The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, June 01, 1892, Page 5, Image 6

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no visiting the Unitcc States for the first time, is that hook
making ami hook-selling is a far more important branch of
husineas in America than at home. The hook-stores are laid
out on a coliassal plan. One funis in them specimens of the
highest pitch of perfection as well as of the lowest stage of
degradation, in the art and mystery of making hooks."
Assorted Weather.
First it is slippery.
Then it is sloppery
Now you melt,
And then you freeze,
Now vou cough,
And then you sneeze:
Watch the ineieury,
Hop and skip.
It's not strange.
We have the grip. Ex.
Hillsdale iccetvcd $ 1,000 as a donation from Hon. E.
X.. Koon.
The Harvard and Columbia Ficshman teams have
arranged for a boat race. Yale may enter if she wishes.
The faculty of Lclaud Slanfoid Jr. University has
demanded the resignation of the editoisofthe Palo Alto. Ex.
The JMOereiico.
The plumber and the poet work
In very different ways;
For while the lormcr lays his pipes,
The latter pipes his lays. lilenor.
Thcic seems to be a movement on foot to have a cade
encampment next k,car. Cadets fiom all over the United
States aie expected to be present.
Many of our exchanges have taken on a political turn.
The silver qucston is the question of greatest interest. We"
arc glad to sec so many in favor of free silver.
professors are said to have received offers from the same
institution. We sympathize with them.
The spring theatricals of the Hasty Pudding club con
sisted of an opera in three acts, the words and music of which
were both original. The club gave four performances in
New York, then in ltoston and then at the club-house in
Cambridge. Harvard Monthly.
In the Ariel of the University of Minnesota, Otto K. Folin
treats the fraternity question in as (air and jast a manner as
we have yet seen. Most Harb's get red-headed and fly off
the handle. However. Otto Folin keeps his head clear and
treats the subject with great reason and good sense.
The Vassar Miscellany considers the Harvard Monthly
as its best exchange. It is one of the best. Yet the Vassar
Miscellany ranks quite as high with it. The only difference
is that it docs not come quite so often. The literary column
is especially good, while the editorials outrank all olhers.
At the ball game, O my darling.
Think not bitterly of me.
If I. shouted at the umpire,
Something that begins with Y).4lrunonian.
Carlton college, Northfield, Minn., takes great interest
pi athletics. They have seventeen tenuis courts on the cam
pus. The freshman clr ss have lately erected a grand stand
with a seating c.-q "Mly of 150. The girls made the awning
for the same. This is the way we like to see things nvvc
along. I. seems like America.
The following is from the Hillsdale college Herald.
Class-spirit is all right, if not rude and out of place. To
hang burlesque cartoons in the chapel to exite mirth, should
not lie seriously condeinmed. Hut, when the line between
r.ruumeiii and coarseness is not properly recognized and
regarded, and unseemiiigly outbursts occur during religious
exercises like that of "marking time" for an incoming fresh
man, the "joke is up and the jig is on."
It seems that Hillsdale can stir up a little excitement r
Poets, like maple trees.
When the spring first moves,
Have on top, a kind of sap,
Itoiling down impiovcs.
Felix, in Oberlin A'eview
At a recent meeting of the faculty, the following resolution
was adopted: Any student making a term niaik of So per
cent, shall be exempted fiom term examuatioue
ware college Review.
The Midland criticised a recent number of Tin; II kspk
KIAN for tirade upon aceitain college. 'Wc own that we
were a little rank, but wc weic all woikcd up, ami we hav
not got the patience of Job.
The lienia has the oration delivered by one of its editors,
Miss Nelson, which took first prize in the interstate contest.
It also has a short ozcounl of the icceptiou tcndeied her upon
her return. The llema may, well be pioud of its lady orator
Misticss "Did you light the oil stove?"
Hridget "It went out Ma'am."
Mistress "Well, light it again,"
Hridget "Can't, ma'am, it went out through the ioof,'
A man had a very bald head,
Which expose! him to all sous of weathers;
"I want an egg shampoo" he said,
'If I cannot grow hair I'll grow feathers."
The University of Wisconsin is considerably stirred up
over the report that President E. C. Chambcrlin is going to
leave them. He has received an offe- of head professorship
well as the rest of the western collogcs.
Now, N.-lbe is a Vassar gill,
They use the Roman style in reading
I kind of ihoudil when she read duces.
Her rougMi eyes look sort of pleading.
And now 1 guess lell meant it, too.
y For Well she didn't see to intss 'e 11,
l)M said: "why, Joe! how did you kiuy
'Oer motto was Juliet ficissw.Er.
A few Chicago university notes will always be relished.
Richard G. Moultoii, of Cambridge, Eng., fithcr of the uni
versity extension, and the gieat Shakespearian scholar is a
late addition. An elective house to cost $2j,o,ooo has been
piomised. The chemical laboratory will be Che largest and
best equipped in the country. Professor Remsv.ii, or Tonus
Hopkins fills the chair in chemis ry. Professor Palmer, of
Ilaivard, will be professor of philosophy with a salary of
$7,000. Miss Freeman, ex president or Welle ley, will fill
the position of dean of the woman's college. Professor II.
E. vou Hoist, of Friedburg, has accepted a call at a salary
ol $7,000. Ninety four of the one hundred teachers will be
Americans. The students seeking admission are so numerous
hat the plans for dormortories and oilier tiuiiuing-. mu -
aenlarged. Our exchanges havr many similar notes,
b s .a but a lev of in toy.
Mr. P. A. Rydberg on the 27th for the Hlaok Hills
where he will spend the summer in collecting botanical spec
nntis. Mr. Rvdbcrir has a commission from the United
Slates department of agriculture as agent in the Hlack Hill s
He also has a comnmsion Horn tne uimcimy.
He takes
n geology, from the University of Chicago. Several othe Mr. Wagner aB his aslstant.