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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1892)
T 11 IS il K H v E u t A N. H it i These hills Are like a huge sponge that absorbs vast qtuntl-, tics of water during the rainy senson, to keep fresh the plants growing in its depressions all ol the year. Do you sec that n-n., ..M. .,.l.r lnwlv nlomr the hillside away there? There arc probably several thousand in that flock or sheep. . ! 1. .. 11.... 1 It at I tendered by a lone shepherd and ms uogs, win. nvc ... ..... in some obscure canon; over there you see another, and yon der still another flick. Here at last is the observatory, weather-beaten and ...,i i it nnt xtrnniFc what a mania some people have for carving their natnes in conspicuous places. He careful as you approach that bluff a few rods away, as you will discover that it drops off abruptly several hundred feet down. Oh, you had not noticed the snow capped peaks before? The one to the north with such a bare, bleak-looking top, is Old llaltly. one of the highest peaks in the southern part of the coast range. What appears to be shrubs in the lower edge of the snow, are large pines. The crevices are huge canons nearly filled with snow. The peak is about forty miles distant you know, and is about 7,000 feet above us, although we are 2.000 feet above the surrounding valley. I he lower moun tain to the left Is Wilson's Peak, where Harvard University may place a monstrous telescope, in the near future. Now turn to the right, and you will sec in the distance the snow capped peaks of San Hcrnardino mountains, and to the east Mount Snn Jacinto, seventy-five miles away, holds Lis hoary head 11,000 feet up in the air. Southwest 'ol us you see the broad expanse of the Pacific sparkling in the sunshine, with Santa Catalina Islands lying like a gem on its bosom. The mi u iwciiiv miles distant and Catalina is thirty miles Irom the shore, yet see how distinctly its jagged outline shows against the clear blue sky. That point of land projecting into the ocean, looking like a huge finger pointing silently at the lone island, has at its extremity the rocky, precipitous bluffs upon which is situated the lighthouse, and near which ic ; ivdro harbor. Use your field glass, and you will see n forest of masts rising from ships that have come from or soon will be off to various foreign ports. A few miles to the south is Long Hcach, one of the many famous summer resorts of the const. At our right, twelve miles distant, lying near n i, rWlrrp. Is what once was the old Mexican El Pueblo dc Los Angeles, (the town of the angels,) its name now much shortened, and its population increased in a far greater reverse ratio. Unlike the unprogressive Mexican Pueblo it formerly was it is now a lively, beau'iful city with a popu lation made up of people from nearly all parts of the globe, rivni- tl- rldee to the right is picturesque, thriving Pasadena, lying at the foot of Wilson's Peak. That large building on the eminence is the far famed Raymond hotel; and in the valley below you see the San Gabriel mission building, from which has gone forth, for over a century, influences that civil ized and softened the nature ol the native tribes in ihc great lerlile valley of the San Gabriel river. Scattered along the foot-hills of the coast range, you can see Alhamba, Morouvia, Azusa, Duarte, Untano, romono, aim many smau towns; ana down the valley that stretches to the ocean, lies Downey, Norfolk, Anaheim, Florence, Compton, and other villages that during boom time aspired to be great cities. From this peak we can count, in all, twenty-eight towns dotting the beautiful valley about us; nnd the buildings of six or seven higher institutions of learning are in sight. Winding through the valley, flows the swift San Gabriel, a gracefully looped ribbon among the golden orange groves, ihc dark green wal nut fields, and the orchards of lemons, figs, apricots, guavas, s ...... r- o.wl imniKiinnnlps Till snnni-(s ft f irrpi-n i-iii-ii. peranum"", """ ....b. ,", , , 7 -- , and of yellow ripening bai'ey, mingled with the dark newly ninwen uiic, -"- " '"uwt Winding for eight miles along the side of the Pronto Hills you will observe the irrigation system upon which your guide spent his first six months in California. In some places a way has been cut for it through cliffs of soft sandstone, rich in marine molluscan remains of former age, end in others it winds tortuously up and down the sides ol a canon. At our ect lies the slty quokcr town named for the aged poet Whitticr, who each jenr sends his namesake a letter that Ir ....i. .1... celebration of his birthday. Whitticr's point of view is only a little inferior to that of ouis. Let us descend to the quiet town and await the falling of the shades of night, when we will nee spring up, as if by magic, in the darkness belcw us, all brightly lighted, the towns we have I.P..11 viewiiiL' from the observatory. A. J. McCl.ATCllIK. a, ii, l, mcetinti of the alumni on the 14th, the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. H. H. Davis, 86; 1st vice-president, J. 0. Suiilh, '88; 2nd vice-president O. V. P. Stout, '88; secretary, T. II. Marsland, '90; treasurer E. K. Tingley, '90; historian, Miss Mary Trcemain', 8i. '88 -Profeasor Caldwell .was chosen to do ivor the annual address in '93, and '82 -Dr. I). H. Davis in '94. '89 T. A. Williams sent in a paper to be rend before the sem. hot. lie is soon to'bcgin work on a monograph on Ninth American Aphicton with Prolessor Weed, of N. II. Me is to take the western lurim while Professor Weed takes the eastern. Dan Hush, '91, attended the republican convention at iinnnii.,iu. After commencement he goes to the demo cratic convention and then back to his work as editor of the Chehallis fa; in the state of Washington. 90--E. H. Holmes left on the 3rd for Philadelphia to attend the wielding of his uncle, Mr. Jesse II. Holmes '84. Heforc returning to his work on the State Jounml he will . make a brief tour of the eastern cities. ..... .. . 1 . 1 itr 1. ..- ..n'l.w 9J T. II. Marstnnu ami a. r. uuu .ut ku,,,k northwest with Mr. Hruncr, '76, this summer. Mr. Marsland will be in Lincoln high school next year, while Mr. Woods will remain in his present position. P. T. levell. formerly ol '02. who has up to the middle of May been in the surveying services of thu H. & M., loft on the 1st for Alask , where Is to be engaged in some min ing oporations. 87 A. H. Higlow was in town Inst week on business connected with the order of Knights of Labor, ol which he is stale lecturer and organizer. Next ear he expects to teach. '8i Professor Fossler will be at work this summer on his Faust lectures for the coming year, besides continuing the work of editing Schcffel's 'Tiompeler von Sakkingcn." 76, It is understood that Professor Howard and wife will spend the summer at Lincoln, and that the professor will oe at worn in tne historical Horary. '91 A. A. Faurol will be in Lincoln for some time this summer studying. Next year he goes to Holdregc as princi ple of the high school. 'oo L. H. S'c.ughton finished his work at Harvard on the 14th and has gone to Harrahoo Wis., 10 commence labor as a Unitarian minister. '89 C. W. Higlow and wife came in for commencement. Mr. Higlow returns to Madison next year, as principle of the school. A. H. S'cphens, special, slopped at Lincoln May 30 to ..:.: i.i r..i 1.. i. . ...... ... viau uiu iiiciiu. ueiure uoinn to ins 01a home - -m. -n., ii n mil