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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1892)
o T1IK II liS !' KK I AN. in the interests of the paper, that has stood by it for twenty years? Another 'thing, never let The Hesperian fall into the management of a man who will 'permit any influence or patronage from without or within prevent him from advocating, the rights of the students indi vidually and collectively. Keep the frat and bar barian lines drawn closely if you value your literary societies. Make it treason for a barbarian to aid a frat enterprise that would destroy you if it had its power. Contribute, more liberally, reading matter for your paper and help swell the subscription list next fall to five hundred. Your paper will never be what it should be, so long as the editors- alone, who are already overloaded with work, must grind out every line of copy that is set up. Let there be a making up in this matter next year and The Hespe kian will deserve the compliment once passed upon it as the best edited paper in the west. With best wishe:, for the success of the paper we bid you a long adieu. Does it pay? Does what pay? This twentyone hours a week that company A has been undergoing, liven the most enthusiastic have become weary of the business during the last week. The commis sioned officers, all of whom are seniors, have riri i at the expense and detriment of everybody else.' umv. u. u.uii were tinauie to finish their required work for graduation until a week after the re-ular time. Many who were on class day programim class committees, were unable to do credit io them .selves or to the university. The last ten days were hurry and worry. Not a few weie denied the privi lege of enjoying but a small part of the commence incut exercise. Hut they may win a prise? Oh ves and again they may not. Supple they do and tin,; the university. Would it not be wise to do a little advertising in Lincoln when friends from all over the state are present to hear the prog.ams -m seetheg.aduates. The only organised , the university was prevented from furni,h,ng music during commencement week because one of its men" Dcrs had to play .-horse" at Omaha under the co mnndof the Ini,itory department. Is it wise l0 n " tise the university at such expense? Jn addition to cutting off three weeks of study for those w " t n this special company it cut off about two mo salary on account of the new suits reouhwl v v.hoPcfi,lhBWkBOflhxi; year, for the sake of commencement week Hum sort of thing does not happen next Ju.le NKW K.'l.l.s AND KKiil'l.AIUiJss roil MKNT NK.Y1 II. No cadet will be burdened with the work of purchas ing his own suit; all that be wjll liave to do is to merely pay lor the suit after it is selected by the lieutenant. III. No cadet shall be allowed to.,wcarsocks of different color or textuie. IV. N" cadet shall wear bin coat-am! cap without his pantaloons. V. Knch cadet that expects promotion must puichase at least three iiniifoimr. per year. VI. Kvery cadet shall carry with him on nil. occasion one box of llneking-nnd two linen collars. VII. Kvery commissioned oflit'er and those aspiring to be s'uch.will be recpiiicd to defend al! new rules aiid'iegul.v lions that may be published. VIII. Article XII, section I, of the amendments to the constitution of the United States, shall be amended to read as follows: Neither slavery nor iitvo'ttmhti y servitmi,' shall exist within the jurisdiction of the United Slates except as a punishment for entering the University of Nebraska, whereof the paity shall have beei dulv covictcd. "IK MIMiAliv i,UT I-All. Tim Two Ddllan TitinploH. WKITIKN 1 OK TIIK lir.l.lAN JUNK l'KOCKAM. In ancient days, some, yeais ago. When Xerxes was quitu young, And in bib faint Adagio, . ' . His favorite love songs sung; When Alexander drank the health Of many a Persian lass; When Chumis on his golden throne, Drained many a flowing "glass; There stood upon a little-isle, A temple quite alone. The wisdom of its oracles, I'ar o'er the wide world 'shone. Whence came this little islaudt 1'eil.aps 'tis well to know, The stories of that good old time Say it came about just so. There was tumble "rnong the ancient gods Just what, no one doth know. Itot 'tis safe to wager heavy odds - I hey had a jolly row. Quoth Neptune, "We must have more rtfom 'The people do demand it. ' ' " "Ve other gods, do what ye will, "I hereby do command it." And then he swung his trident out l'ar o'er the watery main. The other gods stood round about, " And guyed the good old man. "1 say Old Nop. what do you mean?" ' ( ''What are you doing there?" cream?"' "Arc you skimming the waves to get some "Are you trying to pile up the air?" "Are you fishing for suckers up toward the moon?" "Are you trying to harpoon the stars?" 'O come Uncle Nep crawl down from the perch", "Come off and set up the cigars." Hut Hoptune made a face quite wry. And M,ji ..X,w ,i,m.t ,u looney," And then he winked the other eye, And whistled "Annie Rooucy." And still he stretihed the trident forth -n ' "as l,(ll't;ht but air and water. NNIust! the other gods all lied -1 hey vanished like hot butter. T4 Sole A rent for KVRZ & ALLISON'S Publications t'or 11 1. f i-'im Ji 11 iinr.i nl. JJJJWJJJSWJWRj