The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, June 01, 1892, Page 9, Image 10
TUB IIKSI'EKIAN. 1) Ne'er again will there be sucli well managed can rushes, Nor Much very sedate, such ploasan' class fusses, Ami then every student will buin to fed, A part of the sorrow I have tried to reveal. Seen ami unseen silver anniversary. Country girl, ns the cntlets marched down Eleventh street: "Aint them purly." A pitiful sight si university girl trying to keep step with her country follow. At Nebraska Hall: "I have been here many times, and want to see them botany specimens in the museum." STA'AY PICA'. UPS. Recitations sufVcrod during the May Festival. One of the large cacti is now ill blossom in the green house. The sophomore Greek class has completed Peiicles',funeal oration, Mr. TeflVs father witnessed the field-day exercises at M street park. The boys who wen', to Kansas City have some thrilling stories to relate. Company A now spends nearly all of its extra time drill ng. Hurrah (or the first prize. The university entomologist recently received a lot of insects from Jamaica lor classification. The gymnasium girls gave an exhibition at the new ' M. C. A. building on the evening of the 21st. Mr. Wynegar went home on the 19th to attend banquet given to the alumni of the Ulysses High school. A number of students were recently seen floating around on the Salt Creek bottoms on a piece of sidewalk. Mr. F. U. Lowe has presented the museum with a large number of reef building corals from the West Indies. , Professor Lees' European party, which will consist of twelve young wen, will sail on the eleventh ol June for Glas gow. The republican and independent clubs met on the even ing ol the 23rd. Some enthusiastic speeches were made at each place. Messrs. -Hair, Kirk, Weldon, Marshall, and Oscar Ander son will spend the. summer travelling through the state doing Y. M. C. A. work. Inspector General Bacon, of General Brooks' staff, held his annual inspection of the battalion on the 19th. He expressed himself as very well pleased with the general appearance of the, battalion. ' Eight large boxes of fossils weighing about a ton, which Professor Harbour collected while in the Had Lands, were recently shipped to the museum. Many of the cadets who had anticipated having the opportunity of displaying their taste for the beautiful while at camp were sadly disappointed. About six couple of merry university students witnessed Ingomnr, played at the Lansing on the evening of the 21st, A very enjoyable time is reported. In response to a request sent to Senator Paddock, a com plete set of pie-historic implements, both American and European, has been forwarded to the museum from the Smithsonian institution. It consists of over 150 specimens. Miss Anna Atwood, formerly of '93, In company with Miss Tynan, formerly of 95, recently left for an extended trip throughout California and the Pacific coast. A recent letter from Dr. Kingsley informs us that in the future he wdl be at TulTt's college, College Hill, Mass., where he has excellent faculties for carrying on his work. A farewell party was given for Miss Day on the evening of the 23rd. She left on the 25th to be present at the grad uation of her brother at the naval academy at Annapolis. Much to the regret of the senior class, as well as to the university, Dr. Horace Scuddcr, who was to have de'.ivcred the commencement oration, has cancelled his engagement on account of ill health. The botanical department has recently received n set of books descriptive of the botany of Mexico from the Missouri botanical gardens. The books are merely lent to the depart ment to enable Mr. Smith to finish his work on the specimens h : collected during his recent trip. Miss Clara Barton has recently signed a contract with the Western Normal college to take charge of the instruction in clay modeling and drawing in that energetic institution.!. This will notinterlere with her work in the university where s e has had such unqualified success. . 1 Mr. Harry Shotwcll, while surveying in northwestern Washington, recently found an old Indian burying ground and discovered three grotesquely carved and curiously painted wood im.iges about the height of a man. He has presented one of them to the university musuem. .Out of nearly a dozen university boys who applied for the West Point examination Mr. E. Y. Porter was the only one who succeeded in passing the physical examinatio . Although he was ahead of all the applicants in the physical examina tion, he took only second place in the mental examination. Hence, he will still remain with us. It is fortunate that the fund for manual labor was larger than usual in the last appropriation, for it is enabling a small, army of deserving students to assist themselves very materi ally by working on the campus improvements. By the way, how beautiful the campus to the east of the main building is getting, with its smoothly cut lawn and flower beds of hand some designs. On the evening of the 25th a terrible catastrophe happened to three of '95's most valiant members. Wh'.le they were slowly and peacefully walking down L street, gravely dis cussing some of the most important questions of the day, two bold and ruthless vidians stepped in their way and rudely ordered them to halt. It is said that "His Royal Freshness" and the illustrious freshman, who is so prominent in Farmer's Alliance circles, misunderstood the command and executed to the rear, march, double time. They then ran exactly two miles making tne last hundred yards in ioi seconds. While they were so gallantly running, their noble, but deserted companion, our wort'' y business manager, was bravely expos milling with the above mentioned villians. While he was earnestly pleading with them in the most gentle terms, trying to perstiade them of theii folly in holding up a poor, strapped' university student. One of them actuall placed a danger ous looking instrument at his head, while the other diligently searched lor valuables. After a prolonged search, the viltian fun lly found a niekle. After further search, he found an old Waterbury watch. Our pale,, and. trembling busincs manager was then allowed to go on his way rejoicing. It is said that every freshman now carries , two knives and a revolver. ' ,' 1 . 1 ; -''