The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, June 01, 1892, Page 10, Image 11
imi 'ij&'i.Mtfiii?iM.iuunilir..;.'.ij. 10 THE HESPERIAN. 1 Despite the serious illness ol the tenor, Signor Cnnip.nuini, and the basso, Mr. Holmes, the .May Musical Festival was a grand success, artistically and financially. The manage ment appreciate the university faculty and the students, and only regret that so few of the singers of the university avail themselves of this opportunity fot musical culture by joining the clioius. A very cordial and pressing invitation is extended to all singers. There is much interest shown now in the proposition for the establishment ol a dental school at the university. The regent? will be petitioned to lay the matter before the next legislature. This is something that would be done nt a slight expense, as me M.mnn wuiwu soon uc aunosi sen supporting lrom the fees paid by its students. This would certainly be a step in the right direction. Ai the Palladian election held on the 25th, the following officers were elected for next tcrni: President, Mr. E. M Pollard; vice-president, Miss Etta Grey; recording secretary, Mass Lewis; corresponding secretary, Mr. Strode; music sec. retary, Mr. Carl Tucker; tieasurer, Mr. Fisher; historian, Miss Grinstead; scrgeaut-al arms, Mr. Welden. At the meeting of the university debating cl ab held last Saturday evening, the lollowing officers were elected for nex fall: President, Mr. Stroman; vice-president, Mr. Guilmette; secretary, Miss Yesta Grey; treasurer, Mr. Habcock; histor an, Miss Ducker; sergeant-at-arms, Messrs. Eager and Ouaintancc. ' The second year class is making an heroic attempt to do what no other class has yet accomplished complete solid geometry. The prospects arc very favorable for their getting the first prize in this contest against Hro. Chauvcnct. Professor Geo. Hitchcock has resigned his position it Highland college, Kansas, to accept a far more lucrative piofessorship of physics and chemist: y at the Oicgon State Agricultural College. In our last issue wc stated that Miss Lindon had been made an honorary member of the l.attalion. We have since learned that this is not true. We wish lo make Ihe corrcc lion. At our local field day exeicises, out of twenty-five events the sophomores won fourteen first prizes. What is the mailer with the sophomores Professors Hussey, and Wightman were the only profess ors who found lime lo encourage Ihe athletes at Cushman Paik on field day. Miss Hardin entertained about ten couples of her Iriends on ihe evening of ihe26ili Dancing sras the aimibeinciit oi the evening. The summer school has an ejiiollment ol over one hun dred btudenis. It will commence Immediately after com meucemeiit. Dr. Kiikus has taken as a theme lor hib baecaluuitUto address, "Scholarship, a Uuidenouhe LorJ." The cadets gained much praise for the manner in which lhey maiched in the parade on the 261I1. The sophmore class in Gieuk wjJJ wxrk up themes in Uiu place of a final examination. Mr. Tjoyex was unable to attend school week before Jnst on account of sickness. Mr. Polhud's father attended Ihe anniversary in ihe city on ihe 26th. Mr. Watkins addressed the tariff class on Ihe 31st. Spring fever is now raging as badly as ever.- Students can Itam how to make the entire year's college expenses: during vacation, by addressing Unokku'ooii & U.'m:uvool, Ottawa, Kas. For graduating goods Hcrpolshc'mcr & Co. show the most complete line of silks, wool goods and trimmings at every pnc:. Send to Hcrpolshcimcr & Co. Lincoln for fine illustrated catalogue. Prices, the lewest. Express paid to any part of the state. The celebrated P. & P. kid gloves will not rip at Her- polshcimer & Co. llest fitting and most satisfactory gloves Fine miilincry with which to bedeck your charming sell in the greatest variety at Hcrpolshcimcr & Co.'s, Lincoln. At 1 14 South Eleventh street is Don's Cafe. Call and get the inner man refreshed. Don Cameron, Proprietor. Call at Francis Hrothcr.. chop house, open day and night. 1324 O street. Dr. C. E. Spahr, 1213 O Sticet, eye, car, nose, and throa E. S. King, spectacles and colored glasses. 1300 O Mrecl. E. S. King, repairing neat, prompt, and cheap. 1300 U it. Dr. Giffen. Office, nth and N Sis.; residence, 1504 S. E. S. King, watches, clocks, jewelry. 1300 O street. Purchase your spring suits at Swing's. The pioper spring styles al Ewing's. DIRECT POINTERS. Sayer & Sawyer, stationery. Cadet suits, gloves and caps al Ewing's. Call on Ewing for cade't'gloves and caps. Cadet caps and suits a specially at Ewings. Get your fine stationer)- of Sayer & Sawyer at the Hespe rian Office. Pens, ink, paper, cn'-clopes, pencils and erasers at the Hesperian Office. The finest students' suits in ihe city at Ewing & Co., 1 1 15-17 O slrcel. Good goods, low prices. Wanted Second-hand books bought, sold, and cx hanged. Law books a specialty. Lincoln Hook Exchange, 1 19 North Twelfth street. New set of "Library of American Literature", by Sled man, 10 volumes, half moiocco, $40.00; regular pnee $50.00. A. A. Scott at First National Dank. Seconc -hand university text books wanted, for sale, and m exchange. A laige supply of miscellaneous books aud la- lionary on hand. Lincoln Uook Lxcnange " -i- " i- SxuuiiNTS We give wages of from $2.50105.5.00. Wc want two good agents from your college lo canvass during lhc vacation. AddrebS, Current History, Detroit, Mich. At Your Service Fiiic Trade Only Huffman & Co. TAILORS 1039 O St.