The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 15, 1892, Image 22
THE HESPERIAN. Lincoln Savings Bank and Safe Deposit Co. CAPITAL, $250,000. LIABILITY OF STOCKHOLDERS, $500,000., Intcrfst pnld on deposits at the rata of Ave per cent por annum (or all full calendar months. S& to rent in burglar proof a4 Ira proof vaults, At Annua? rental of f5. Money to lonn on real estato and collateral. Your Savings Account Solicited. BENRY E. LEWIS, President. A. P. 8. STUART, Vico President. FRED WILLIAM8, Treasuror. B. WELCH, Teller. DIRECTORS. K. S. nnrwood. Henry Veltta. H. J. WnlHh. II. W. llrown. A. P. S. Stuart. E. It. Slier. Wm. McLaughlin. AUiort W'ntkliiR. Honry K. I.owIb. BANK HOURS. 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. SATURDAY EVENINGS, 0 to 8 o'clock. HTTT Tl COLLEGE TEXT AND MISCELLANEOUS . W . .Brown, books. A COMPLETE LINE OP T A Acme Writing Pads and Tablets. DrtlgglSI. 127 South Eleventh Street. Oak Table, $6.00. Largest Stock in the State. FURNITURE, HARDY & PITCHER, 21 1 South 1 IthSt. LINCOLN, NEB. First premium for finest photos at last Nebraska State Fair. Special attention given to students. Satisfac tion guaranteed in quality and price. T. W. TOWNSEND, Proprietor. A. T. LEMING & CO. Booksellers and Stationers Artistic Paper Hanjrinjrs, Mouldings, Window Shades. Fancy Goods, Photographers' 1106 O STREET, and Artists' Materials. LINCOLN, NEB ' wmw$mmsmmmmwmnomymM imiintiWMi