The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 01, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Tho Mimouni.
The museum hns been cnriclicd by bolh donations nnd
collection this summer.
Mr. S. F. Allcbaugh, pioprictor of the new crystal cave
near Dcadwood, S. D., has presented the university with a
slab of calcite ol the botryoidal form and rich amber color,
taken from his cave.
J. A. Barrett, 'S8, has given a collection of mincials and
some invertebrate fossils which he has collected during the
past few years.
John L. Maishall, the well known senior, has turned over
a valuable cabinet of coins and confederate money. He
wants the cabinet relumed empty to him in older that he
may fdl it up again and make the university another gift,
showing the expeiuhluic of tunc, money, and labor. While
hoping that John will fdl the cabinet a second time, we wish
to accoul him the credit which he dcscivcs for filling the fust,
and for his generosity.
Mr. A. M. Barton of Red Willow county, has presented
to the univeisity latge fiagmcnts of the yellow ochic taken
fiom his quarry, 'lhe specimens weic exhibited at the state
fair. He promises to add to the collection in order to make
the representation complete.
Piofessor Bai bom's and the Moirill geological expedition
have added greatly to the value of the museum.
Tho Vacuity.
The chancelloi has been amongst the busiest ol all the
faculty. How many of the improvements arc due to his
untiring energy and skillful planning no one need ask. His
executive ability is marvelous. He spent two weeks in the
east attending the national educational convention of which
he used to be piesidcnt, held at Saiataloga, N. Y. He also
attended the convocation of the university of New York held
at Albany; Miss Jones, our new libraiian, also attended the
convocation. He aftenvaids spent a few weeks in Vermont.
Professor Hitchcock spent the summer visiting in Maine
and Massachusetts.
Piofessor Sherman spent the summer in Massachusetts
working on his book.
M;-. and Mrs. Menzendorf spent the summer visiting in
Professor Fossler forgot nil about vacaiion and kept on
prepaiing for this year's work.
Professor lh ace visited in Nova Scotia and returned by
the St. Lawrence and the lakes.
Professor Wightmnn spent the summer studying in Tor
onto. Professor Bai hour spent most of the summer collecting
geological specimens. He also spent a shoit time in Ohio.
Professor Fling visited in Minneapolis most of the sum
mer. Professor Hodgman spent the summer visiting at Knowls
ville, N. Y. We notice that he has also learned to ride a
Professor Fulncr was in Montana and western Nebraska
during most of the vacation.
Professor Hussey was in Nsw Jetscy doing special work
on his lectin e on archeology.
Piofessor Ilruner spent the vacation in Colorado.
MUs Bai ton visited Chicago and vaiious parts of the cast.
Prolessor Hates spent most of his tunc sailing tdong the
coast of Maine.
Professor Lyon visited his home at Pittsburg.
Piofessor Howen was at Saratoga for a while. He also
studied in the gymnasiums ol the ecst, and got married.
Piofessor Nicholson returned from Europe in August.
He spent ncaily half a year in France and Germany studying
the beet sugar industiy.
Professor Lloyd visited in Iowa.
Addition! to tho Faculty.
Although the univeisity has not found it necessary to hire
as many new piofcssors as it did last year, it has been very
fortunate in the ours it did hire. Professor Adams now has
charge of the depailmcnt of rhetoric and oratory. The pro
fessor is a graduate of the Illinois state normal college. After
finishing at that school he amended the university of Michi
gan from which he graduated in '89. lie afterwards studied
a year in Euiopc, spending six months at Halle and six
months at Berlin. The professor has had considerable
experience as-a teacher and is well fitted for the position he
now holds.
The department of modern languages has added n teacher
to its list of whom it may well feel proud. Miss Conklin,
Professor Fosslcr's assistant, graduated from DeFauw uni
versity in '86 and took her A. M. degrcr at the same school
in '8g. She has spent four years abroad, two in Germany
and two in France. She is a teacher of nine years experi
ence, dm ing five of which she has taught the modern lan
guages. She taught at De Pauw last year.
Professor Sherman's assistant will be remembered by all of
the older students as formerly one of the university's bright
est and most active students. Mr. Peterson graduated from
the univeisity with the class of '90, after which he posted for
a short time under Professor Sheiman. Mr. Peterson was
instructor in German and ancient history at the North Illinois
college for a year. He taught in the North Platte high
school last year. Although Mr. Peterson may not have as
much experience as some he is a diligent worker and will be
successful in anything he undertakes.
The department of manual training has at its head Mi.
C. R. Richard", a graduate of Piudiie univeisity, hid ,
where he received the degrees of H. M. H. and M. E. Lasl
year he was at the Agiiculttual College, Foil Collins, Col.
Messrs. Pillsbuiy and Farnsworth canvassed the stale in
the interest of ihe Lincoln Evening News.
Messrs. Loid and Lehmer spent the summer in the wild
and woolly west with n suivcying gang.
Messis. Richmond and Albeis snent the summer hoeinr?
potatoes and feeding hogs on the state farm.
Will Johnson spent the major part of the summer neat
Beatrice, shovelling smoke for a threshing machine.
Messrs. Barr, Kirk, Weldon, Squires, and Morrow spent
.he summer liaveling over the state with the college band of
Y. M. C. A.
Sawyer spent the summer in Indiana woiking for an elec
tric cpr company. The work seemed to be prolific of a fine
black mo'istnrhe,
Mr. Pollaid spent the most of his time organizing repub
lican clubs and attending the meetings of the republican
state central committee.
Our famous -Kid Nick" and Jesse Beecher found em
ployment dining the latter part of the summer in the sugar
factory at Medicine Lodge, Kan. We understand that they
intend to return to school in about a month.
Messrs. R. E. Johnson and Sheldon attended the meeting
of the national republican league at Buffalo, N, Y., ns dele
gates from the university republican club.
Messrs. Butte, Beardsley, and Holmes went to the Block
Hills on a collecting tour for lhe university, xiutt and
Beardsley were lost in Wind Cave with nothing to eat or
drink, but yet September 17 found both of them at the university.