The "Capital Studio" i StJ OCKKDS 5 " II The u Studio Le Grande" 1 24 South 1 2th St. 1TO WKX) F. lEIIiSON, SI j ..5? isgw" ?r- JPJROPRilETOHR; ; ; . tw W, THE FINEST STUDIO IN THE WEST. LATEST IMPROVEMENTS IN EVERYTHING. zs ' t All vvorlc Ab tfinishecl .in fthe Highest IStyle Known to the Art, 'andevery Photo inirned 'out as guaranteed to fae perfeot STUDIO 'ON THE 'GROUND FLOOR. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS, 1 . , V ' Views o'f rcke fprLncipal puMic 'and jpaxtfate (biaildiaigs ioiLw&ys 'OiaiaiicL. B JsP" Crayons, '31s, :Eastel, Bromides, Etc., IMe to Order, The ' Capital Studio, 55 iFebimary 1. 11892. HOWARD F- PEIIRSON, Proprietor,, 124: iSo-ntTi tt2t0a iStoeet, IjWOQW W&