The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, June 01, 1892, Image 1
PP' BIB THE HESPERIAN. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vol. XXI. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, JUNE i, 1S92. No. 15 THE HESPERIAN Issued semi-monthly by the Hesverian Publishing Assori ation, of llic University of Nebraska. G. M. SKILLS, '92, Manarinr Editor. if- rmT, ASSOCIATES: E. M! POLLARD, '03, -mi::..tcC.E1E10,.i93i - Editorial Literary 1 n'MO VV EDITORIAL NOTES. The campus presents a better appearance to-day than ever before. It makes us all feel good to hear the compliments visitors give it. The closely mown l.iwn, and the beautiful flower-beds, arranged in such tasty designs, add greatly to its looks. It is the first time our campiy: has ever been a credit to the high standing of the university. Tub Hesperian wel comes the new improvements in our surroundings NOTICE TO OUR READERS. In reading this number our patrons will observe an .error in the arrangement of pages, several of them havin- been mJll 1 Z "making .p" the forms. This fact was cli,covered to la I o n low the edition and therefore these few words of aXy we trust, will be acceptable to one and all. oi ' Address all communications to i hk i ir.M'V.Ki.Xs sity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. T DIRECTORY. PALLADIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. Miss Eugene Getner, 1'rcs. Harry Lord, Sec'y UNIVERSITY UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. Miss Pound, Pros. R. 11. Johnson, Scc'y DEL1AN LITERARY SOCIETY. J. C. PoRTEREIELD, Pies. Miss Stella Duckek, Scc'y UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. John L, Marshall, Jr., Pies. II. A. SHNTKR, Sec'y UNIVERSITY Y. W. C. A. Miss Lulu Green, .Pros. Miss E. C. Field, Scc'y ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. J. 11. Johnston, Pics. C. E. Ti:ii'T, Sec'y ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION Paul, Pres. Oiias. F. Stroman, Sec'y SCIENTIFIC CLUIJ. F ,C. Kenton, Pres. Miss Rosa Uquuon, Sec'y UNIVERSITY DEUAT1NG CLUIJ. Geo. L. Sum don, Pres. Paul Pizey, Sec'y REPUBLICAN CLUIJ. Geo. L. Sheldon, Tres. C. F. Srtoman, Scc'y DEMOCRATIC CLUIJ. j. II. McDonald, Pres. C. M. Siules, Scc'y INDEPENDENT CLUU. R. H. Graham, Pres. J. W. Searson, Scc'y inw iiiuii.M ..... expect to win the prize." unc ui be done; either come to the drill, or give up all hopes of 'winning. We trust that no member of the com pany will, for a moment, think of disbanding hopes of success. We have entered the con testfor a pur pose. Do not forget that. Let us not continue as we have in the past. Let every man, henceforth, be present at every drill, and do his best. Let us drop everything that will conflict with the interests of the company. While at drill, let us think of nothing but the work before us. If we all do our best, no one need fear the result. "Have you seen the Sombrero?" was the question everybody ask everybody else last week. The Som brero after a sizzle and fizzle exploded in our midst one day last week, causing great commotion. Com ing events cast their shadows before them. A few days before the explosion a notice appeared on the bulletin board as follows. "Call for your Sombrero at The Hesperian office, Friday a. m."" At five o'clock a lonely student tried the door but found it locked. At six o'clock two persons wereseen look ing in at the windows of the office and several others til ci