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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1892)
THEHESPERUN, It organization will be of a somewhat different nature from the well known walking club. It will be limited in membership, and instead of walking small distances at regular intervals, will walk as frequently or infrequently and for as long n distance as the members sec fit. During the spring, tramps will be made to the neighboring towns, say from five to ten miles away, where the members can dine at the hotels and take the train back to Lincoln if they t so wish. A partial lai feature of each excursion will be the sumptcous lunch which the quarter-master of the club will take with her in a wheelbarrow. As soon as the club is fully organized, we hope to publish the names of the members and of the officers. There has been a change in the printing oi the catalogue. Hereafter it will be issued in three. separate pamphlets. The catalogue proper will contain a list of the faculty and all the other officers, and the names of the students arranged in alphabetical order with the amount of work each one has completed opposite their name. The second pamphlet, of which.a few of the advance sheets have been posted on the chancellor's board, will rontain a statcmeut of the college courses and of the work of the different departments of instruction. This will be out in a short time. General infor mation and some illustrations will be furnished in a pamphlet to be issued from time to time as the demands upon the office may require. This plan will enable the university to give the same information with less expense, as not all of the pam phlets will be needed by the same person at the sume'time. E. S. King, repairing neat, prompt, and cheap. 300 O st. At 114 South Eleventh street is Don's Cafe. Call and get the inner man refreshed. Don Cameron, Proprietor. Fine millinery with which to bedeck your charming self in the greatest variety at Hcrpolshcimer & Cc.'s, Lincoln. The celebrated P. & P. kid gloves will not rip at Hcr polshcimer & Co. Rest fitting and most satisfactory gloves made. Send to Hcrpolshcimer & Co. Lincoln, for fine illustrated catalogue. Prices, the lowest. Express paid to any part of the state. For graduating goods Herpolshc'mer & Co. show the most complete line of silks, wool goods and trimmings at every pries. E. S. King, spectacles and colored glasses. 1300 O street. Saycr & Sawyer, stationery. Cadet suits, gloves and caps at JEwing's. Call on Ewing for cadet gloves and caps. Cadet caps and suits a specialty at Ewings. Special prices to students afT. Ewing & Co's. Get your fine stationery of Sayer & Sawyer at the Hcspc rian Office. Pens, ink, paper, Hesperian Uihcc. The finest students' suits in ihecity 1 1 15-17 O street. Good goods, low prices. Wanted Second-hand books bought, sold, and ex hanged. Law books a specialty. Lincoln Book Exchange, 19 North Twelfth street. New set of "Library of American Literature", by Stcd man, 10 volumes, half morocco, $49.00$ regular price :$5o:oo. A. A. Scott at First National Batik',. ..... . Second-hand university text hoofs wanted, for sale, and to exchange. A large supply of miscellaneous books and sta tionary on hand. Lincoln Book Exchange 119 N. I2!h st. R. H. Oakley, at 1044 O streetcarries Rock Snrine. Canon City, Rio Grand, Domestic, Vulcan, Missouri Block, j W. jR Dennis & Co, SHOULD BE YOUR Hatters and Furnishers All the Latest Styles and Best Qualities 1137 O STREET. NEW "COURIER" II34 N STREET , All thclatcst and most popular magazines, art and fashion journals, novels, etc. Finest Line of Correspondence -Papers in the city, and a general line of fine stationery. We arc leaders, and the only honsc in Lincoln that makes a specialty of Wedding Invitations and all kinds of society work, cither printed or engjaved. Lamplcs of our work speak for themselves. Prices right. Wessel-Stevens Printing Co. COJURIER OFFICE, 1134 N STREET envelopes, pencils and erasers at the nt Ewing & Co., MAKERS OF j ALSO DELICIOUS ICE CREAM, FINEST CANDIES, POPULAR PRICES. All kinds oj Fancy China For Rent. . Ice Cream Parlors Now Open. Best Soda Water. "' 206 SOUTIIELEVENTH : : 'PEL. 6S1 Send to Herpolsiieimcr.& Co., Depart ment Stores, Lincoln; for Dress Goods and Trimmings. Greatest Assortment in the West. Prices the Lowest. 1f Oliver vrcCK, UUI, uuu 111c ucai xuv.kavYumm tuui, XCie- hone 66,