The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, June 01, 1892, Page 7, Image 8
t he HESPERIAN. four was .called on account of 'damp weather. 'I'll c umpire gave good satisfaction., ,.Scprc by innings:. ... .,.,.., Haker ., o ii o 3 4 Nebraska , . o o '2 24 Enrnqfl runs linker, 3; Nebraska, 2. Stolen hastis Hecks, Tob'mcy, Rice, Stioman, llarncs, Dowling. ' I.cft on bases Haker, 15 Nebraska, 5. . , liases .on balls Off Wasser, t. Struck out Hy Wasser, 1; by Barnes, 7. Wild pitch Wasser, 1. Hit by pitched ball lladley, Barnes, Marlny, Page. Passed balls Wright, 2. . Time of game 1:25. Umpire -Lambert. SKCONl) CAMK. The team left Kansas City for Lawrence Saturday even ing. Rather, six of them did. The other six looked at play things in the show windows too long and missed the train, but arrived Sunday morning. Sunday was spent in attend ing divine service and resting, principally the lattci. Mon day the boys were shown through the university buildings and over the town by the college boys, who are a fine set of fellows. Our club indulged in two hours' practice and were in good shape for the game. At 3 o'clock the clubs took their places on the field with about 500 spectators in the amphitheater, and play commenced. The game in detail as given by the scorer is as folio. vs: The first ball pitched was knocked on the ground to Pace- who fielded it to Smith. Smith was run into by the runner and dropped the ball. The second batter knocked' the ball to right field for one base and the next batter went out to Stroman by any easy fly. The ball was again knocked sailing out to right field, scoring one run and advancing an other man to thiui, while the batter was safe at fust and stole second. Uarncs fanned the next man. The ball was hit over Smith's head to right field and two more runs for Kansas university was the result. A moment later the lourth score was made as the result of a two bagger to right field. Hamcs broke the monotony of base hits by fanning the next batter. This inning had given Kansas university four runs ol which three .were earned. For Nebraska, Stroman got his base on balls. Holmes made first on a grounder forcing Stroman out at second. Holmes stole second, but was caught off the base a moment later. Hadlcy got first on balls' add Hamcs flew out to center field. In the second inn ing Kansas univcisily was retired by a grounder to Smith, a fly to Chandler in left field and one of Meald's phenomenal running fly catches. Dowling got first base on balls, Pace fanned, Dowling stole second and third and Smith, being hit, was given fiist base. Smith was foiccd out at second by Ileald's grounder and Ilcald was retired in attempting to steal second. In the third inning Kansas university made a single and the runner stole second. Haines now warmed up and fanned the next three men. For Nebiaska Chandler fanned and Stroman and Holmes went out on easy grounders. Fourth 'uning First man for Kansas univcisily fanned. Hamcs gave the next man a base on balls and catching an easy fly fiom the next batter slopped on first, making a dqubjc play. Nebraska did nothing in their half. Fifth inning Kansas university was retired by a fan-out, a grounder to firsi and a throw to second by Holmes when n runner attempted to steal thai base. Our boys now used the stick with better results. Heald got a base on balls and Chandler knoocked a grounder to third and beat it out Iq first. Stroman sacrificed advancing Heald and ' Chandler, who came in a moment later on a clean two-bagger by Holmes. Hadlcy relieved the anxiety of Krinsis university by fanning. Sixth inning The Kansas boys could not rcacli first. Hamcs reached first on an error and stole second! Dowling got first in the same manner as did Haines. Pace made a well placed sacrifice scoring Damps and advancing Dowling to third. Smith hit a grounder to the third base man who tried to cut Dowling off at the home plate but' fnilcd, and Smith reached first. Henld went out on n grounder. Chandler made a hit but Stroman fanned, retir ing the side. In the seventh and eighth neither side was able to score. Nor were our boys in their half of the ninth. Hut things wore now getting desperate, and 500 voices screamed and screeched the K. S. U. yell "Rock chalk, Jay Hawk, Kansas university." This may explain, to some ex tent the cause of the errors in the ninth inning which allowed the winning score to be made, which was done in this man ner: Stroman fumbled n grounder. The next man .drove the ball to Iclt field. Chandler threw the ball to Heald who threw wild to first. The runner attempted to score but Smith got the ball in time to throw him out. WP.h a man on third the ball was knocked to Smith who fell down in attempting to field it, allowing the winning run to, be made. Score by innings: Nebraska . .0 o o o 2 2 o o o 4 Kansas 4 0000000 o 5 Earned runs K. S. U., 3; N. S. U., 3. Two-base hits Simmons and Holmes. . Sacrifice hits Pace, Heald, Stroman. Double plays Hamcs, unassisted. First base on balls Kinzic, 6; Hamcs, 1. llitjby pitcher Smith. Struck out Kinzic, 9. Harncs, 13. Passed balls Kclsey. Left on bases K. S. U., 4; N. S. U., 5. 'nKWSI'AVKR CI.ll'PINC.S. The battery work of Harncs and Holmes was a little more finished than thai of the Hakct club. Kanstcs City Journal. Harncs led both teams in batting. Kansas City Journal x The Ncbraskans created a sensation by batting out 'two runs and taking the lead. Kansas City Journal. Little Pace, the shortstop of the Nebraska team, put up a very sharp practice game, but had no opportunity to distin guish himself in the real contest. Kansas City Times'. Roth the Nebraska and Haker teams are composed of ath letic looking men, the Ncbra3k.ins being the stockier of the two. A'ansas City Titit's. "L'ttlc boy Harncs" put some extra whiskers on the ball. Lawrence Journal, , The Nebraska team is composed of a gentlemanly set of college boys, and Lawrence people are more than pleased with them as ball players and representatives of the Ne braska State university. Lawrence Index. Nebraska's pitcher received applause several times after he had got warmed up. Lawrence Journal. Harncs' double play and Ileald's fly catch were the two features of the game. Lawrence Journal. The Nebraska boys are gentlemen in every respect and put up a gentleman's game of ball.- Lawrence Journal, 'Hall playing didnot win the game. MHnd the Kansas boys kept still during the last half of the ninth inning the game would have gone to Nebraska. "They made so much noise that the visitors could not hear Iheir captain's voice, and errors lesulted that would not have1 occui'red otherwise. ' . 'It was ndt exactly giving, "blit'it was a mean's 'of winning that was hardly fair to the Nebraska boys. The latter had Ht-'i7jflBjBL 4tn9UB9H