The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 15, 1892, Image 15
THE HESPERIAN. 1120 EDci. G. Yates, O ST. BOOTS AND SHOES SPECIAL. PRICES TO UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. States & tft5i BOOTS & SHOES.-: i . Always Latest Styles and Lowest Prices to be Found with us 1043 O STREET. Carpets ! 4. til. l&YIS & M, 1 1 I 2 O STRT, LINCOLN. NeB. (torner loth and P Strts- " DEPARTMENT STORE. Dress Goods, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, AND CORSETS A SPECI ALT Y. Special Lines for Students. THE VERY BEST PHOTOGRAPHS MADE BY GXiElvXErTS Portrait and Landscape Photographer The only place where you can get group, of yourself photos taken. Views 1 taken to order. Satisfaction guaranteed Spcciul Rate to Students! 129 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. (iCAGOGALLERY Photographs, Aristotypes Tintypes and Viewing. Will Make Special Rates to Students, Singly or in Classes. Finest Aristo Cabinets for $3.00 per dozen 103"3 O ST. CHAS. E. SKINNER, Manager. ARISTOTYPES. Something Newl This is lhe Only Studio in the City that makes a specialty of this Beautiful Style Picture. A fine life size picture given free with each dozen best cabinets for a shortme. Special rates to students. 1222 O Street. ECLIPSE STUDIO. CARL LIND WALL Druggist and Stationer 226 N. Tenth Street, LINCOLN, NEB. A Complete Line of Swedish Family Medicines and Toilet Articles. Shilling Bros. "Are the Druggists' 237 S. Eleventh St. Come and See Us Boys. Smoke The University T J f Cadet. Cigar. It is the best five cent cigar in the city. Manufac tured at 117 North Twelfth Street ID. IB. QOZLEC-A-IPIP IMI. "VT-JLXjT, Boot and Shoe Maker Repairing Neatly and Promptly Executed. Burr Block, TwelOhSt miHMvammnmum ingg wssm