THE HESPERIAN. J H. Evans, President. C. C. Qinr.GM'Mnnajcr H Evans Laundry Company. ,, , . -, - - ..- , IS-.' l 1 111 fJ J , :t27-ftl Vorlli Tu'ttlttli Stroot'rll"V 1w Wc Guarantee- Satisfaction in Every Particular Sl?(dents Tfadct Solicited. UNACQUMNUD WITH THE GCOGnArilY OFTIIIS COUNTRY Will OBTAIN MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF THE 'briiWil!lll pnniiiii flsk& WWrY VTTZ.(IO?5fe- MHb-' EaSii'-nn.'twf 'J s3iiiSiiilaP&5' 0)-. A.S.iy2', ccriso GMcajo, Rock Mai & Pad Bj The Direct Kouto to nud fiom CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND. DAVICNI'ORT, DES MOINES. COUNCIL BLUFFS OMAHA, LINCOLN, WATKUTOWN, SIOUX FALLS, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. l'AUL, ST. JOSKl'H, ATCHISON, LFJVVKNWORTH, KANSAS CITY, TOl'KICA, DKNVKlt, COLORADO Sl'HINGS, and I'UKDLO. Fieo Reclining Clmlr Caw to mid from CHICAGO, CALDWELL, HUTCHINSON and , DODGE CITY, and I'ulaco Sleeping Cars between CHICAGO, WICHITA and HUTCHINSON. SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS of Through Coaches, Sleepers, Freo Reclining Chair Cars and Dining Cats dally between CHICAGO, DKS JIOtNES, COUNCIL 1ILUFFS, OMAHA and LIN COLN, and between CHICAGO and DENVEK, COLOUADO SPRINGS and l'UEULO via St. Joseph, or Kniiini City and Topcka, Kxcurslons dally, with Choice of Homes to and from Salt Lake, l'oitluml, Los Angeles and San Francisco. The Direct Line to and from Tike's Veals, Manlton, Gulden of the Gods, the Sanitariums, and Scenic Grandeurs of Colorado. Via The Albert Lea Route, Wnst Kxmess Trains dallv between Chlcnco ami1 Minneapolis and St. l'aiil, with THROUGH Reclining .j. Chair Cars FREE, to and from thoso iiolnts and Kan-1 Over 12UO Hnq nilv. Tbrounh Chair Car and Sleener between Peoria, Spirit Lake and Sioux Falls via Rock Island, I The Favorite Line to Watertown, Sioux Falls, the bummer Resorts and Hunting and Hailing Gnuiuds of the Northwest, , For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired Information apply to any coupon 'iicKei umce, or amircss E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Gen'l Manager, Gen'l Tkt. & Pass, Agt ohioaqo, iia. Blcycloi, Guns and Hurt you written ma yet? If you lnvtii'i, wlijom tin) Intelligent UllliillOII lURgtlt nrlle to-day. I promlie you my ipcrlnl, penonal mention I un dertake, to briefly (each any fairly iitelliirent ueraou if either lei, who can read aim write, ami who. ufler luMiucllun, will woik tmlui- Uloutly, how to carii'lmco 'Ihou lanil Dollara a year In their own locnllili'i, n here- over the) llva I will iilin furiilih tho iltualluii or employment, at which you can earn that amount. I chance noli ntr anil tecelte noth ing unltu auc cetirul, aa above. .Minimi; dltncuil to learn, or that rnulra much time. I ilrlhi' hut one. peraou fom eacn uuirici or county. 1 have al ready taught and provided with em ployment a large number who are making over '1 line '1 houiauil Dollara a Year, each, All It new, aollil.turr Full pnrtlculan SYco. AlUr.vuu know all, If you conclude to co no further, why, no harm it done. Addreit, 1 C. .Vl..i:, Ilox O, Aumiatu, Mulne. LIKCOLN T mc 0VereHUH.'rI()rfni!UlUes fornnqulriiiR a kiKiwIcdfj. I book-kocnlni;, pcimiaimlili) wnld cnlctihitloim buslneH nrltlimctlc. coinmcrclnl law, Bhort-liand, iyK'-wniiiiK, currespumeiico, huh teiogratiiiy. tuiroirpuiursmKireas, u. u. LiLLiUKinuK, t res., MMJOI.N, KU. BICYCLES In stock. Now and necond- baud. 1'iiHii or time. A.W.GUMP & GO,, UAYTON, UHIO, Bond for list. AGKNTM WANTKII. Typewriters taken In Exchange. mCk imS j ii m . X MWW W'TWJtW.Stv m'JFva?w NskT- Vy Vr JV f r i w I v.i v. ? i it mi i . "rj""TTHHatoiMWB