The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, June 01, 1892, Page 11, Image 12
I'll E 11 ESPEK1 A N. 11 HESPERIAN COMMENCEMENT NUMBER. Order your exlra copies now. The Commence ment number of The Hesperian will be worth pro serving. Among other interesting features will be a short biography of the senior class. Rejected manuscrips of different authors during, the year. Managing editor's valedictory. A few good wood-cuts and a full account ofcommencj ment week. All your friends will want n copy of this number. W. R. Dennis & Co. SHOULD BE YOUR Hatters and Furnishers All the Latest Styles and Best Qualities 1137 O STIR HUT. NEW "COURIER" NETWS DEPOT 1 134 N sTur.r.r All llic latest and most popular magazines, art and ashion journals, novels, etc. Finest Line of Correspondence Papers n the aily. and a general line of fine stationery. We arc leaders, and the oily house in Lincoln that makes a specialty ol Wedding Invitations and all kinds of society work, either printed or cngiaved. Lamples of our work speak for themsolves. Piiccs right. Wessel-Stevens Printing Co. COURIER OFFICE, 1134 N STREET ($tmfch Pmdcdi MAKERS OF ALSO DELICIOUS ICE CREAM, FINEST CANDES, POrULAR CIRCES. All Mints oj Fancy China For Rent. Tee Cream Tai'lors jVi'w Open. Best Soda Water. sob SOUTH ELEVENTH : : U'EL. 6Si We do not offer special prices to students but weJ guarantee our prices to be lower than those who do. We have a large stock of Under wear, Hosiery, Gloves, etc, for Ladies and Gentlemen which we invite you to inspect. MILLER & PAINE. 133-139 SOUTK HTH STREET- Send to Heki'olsiieimcr & Co .Depart ment Stores, Linooln, for Dress Goods and Trimmings. Greatest Assortment in the West. Prices itlhs Lowest. jCTaaBffwa;i bi'j v w