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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1892)
THE HESPERI A N. 1 is always ready Tor fun, thouj-h she never neglects her books. She will probably continue her study at some other school. Captain Maghce of company C is the interesting title of a young gentleman who, because of his connection with the the meteorological station or weather bureau, has obtained a wide reputation Tor non-veracity. For tins reason wc commend him as circulating editor of any newspaper, and feel confident that he would have scored a success. Morg. is popular.quict, obliging and has a general ejes straight-to-thc front air, which marks hhn at once as being a conscientious and hard-working student. Lydia Million, another classical girl, is well known in society circles. She is fond of athletic sports and a most earnest student. She also possesses considerable musical talent. I Icr future is unknown but suffice it to say that it will be -as bright as the brightest. J. Ttoyd McDonald -continues Jus work as clerk in the governor's office, but intends to take up the study ol law ultimately. He is prone, however, to become ananglomaniac; he estimates values by the pound. We predict for him, however, a bright future. II. "E. Nelson is one of the sweetest men in the class. He lias given his attention particularly to the chemistry of beet sugar and sugar beets, and expects to identify himself with fliis growing industry. Mr. Walter 11. Tillsbury entered the -state university two years ago. Previous to that lime be attended the university of Iowa. Whtfe here, lie has Income noted for two things. His faithfulness as a -student, and his hashftflncss while girls arc present. To the former his professors pnd class mates will testify. To the latter a ready second can be obtained from tiie two girls whom he walked twenty-four miles to sec, and then was afraid to speak to them. If is understood that Mr. rilisbury intend to study (or a profession. Whatever his Intentions may be at present, it is -prophesied he will he come famous for all time, that our children and our children's children will call liis name blessed, from the fact of the prom inent position he took in favor of woman's suffrage after graduation. "AJtytle. insignificant looking lad, fresh from his mother's apro!)striii, with tlieluiy seed still in "his hair, entered the university building six years ago. ile passed the examina tions anllMfecamc i full fledged prep. O, ye (Jod,! What a mighty oak will devclepe from the. small acorn! The then little lad win. no other tnnii our. sirnng, manly, brilliant and ambitious -Chester. . Mr- J'ortei field has grown so large that the university will no linger contain him. He cxpcl& to go out on our broad prairies and survey there to his Jieirt' content. While with us he lias made 'for himself two'names. He is called one of the "triplets" and the "funny man "of the university.' We wish Lim .success, uiuj feel that the world will be better for his luring lived in it. Miss Louise Pound, n favorite in society and the class room, is the next to engage our attention.' She "has been thought by many to be cold-hearted This is due, perhaps, to the fact that ninny have not become well acquainted with her. She has many admirable traits of character and will be successful in anj thing she undertakes. ' George. LawrejjiccSheldoj-. flic all-iound Jipan, is one ofj the most original and striking figures in the class. He is popular w.tlnth4 buy, and with die gulef He ride a wheel. He has been known to tpke a headei. lie has a solid girl, or will have if i The Hon. Chas. M. Skilcs, ladies and gentleman A mm of infinite wit, an orator, athlete and journalist. A man of strong anti soldier and anti-rum proclivities; all muds, mind and morals. Shows a strong affinity for feminine beauty. As to his future he will probably teach a while, study law, and when hi can't do anything else -g -t mr ricd. Lura Stockton is one of the fc.v girls who hivj b'iti w lb the class since prepdom. The fact that she has ovcrco nc with distinction '.ie obstacles which have appeared in hr six years' course is sufficient guarantee that she will succeed in whatever :.hc undertakes. The leaching profesion wel comes her the coming year. Her friends do not prophecy that will become an old maid. W. L. Stockton possesses unusual energy and p?r rv -r-ancc, as is evidenced by his work in and out of the u.ii -r-sity. He is at present connected with the Lincoln clctrual street railway company as clcctiiciau, which positio.i lu w.ll probally continue to fill for some time. ' is noted for his bashfulncss, timidity and chronic fear of femininity. Miss Josephine Trceman, the last girl on the list, deserves the highest compliment for her work and Hie. To see hei is to like her, to become aqnainfd with her is to love her. It is not to-j much to say that she is a universal favoiite A musician, a scholar, she has few equals in society 01 the class room. She is fitting herself for a teachet and we pred-.ct foi her unbounded success. 1 E. Troycr is noted particularly lor his punctuality in attendance at Chappell exercises, lie will travel th:s sum mer in the interests of the Y. M. C. A. and will ulti...ateU become a lorcign missionary. People also think that he wd get married. J. H. White has made. a record as a sliulent an 1 athlete that the first preps may well envy. His athletic training j especially fits him to pursue hs chosen profession the la. Jake docs not expect to get married. nig Dapper ile jn Omaha he re Thomas Frederick Arthur Williams, is noted for hi beauty, intelligence, oratory, and proneness to perpetrat puns. Recognizing his peculiar political qualifications, he ha decided to enter the petty-fogging profession, and will piob ably study law in Omaha next year. Wc predict for hid fame, fortune, and the presidency of the United States, whei the prohibitionists get strong enough to rule the roost. Th worst that can be saidof him is that he 1uut, a slio.., u.. dency to return to heathen i religion : he worships at th shrine of Minerva. , Daniel Worth, gentlemen, is renlv the only man of won in the dass. that is, judged from the standpoint of Would JJaniel never allowed his college spirit to interfere wit his study of the law while in school, lie is even no. a r s,n jurist and will make his mark as a lawyer. 'atCS Will SUIVJV ill tilt Uofci- mniiiil.n.iv .!..., "" -.!,. Ilttlll the coming-year. -'Hifc-lhorough training and practical expo icnce commends linn Jo those who arc seeking co.npjten engineers. As soon as he surveys a new lailroad ftuin L n coin to Alaska he will get married and settle in Lincoln. ''Students can Jeain how to make the entire, year's collcgJ expense during vacation, by addressing Undkru.juIi Underwood, Ottawa, Kas. For gradual ing goods Herpolshe mer '& Co. show 'thi most complpte line of silks, wool goods and triininincs al even- pric . " 1 Send to Hcrpolsheimcr & Co. Lincoln for, .fine illustrate catalogue. 1'nces; the'lcweSt. Exnress nnid to uv nrt rl ' 11IM I I IIMIII1III lllf '