The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 15, 1892, Image 9

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'90 F. F. Almy leaves Baltimore for home about June 4.
On the way lie will make Stoughton and Chappclfa call at
Harvard, then spend a week or so in the land of his birth,
Rhode Island, and lastly spend a short time in Chicago dur
ing the great conclave ot the unwashed, the democratic con
vention. Mrs. 15. O. Lewis, daughter of Rev. D. D. Miller of this
city, is suing for'her property valued at almost a quarter of a
"million, and' 11. H. Wilson, '87, is looking after her interests.
, '91 P. A. Rydbcrg made an appearance at the univer
sity not long ago to find some one to accompany him on his
collecting trip to the Black hills this summer.
'90 A. F. Woods might have been seen at the door of
Nebraska hll Inst week making an experiment to deter
mine the internal temperature of plants.
'85 Miss Jones graduates soon from t c school of librar
ians at Albany, N. Y. After graduation she will spend
some time in the south examining several large libraries.
Miss Eda Tibbies, formerly of '92, is soon to be through
with her work in St Louis and is then to co c to Lincoln.
'91 W. T. Biown's school at Wyoming is out. lie is to
bs at the university during commencement week.
"Hob" Travis was seen at the inter-state contest, lie is
married and engaged in business in Minneapolis.
Trobnbly all saw the notice on the chancellor's bulletin
board concerning the death of Edgar Dudley.
'84 J. 11, Holmes expects to be married about the mid
die of June to Miss Webb of Philadelphia.
The class of 'S9 will hold their class banquet on June 15
at the residence of M. 1. Biglow.
'85 Professor A. G. "Warner has received a call from the
Lclaud Stanford, Jr., university.
Miss Lilia Dew, '93, and Mr. Percy Bonndagc wcic mar
ried at Tcciimsch on the 4th.
'87 -Miss Laura Roberts has recently returned from
spending a year in Paris.
( '86 J. K. Force, of Tckamah, is a trustee in the Baptist
college at Grand Island.
90-A. 15. Wagner has decided to accompany Mr. Rydbcrg
on his trip this summer.
The following is a port'on of a letter lately received from
Geo. A. Coleman.
'90 A. J, McClatchic will finish his work at Elsinorc,
Cnl., this spring.
The Misses Jennie and Ur.ic Bonne!) were at the inter
state contest.
'89 Frank Manlcy will beat the univorsity during com
mencement. '90 Professor Marsland made a tour ol the laboratories
last week.
'88 W. II. Wagner was seen at the university on the
29th. ult.
W. E. Johnson is Washington correspondent for the
'91 Miss 'Wedgewood was seen in the halls one dny last
J. N. Dryden was a delegate to the Omaha conference.
'8g Miss Bullock 'is seen at the university occasionally,
'91 Harry Reese is in Lincoln.
The usual number of advertisements for summer book
agents, arc being circulated around the university.
The beet sugar school completed its work on the 7th.
Winters kept up his usual reputation at Minneapolis.
Mr. Lnmbcrlson addressed the tariff class on the after
noon of the 7th.
The tower was a favorite resort, during the recent over
flow of Salt Greek.
Chancellor Canficld trained Mr. 15. M. Pollard for his
speech at Ann Arbor.
Messrs. Tucker and Btur visited Crete on the 8th in the
interest of the Y. M. C. A.
Professor Barber lectured at Ashland on the '6th before the
literary societies of the high school.
Wantkii. A student able to get the "lessons which 1
assign in two hours. Professor FossW
The members ol the company A were measured for their
new uniforms on the evening of the 7th.
Mr. A. Graham of Stella, Neb., fa'thcr of J. C. Graham,
recently visited his son at the university.
During the recent flood our friend Mr. Lunn was scon at
home in a flat-bottomed boat half full of water.
Several of the cadets acted as supernumeraries at the
play "Son of Monte Cristo" on the evening of the 10th.
Dt. IS. R. Griffith, of Detroit, Mich., widely known as
the inventor of a microscope, recently called upon Prolcssor
About fifteen couples of jolly picnicers had an enjoyable
time at Lincoln park on the afternoon of the 7U1. And that
evening it rained.
Several students wcrf dissappointcd who went to the
Wcslcyan on the 7th expecting to scc'thc ' field 'day exercises
of that institution.
Professor Husscy recently received a collection of fungi
from the cast foi the univcisity herbarium. It contains one
hundred specimens.
The third lecture in the scries on "Evolution of the Solnr
System" was delivered by Piofcssor Allen in the chapel on
the evening of ihc 4th.
The band has received some new .uniforms. Although
they arc not showy, they are neat and arc a great improve
ment over the old uniforms. , ,
The independent club held a rousing meeting on the
evening of the 10th. A constitution and by-laws were
adopted and several st'rring speeches were made.
Companies A and B held their target piactice at long
range on the morning of the 7th. The ranges weic placed at
two and three hundred yards. The best 'corcat two hun
dred yards was made by Elliott, and at three hundred yards
by Brady. '
Warning is hereby given that some strange and astound
ing happening is to take place in the near future. The
night watchman was recently persuaded tt open one of the
south gates for two lonely maidens. They- were as igrcatly
surprised as they were grateful.
In our last issue two or thtee articled appeared which
were alright within themselves. But when they were made
the instruments with which to insult some of our professors,
a good thing was carried too far. It seems -io us that any
student who has become sufficiently intelligent to enter the
university, would know enough to treat the faculty decently,
even if he is not suited with everything which they do.