natural course of human ev
ents, we are placed in any position, we remain,
only, until the nature of our environment pre
cludes further occupancy, So, if, at any future
time, the fumes of our make oi brimstone do not
equal or exceed other competing brands, we will
silently gather our summer suit around us and
We have, as yet no policy ; for the embryo
that is here displayed may develop in many difV
erent ways. Our aim shall be, however, to treat
with fairness all with whom we deal and to love
as brothers all from whom we steal.
With a kindly feeling towards our predecessor,
whose words of encouragement arc well taken.
We become,
Yk kxchangk KniTOR
There are 360 cadets at the University of Cali
fornia, 325 of whom are in the battallion. The
battallion consists of six companies.
The first editions of various college papers fur
nish a grand opportunity for the local editors to
carry otV the sweepstakes for material furnished.
The literary and editoral writers have time to
pause and gather breath, while their brethren
are searching out the hiding places of Mr. and
Misses X, Y and Z.
The new students who desire to enter the band
and who are prevented from so doing on account
of the lack of instruments, might well follow the
example of Berkeley, and organize a drum corps.
This being campaign year, it might become a
scource of profit At least, it w ould net enough
cash to pay the expenses of the attending aurist,
and there would be all the amusement gratis.
Win. H. Wynn,Jr., the only and irrepressible
Wm. H. will attend the Nebraska State Univer
sity this year, 4Tis hard to part with so gentle
a flower, plucked from the garden of love, but
we must shut our eyes, and, like the little boy
who ate green apples, swallow the medicine.
Laying all jokes aside, we wish "Blink" much suc
cess, and expect to hear good reports of his work.
The freshmen of the Iowa Agriculural College,
says the Aurora,, have given the sophmores a re
ception. This is a very sensible way to open
class campaigns. If cane rushes must be, in cur
institution, let the vanquished provide the where
withal to make the victors glad. This will pro
vide a social accompaniment to bruised heads
and smoking tempers, that will do much towards
making fraternal hate succumb to brotherly love.
We notice that Knox is making strenuous eff
orts to secure a Y. M. C. A. building upon the
college grounds. We hope that their endeavors
will prove successful. A building of similar char
acter would fit well in a corner of our campus.
The time is fast approaching when the various
soriety halls will be needed foi recitation rooms,
and when a building is devoted exclusively to
student organizations will be needed. It is none
too early to commence agitating this question.