The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 01, 1892, Image 1
THE HESPERIAN. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. -I i Vol. XXI. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, MAY i, 1892. No. 13 THE HESPERIAN Issued scmi-nsonthly by the Hesperian Publishing Associ ation, ol the University of Nebraska. C. M. SKILES, '92, Managing Editor. associates: E. M. POLLARD, '93, -MISS E. C. FIELD, '93, MISS VESTA GRAY, '93, E. A. GERRARD, '94, F. C. KENYON, '92, E. O. PACE, '95, RALPH II. JOHNSON, '94 O. T. REEDY, '95 - Editorial - Literary - Literary - Exchange Alumni, Former Students - Athletic I j Local and J " " J Miscellany J. P. KNOTT, Business Manager. TERMS OK SUP.SCRIPTION: One copy, per college year, (in advance) One copy, one college term Single copy, ji.oo 35 .10 ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION. ALUMNI AND EX-STUDENTS. Special endeavor will be made to make The HESPERIAN interesting to former students. Please send us your sub scriptions. &T Subscriptions on our books will be continue until ordered stopped. Address all communications to The Hesperian, Univer sity cf Nebraska, Lincoln. Neb. EDITORIAL NOTES. DIRECTORY. PALLADIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. Miss Eugene Getner, Pres. Harry Lord, Scc'y UNIVERSITY UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. M,(ss Pound, Pres. R. H. Johnson, Sec'y DELIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. J. C. Portereield, Pres. Miss Stella Ducker, Sec'y UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. John L, Marshall, Jr., Pres. H. A. Senter, Scc'y '' UNIVERSITY Y. W. C. A. Miss Lulu Green, Pres. Miss E. C. Field, Scc'y ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. J. H. Johnston, Pres. C. E. Teitt, Scc'y ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION Paul Pizey, Pres. Chas. F. Stroman, Sec'y SCIENTIFIC CLUB. F .C. Kenyon, Pres. Miss Rosa Bouton, Sec'y UNIVERSITY DEBATING CLUB. Geo. L. Sheldon, Pres. Paul Pizey, Sec'y REPUBLICAN CLUB. Geo. L. Sheldon, Pres. C. F. Srtoman, Sec'y DEMOCRATIC CLUB. J. B. McDonald, Prea. C. M. Skiles, Sec'y Keep it before the public that every male student must spend three years of lis university course fire paring for war. In this issue will be found the first chapter of a true story, offered by a student who spent six years of his life on the sea. Lieutenant Pershing surely deserves praise for the improvements he has made in the battalion. The latest innovation is the establishment of a permanent target range near the penitentary. Hereafter, in the armory, each company will receive special instruc tion in adj'usting the rifle for shooting. The compan ies will take turn about in going to the range on Saturdays. As this work i? made a part of the mili tary instruction, every cadet in the battalion will be required to take it. Consequently all will receive a thorough knowledge of rifle shooting. In the future the lieutenant expects to have target practice in the fall as well as in the spring term. We believe it would be a good plan for each com pany to have a rifle team composed of five or six of the best marksmen in the company. Then we might have competition between them and decide whoarethe best m the battalion. In that way, we could have a rifle team that would be hard to beat. There is no reason why we cannot hare a rifle team that will be a credit to the university and to the state. Now that we have organized our university debat ing club, let us see that the interest does not cease. We surely have enough raw material to work upon. The upper classes have been wanting something ot this kind for a long time. The university club will draw the students all together where equals will meet, equals. There is no reason why we cannot have a rousing debate every two weeks. Although some were not in favor of admitting the girls, The Hesperian believes they will make he debates much more interesting. If the ladies take part in the debates, we will have larger audiences to address. That fact alone will add enthusiasm. The larger the audience, the harder the -debaters will work. We want to have the chapel crowded at every meeting. If it is, no one need to fear about the quality of the debates. There is another reason why The Hesperian thinks the young women will IttQU&tfiSlSnS