The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 15, 1892, Image 23
THE HESPERIAN. PINE FOOT FORM SHOES Highest Qualities Lowest Prices Barr Parker. 1009 O Street. . J. HUMPHREY. E. M. ArPfA?r Central Dinix-ig Heill OCAo dsCi7f7c'indC blTl1, cakes,ad Pics: N imitations, hut the best and purest ot all kinds loods, uhich as fa. as possible are home products, and purchased from well known and reliable parties "The prcof of the pudding is in the eating." Miuli-caSt corner Thirteenth and O. LINCOLN. RED DUDE CIGAR STORE 1020 O CIGARS AND NEWS FRANK DuTEIL. 1225 O STREET. Shoes to 1225 O STREET. You Can Get f?dersoR--ereWaj JEPoorFoRM? fDais LINCOLN : : NEB. Attend Our Opening 1225 O STIIEET. Fit Your Feet 1225 O STREET. Tlnu J, "w. wiin-gkeir, & co. New Dry Good Store eit HOQ O Street CALL AND SEE OUR NEW LINE OF GOODS. Book INTERNATIONAL- N D News Depot. 52M STREET, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. ENGLISH, GERMAN, FRENCH AND SCANDINAVIAN 0 . . , "00KS, PERIODICALS, PAPERS AND WORKS OF ART Sole Agent for KURZ & ALLISON'S Publications of American and European Crayon and Chromo Pictures, ORDERS FOR PRINTING AND BINDING SOLICITED. $n t