The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 15, 1892, Image 1
Vol. XXLI. THE HESPERIAN. Issued semi-monthly by the IIkspkrian Association of the Univer sity of Nebraska. PAUL PIZEY, '93. associates. MISS WILLA CATHER, '95 Literary E. C STRODE, '93 Ltiw Litkraky CHAS. F. STROM AN, '93 Editorial SCHUYLER MILLER, '95 Alumni H S. LORD, '93 Athletics G. F.FISHER. '94 Exchange ADAM McMULLEN, '96 jInriI L. C. OBERLIES, '95 0CAL C. L. TALLMADGE Business Manager TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, per college year (in advance) $1 00 One copy, one semester Co Advertising Rates on Application. ALUMNI AND EX-STUDENTS. Special endeavor will be made to make The Hesper ian interesting to former students. Please send us your subscriptions. "Subscriptions on our books will be continued until ordered stopped. Address all communitions to The Hesperian, Uni versity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. DIREOTORY. PALLADIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. E. M. Pollard, Pres. Miss May Lewis, Secy. UNIVERSITY UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. H. A. Senter, Pres. ' Miss Willa Catiier, Secy. DELIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. Paul Pizey, Pres. Miss Lincola Groat, Secy. UNIVERSITY Y. M. C A. John L. Marshall, Jr , Pres. H. A. Senter, Secy. UNIVERSITY Y. V. C A. Miss Bessie Merrill, Pes, Miss Emma Boose, Secy. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION, J. H. Johnston, Pres. C. E. Tepft, Secy. ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION. Paul Pizey, Pres. Chas. F. Stroman, Secy. scientific cluh. F. C. Kenyon, Pres. Miss Rosa Bcuton, Secy. university deiiating cluij. C E. Stroman, Pres, Miss Vesta Grey, Secy. republican ci.uh. R. E. Jonnson, Pres, R.'H. Johnson, Secy. democratic clud. A. E. Gulimetce, Pres, independent club. R. H. Graham, Pres. J. W. Searson, Secy, The Hesperian. UNIVERSITY of NEBRASKA. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 15, 1892. No. ir EDITORIAL. .Managing Editor -Secy. Bo suro to register. All students that wish to vote at the coming election must rogistor. You may do so on any Tuesday before election. Show some interest in pol itics. Don't bo a clam. On Saturday evening, October 8, the Uni versity Debating Club assembled in Ohapel. Futuro financiers aired their opinions and, after a lively discussion of nearly two hours, decided negatively on the resolution, "That national banks should bo abolished." Poli tical parties will take notice and govern them selves accordingly. The University Debating Club was organ ized in the spring of '92. Its purpose is to supplement the work of tho various society debating clubs. Experience has shown that, in various debating clubs, membership is not large enough nor interest strong enough to insure invariably a good debate, Many students, too, belong to no literary society; hence, do not fool themselves at liberty to participate in tho debate of the society clubs. To obiato these difficulties and to offer to every student that cares to avail himself of it, tho opportunity to become a practical debater, the University Club was organized. Certainly noono will question-its desirability. On Friday ovoning, October 7, a meeting was hold in Room 17, and a new literary society organized with fourtoon charter members. A constitution was adopted and other business transacted. It was decided, until further arrrangemonts could be made, to hold wookly meetings in Room 7. Mem bership, which is, for the present, limited I Wurri'n"fcJt