SSlUbUd 8 T H E II E S P E K1AN SSSfiSSSI only their team here and could in no wny overcome the cft'ec of Ihnl kind or notion. Many indent supporters of Kansas university would wither hnvc seen the name lost than won as it vKis,t,-Aa7tireuee Journal, I.ocnl Fluid NotoH. On Saturday, the 21st, the following records were made in the gymnasium. Some of these records are poor while othcis are good. It was necessary to hold the sports indoors on account of rain, and not all the contestants were present which account? for the poor showing in several casts: High kick Lcnhoff, 7 ft. 5 in.; Nelson, 7 ft. 3 in. Standing high kick Thomas, 7 ft.; While, 7 ft. Standing broad jump Thomas, 9 ft. 8 in.; While, 9 ft. Standing jump with weights Thomas, 10 ft. oxt in.; Chandler, 10 ft. 7 in. Putting shot Flippin, 35 ft. 3 in.; White, 30 ft. 5 in. Vault Chandler, 6 ft. 2 in ; Pizcv, 5 ft. ti in. Standing hop, step and jump Thomas, 27 ft. 2 in.; Chandler, 26 ft. 2 in. Running hop, step and jump Gcrrard, 36 ft. 2j in. Thomas, 35 ft. )$ in Running broad jump Gcrrard, 16 ft. ij in.: Chandler, 15 ft. 8 in. On Tuesday afternoon the most important events were held. The races were especially good. The events and re suits were as follows: Kicking of foot ball White, 1G1; Nusz, 156; Porter field, 3. One hundred yards dash In the start Colson got a foil foot lend. He was on the outside and the runners were cau tioned to keep their positions of starling, but Colsnn made fer the center, blocking Gcrrard and TefTt. Hut this had no real effect on the- outcome because the two men who were equally blocked look first and second places: TefTt, 1; Gcrrard, 2; lunch, 3; Colson, 4; Shafer, 5; Talbot, 6; time, 10 2-5. Three legged race, 100 yards The harness of Lyons and McMullcn broke when the men weie about even: Lyons.... McMullcn f2' Mile run Drown dropped out at the thirc-fourlhs mile pole. Sawyer made a fine spurt of 200 yards: Sawyer, 1 Philpot, 2. Light weight wrestle Johnson got first fall over Doomc in seven minutes, but in the second louud after fifteen niin ties of hard work, no fall was made: Johnson, 1; Hoomer, 2. Race, 440 yards Lyons, 1; lime, SdH Dowman, Portei field, 3; Shafer, 4; Putnam, 5; Guild, 6. Safety bicycle race The track was in a miserable condi tion so that withuul a pucimmlic the one had but poor chnnccs of success: Weeks, 1; time, yi minutes; E. West erman, 2; Dcardsley, 3; E. Diown, 4; Sheldon, 5. Dash ot 220 yards Tefft, 1; lime, 25; Gcrrard, 2; White, 3. Hurdle race Flippin, 1; lime, 17; Gund, 2; Porter field, 3; Philpolt, 4; Talbot, 5; Bowman, 6; Morilz, 7. Half mile urn Snwyer, 1; lime, i2 Philpolt, 2; Put nam, 3. Half mile wall: All the contestants moved their feet like a 1 miner, but the finish was made in this order: Johnson, 1; Dowman, 2; Eager, 3. rtohl Day ltccortls. Dash, 100 yards Gerrard, 1; lime, ioj sec; Tefft, 2. Dash, 220 yards Tefft,! time, 23 sec; Gcrrard, 2. Dash, 440 yards Lyons, t; time, 56 sec; Dowman. 2. Dash, 880 yards-Sawyer, 1; time, 2:17; Philpolt, 2. One mile run Sawyer, 1; time, 5:26; Philpolt, 2. Hurdle, 120 yards Flippin, t? lime, U)tf Pal ton, 2. Half.mile ordinary Drown, I; time, 1:53; Dcardsley, 2. Half mile safety Weeks, 1; Weslermnn, 2. Half mile walk -Hownian, i; time, 3:49. Johnson, 2. Standing high jump Thomas, t; 4 It. 6 in.;)White, 2. Running high jump -Thomns, 1; 5 fi. 2 in.; Patlon, 2. Running broad jump -Chandler, 1; 18 ft. 5 in.; Dames, 2. Standing jump with weights While, 1; 10 ft. u in.; Williams, 2. Standing hop, step and jump-Patton, 1. Running hop, step and jump Williams, t. 39 ft. in.; Chandler, 2. High kick -Lcnhitff, 1; 7 ft. 6 in. Heavy weight wrestle Flippcn, 1; Sinclair, 2. Light weight wrestle Johnston, i -Boomer, 2. Shot put Flippcn, 1; 41 ft. 4 in. 'H White, 2. Hummer tLrow Zugg, 1; 78 ft.; Flippin, 2. Foot ball kick Dungan, 1; White, 2. Dall throw Dames, 1; 379 ft. 2 in.; While, 2. Three legged race-Gund, 1; Ililtucr, 2. Relay race U. of N., 1; Donne, 2. Tiig of war Doanc, 1; U. of N., 2. Vault Chandler, 1, 5:10; Leavitt, 2. Total. U. of N., twenty-one first prizes, and seventeen, second prizes. Tlio Story of tho KpoululH. Only specials with n weight of woe, That none but specials cnu ever know, 'Tis n sorrowful tnle, I must tell to you, It will not mailer much if it isn't all true. A long time ago, in the uni's green youth, Before it had e'en cut ils fust wisdom t-mlh, Two Eds (not co eds) with lips drawn and paled, Fiist felt the dread force oftiial awful word failed. The eot'ds east on them most pitiful glances, Ami two papns at home cut down cash advances; Dul the regents declared, with a great show of prudence, 'Thai the lads must remain and be special students." The two bravely met their hard cruel fnte, And solaced themselves by scratching the slate. They were granted two rights not given to all To skip class when they wished, and to talk in the hall. I will not recount tin whole evolution, For fear of a course of quick execution: Dili it was those two boys that bequeath us such woes, And I think it but right, a few here to expose. The faculty never has bought us a yell, (A Cynic lemaiks ihet perhaps its as well,) The steward hasn't time to compose us a song, We could sing it at'sight if the metre wasn't Jong. We belong to no class. have r.o peaceful class meetings Where Gentile and Jew cxehnngc such fiien'dly greetings We have no Latin yell; still that docs not bore us, For we're permitted to join in the "U. N. I." chorus. The seniois look on us with top-lofty pride, For we'll get no sheen's skin with blue ribbon tied. All the icst except those in whose classes we are, O pine that our knowledge won't reach very far. The profs all deplore our condition so sad, Yet declare that we've been the best students they've hod l'or they know that no special e'er fail to pass, And though 'tis our right, we never skip, class. The regents have hopes of improving the rest, By conforming their rights to those we've possessed; tor all will be specials, deny it who can, When the University the Michigan plan. -X