Ml I MjM j MBjMJJMMMEMgl T It U II ES VM-K 1 A M. i Miss llilbnan, ft special student, started on tlio evening of the 27th foi South Afnca.v acre she intends to do inisnionni) woik. A two hour costume class will Like the plan- f Miss ll.ii ton's one hour sketch clnss on Moml.ns. The ncsiiloni of of city charities will assist in piociirmi; models. We arc glad to know that ariangcnicnt!. are being made whereby the cadet band will play each evening during May and the early part of June in the city. The cadet hand i in excellent condition and has fifteen men well diilhd ly Tio fessor linslctdny. They also have a large repertoire of the latest popular music. The band is in better condition tlinn it has ever been In the past. The romance department library has recently acquired several interesting works. One ol these is tlZt Gultrie His toriquc ifci Coiiteiiporahis"s.Kcis in eight volumes, with the date 1827. It contains valuable historical Recounts of the lending personages living at the end of the eighteenth century. Another work is an edition in Spnimh of Don Quixote of the year 1755 111 four volumes. The plates in this old woik are very quaint. licsides these two works are sev cial unbound volumes of "he "Cnun'ru'" of the grcnt 1'iench ciitic, Saintc Ucue. Two new classes hae been formed this term in 1'iench. One will tudy the histoiy ol 1'iench literature leading up to and dunng the seventeenth centuiy, and the olhei will study scientific 1 leudi. '1 he latlei .'lass is translating an ,impoi taut woik on engineering, while the former class has so far been studying the earlier peiiods ol French litcialure. The cl.iss in beginning Ficnch has begun the reading ol Mrs. Mohsworth's "Eetteis from Paris" The descriptions in ibis book nio vei giaphic and lif: like. With the assistance of a map of 1'ans and an illli' rated lecture on that city which the prolcssoi hopes soon to give the students may hope to gain .1 fair idea of the beaut ics of the Fiench capital and the usagcn and customs of its people. DIRECT POINTERS. Saycr & Sawyer, stationeiy. Cadet suits, gloves and caps at Uwing's. Call on Ewing for cadet gloves and caps. Cadet caps and suits a specialty at liwings. Special prices to students at T. Ewing & (Vs. Fine veiws of the University buildings, at the Hesperian Office. Get your fine stationery of Snyci it Sawyei at the Hespe rian Office. Pens, ink, paper, envelopes, pencil and erasers at the Hesperian Office. Call at Francis Brothers' chop house. Open day and night. 1324 O street. The finest students' suits in the city at Ewing & Co', 1 1 15-17 O street. Good goods, low prices. Wantktj Second-hand books bought, sold, .iiul e hanged. Law books a specialty. Lincoln Hook Em lunge, 19 North Twelfth street. New set of "Library of American Lite 1 aim e", by Sted man, 10 volumes, half morocco, 40.00; regular puce $50.00. A. A. Scott at First National Hank. R. II. Oakley, at 1044 O sttcet, carries Rock Spnng, Canon City, Rio Grand, Domostic, Vulcan, Missouri Block, Silver Creek, nut, and the best Lackawanna coaj. Tele phone 66. The Ewing clothing company announces to its pniions a special sale beginning on Monday, Junuaiy 25, and continu ing ten days. A laige line of men's, boys', and clnldien's suits and overcoats will go. I his is n pci cent off sale but a fit means a sale. The Ewing clothing company announces to its patrons a special sale beginning Monday, Januaiy 25, and continuing ten days. A large line of men's, hoys', and clnldien's suits and overcoats will go. This is no pe cent off sale but -u fit means a sale. -- j 1 ijiwi t ii iini pi , ijju. -f'tai-Z'' c ..p James Miller The Only Exclusive Cash Grocer in the City 141 Soiitti ICIcxcutli Street, Next to sillier A: Value. HOTAUNG, the - - 0 STREET GROCER Pnsfnr I iiis Sniiv, Jj2j; 0 Street 3. EX 'ROY, -p) BUQGIST rp Stationery, School Supplies, Perfumes, Toilet Goods, Etc. 10E4 1 Street, Near Cor, Tenth ami 1 SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER Complete Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods T EN 1'KR CENT DISCOUNT TO STUDENTS )liit St., Under Slate ational Bank. We do not offer special prices to students but we guarantee our prices to be lower than those who do. We have a large stock of Under wear, Hosiery, Gloves, etc, for Ladies at.d Gentlemen which we invite you to inspect. MILLER & PAINE. 133-139 SOUTH IITH STREET- PHOTOGRAPHER Does the most artistic work to be found in the ciiy. Firs piemiums at the Nebraska State Fair in 1888, 'So and '90. EXAMINE HIS WORK ' Sl'ECIAL KATES TO STUDENTS