rtuhi THE HESPERIAN. O The junioi civil engineering class spent the vacation in Lincoln surveying, Mr. Matthews, '95, will not attend school this sping hut will return in the fall. Professor Barbour recently spent a day at Beatrice, gath ering limestone specimens, Mr. Searson was unable to return to school during the first week on account of sickness. Mr Kcim will help on the farm this spring. He intends to return to school next fall. Francis Tucker has been acting as principle of the Exeter High school for a short time. Mr. Farmer, who spent the winter in teaching the untu tored youth, Is again in school. Messrs White and Dinges are contemplating a collecting tour in the Pine Ridge country. Mr. Morrow was unable to attend school last week on account of an attack of the grip. An attack of the grip prevented Miss Dempster from attending the first week of school. A larger number of the freshmen class than ever before have elected analytical geometry. Hereafter the stars and stripes will float in the gentle breezes while the cadets are drilling. Miss Fannie Bycrly, '95, has left school and will teach during the sprjng term near Woodlawn. Sktles has at last hit upon a lucky scheme. Now he always takes a cigar along for the old man. The chancellor completely captured the class in freshmen oratory by his lecture on Henry Ward Becchcr. Mr. McFarland has left school. He intends to accompany a surveying expedition party to the Black Hills. Professor Sherman has recently published a pamphlet of questions on Hamlet for use in the High school. Some cupboards have been put in the western end of the second story hall for the use of the art department. Some of the civil engineering students were at work during vacation making drawings of the new library building. It is rumored that the faculty have organized a male quar tette, but no amount of search can find out who are the mem bers. Mr. Woods, the assistant professor in botany, recenty wrote quite an extended article for one of the leading maga zines. Mr. Farnsworth, who was suffering during the greater part of last term from an attack of typhoid fever, is again in school. Professor Bruner secured ncaily one hundred gay col ored birds while in Mexico. They may now be seen at the museum. Chancellor Canfield delivered a lecture before the stud ents of the university of Minnesota at Minneapolis on the afternoon of the 10th. Mr. Martin, '95, has accomplished the unprecedented feat of completing all of solid geometry tn four days, and getting a mark of 99 per cent. Professor E. M. Hopkins of the Kansas state university recently visited Chancellor Canfield, Mr. Chandler and other acquaintances in this city. During the vacation about half a dozen school teachers who expect to teach botany this spring spent their leisure hours posting at the university. Rev. R. W. Oliver, D.D., of Kearney, the first chancellor of Kansas state university and a personal friend of Chancel lor Canfield, recently visited this institution. The janitors and a number of the students were busy during vacation cleaning up the buildings and the grounds. Much improvement was made in appearances. The seniors after many years of patient waiting have adopted a class ring. It is a thing of beauty and will be a joy forever if not forever until the pawn broker it doth sever. The Chancellor recently spoke in Omaha belorc the united Bohemian societies, the occasion being the anniversary of the birthday of Commcnius, the great Bohemian educator. By mistake Professor Fulmcr's name was omitted from the list of faculty Sabbath school superintendents. He has super intended the Grace M. E. Sabbath school for the last two years. Marlay is absent minded. After helping her hunt a new place of residence, he was found the next Sunday ringing the same old door-bell which he had rung so often for Sunday afternoon services in times past. Miss Maud Bcrkcy entertained a small party of friends very pleasantly on the evening of April 1. April fool sur prises were the characteristic features of the evening, For further particulars inquire of Barkley. The following are the Y. M. C. A. officers for the ensuing year: President, John L. Marshall., Jr; vice-president, Geo. R. Boomer; recording secretary, H:A. Scntcr; corresponding secretary, N. B. Barr; and treasurer, L. G. Thayer. The gentleman about four feet high, inclined to baldness, and extremely susceptible to the charms of the fair sex, who mysteriously disappeared during the latter part of the vaca tion, has returned and has relieved very many anxious friends. Professor Caldwell has offered an elective of three hours this term onthe tariff and the debates that takes place in the halls at times arc sufficient to remind all those within two blocks of the building, that the members of the class are already much interested. One of our co-eds was recently making the lower ha resound with confessions of love to a young man when the chancellor entered upon the scene and inquired where he came in. Thereupon there was a profound silence after which the meeting was adjourned. The horticultural department through, Professor Taylor and Gardner Hadkinson have, bedded 7000 plants in the green house which will be used to decorate the lawn. These together with the shrubbery from Scotland will reatly improve the appearance of the campus. During vacation some badly nc cded inprovements were made in the chapel. The platform has been enlarged so that hereafter when some special program is held there, it will not be necessary to pick up every old board on the campus in order to make the platform large enough. The republicans of the university met on the 5th to organize a republican club. Mr. Sheldon was elected tern porary chairman and Mr. Stroman temporary secretary. Messers Sheldon, Pollard, Johnson, Woods, and Strode were appointed as a committee to draw up a constitution. The freshmen elected the following set of officers for the spring term, at a meeting held March 18. President, Mis; Etta Gray; vice president, Jas. W. Searson; secretary, C. R. Weldon; treasurer, Powers; sergeant-at arms J. P. Knott. The freshmen may congratulate themselves ipon the election of so admirable a set of officers. Pi