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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1892)
TU E II ESI' EH I A N. " The celebrated P. & P. kid gloves will not rip at ;Her ,polslicimer & Co. Pest fitting and most satisfactory gloves Trihde. Fine mi lincry with which to bedeck your charming sell in the greatest variety at Hcrpolshcimcr & Co.'s, Lincoln. At 1 14 South Eleventh street is Don's Cafe. Call and get the inner man refreshed. Don Cameron, Proprietor. Call at Francis Hrothciv.' chop house, open day and night. 1324 O stiect. Dr. C. E. Spahr, 1215 O Street, eye, car, nose, and throat E. S. King, spectacles and colored glasses. 1300 O street. E. S. King, repairing neat, prompt, and cheap. 1300 O st. Dr. Giffen. Office, nth and N Sis.; residence, 1504 S. The proper spring styles at Ewiug's. DIRECT POINTERS. Saver & Sawyer, stationery. .Cadet suits, gloves and caps at Ewiug's. ,Call on Ewing for cadet gloves and caps. ,CaIct caps and suits a specialty at Ewings. GetAour fine stationery of Saycr & Sawyer at the Hespe rian Office. tit ,. , Pc,ns, ink, paper, envelopes, pencils and erasers at the Hesperian Office. The finest students' suits in the city at Ewing & Co., 1115-17 O street. Good goods, low prices. .AVantkd Secondhand books bought, sold, and ex haijgcd. Law books a specialty. Lincoln hook Exchange, 119 North Twelfth street. New set of "Library of American Literature", by Sled man, 10 volumes, half morocco, $40.00; regular price $50.00. A. A. Scott at Fitst National Bank. Seconc -hand univeisity text books wanted, for sale, and o exchange. A large supply of miscellaneous books and sta tionary on hand. 1 mcoln Hook Exchange 119 X. xzth st. , . Students We give wages of from $2,50 to $5.00. We A-ant two good agents from your college to canvass during fie vacation. Address, Current History, Detroit, Mich. "(4 1 Your Service ' Fine Trade Only W, R: Dennis & Co. SHOULD BE YOUR , 1 Hatters and Furnishers All the Latest Styles and Best Qualities 1137 O STKUET. NEW "COURIER" IsTErWS DEPOT H34 N STREET All the latest and most popular magazines, art and ashion journals, novels, etc. Finest Line of Correspondence Papers n the city, and a general line of fine stationery. We are leaders, and the only house in Lincoln that makes a , specialty of . Wedding Invitations' and all kinds of society woik, either printed or engjaved. Lamples of our work speak for themselves. Pi ices right.; 1 Wessel-Stevens Printing Co, ; 113 N STREh T COURIER OFFICE, Huffman & Co. TAjL'bftS .10.39.O St. fPQIIWWf Ve' do rrt offer special prices to students but w guarantee our prices to be lower than tins.e who do. We have a large stock of Under wear, Hosiery, Gloves, etc, for Ladies a'd, , gentlemen which we invite you to inspect. i - WHIM ttirr&fi wr ALSO DELICIOUS ICE CREAM, FINEST CANDIES, rOPULAR PRICES. All kinds oj Fancy CMna For Rent. Ice Cream Parlors Now Open. Best Soda Water. u , , . sob SOUTHELEENTII : : TEL. 68 1 . Send to Herpolsjjeimcr & Co., Depart ment Stores, Lincoln, for Dress Goods and Trimmings. Greatest r V; M 4- M