The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 15, 1892, Page 11, Image 11

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J. Cecil Graham and Paul Puey expect to go with Pro
fessor Lees to Europe.
Professor Gregory, of Gates college, was in attendance at
the State Teachers' Association.
F. D. Hyde spent several days of the holiday vacation at
Xebauka visiting E. M. Pollard.
Mr. Clason during the past term has made very many
stereoplicon views for Professor Barber.
John Marble has returned to the Black Hills to take up
his work on the Hill City Mining ATe?cs.
Mr. Gerwig when he saw Professor Lees with a jug:
shall join he European expedition sure."
recording-secretary, F. D. Hyde; historian, Louise Pound;
-assistant historian, Minnie DcPue; sergeant-at-arms, H. J.
Miss Green was so very unfortunate, during the teachers'
association, as to have stolen from the cloak room a pair of
mits, a veil, a silk umbrella, and a gossamer. Some one is
ahead nearly ten dollars.
A broad smile played upon the countenance of all those
in the library the other day when 'Gene Brown was heard to
remark to a fair maiden as she vanished in the door-way,
l "say is it all right eh?"
J Barber and Reed sent a couple of dolls to as many girls
i Christmas Day. The ioke was reversed, however, when the
Were the blue books returned because there was not any ! dns Wcre said to look, one like "the Dickens" and the
building large enough in which to store them? i olncr like "the old Ham-."
Chapel exercises were suspended the morning of the 13th
on account of the meeting o! the Breeders' Association.
Miss Maud Bcrkey entertained a pleasant company of
young people at her home, Wednesday eve, December 29.
Mr. Harkett and Mr Carpenter who legan woik in July
on th Big Rrd ranch, Wyoming, returned to school Decem
ber 30.
Members in Professor Fossler's lecture course in the
study of Faust recently presented him with a marble bust of
A "kid," carrying a pawnbroker's statement, recently
called at the university and inquired for the police
Mr. Rhodes and Mr. Wolcott have discontinued college
work for a time. Mr. Rhodes will remain in Lincoln and
work at his trade.
The many friends of the Hiltner boys are glad to see them
in school again. They have just recoiercd from a protracted
attack of scarlet lever.
The reception given by the Christian association was well
attended. The "art exhibit" was a pleasing feature if the
entertainment provided.
Professor Caldwell has been busy during vacation review
5ng his history lectures and adding to them the results of his
study during the pasi year.
Skiles and Maghee and a couple oi co-eds enjoyed the
sleigh riding during vacation, after which Skiles went home
to Irll his Cass County girl all about it.
E. M. Pollard, '93, ate Christmas turkey with Paul Parey
at the home of the latter in Dakota City. He then immedi
ately departed to his home at Nehawka to recuperate.
A few young people gathered at the home ol Miss Hardin
on Seventeenth and R streets, Saturday evening, December
19. A very enjoyable time was the unainmous verdict.
H. A. Senter made his folks a very pretty present of indi
vidual photographs of the family taken on one card by him
self. He is instructor in photography, beginning January 4.
Leap year seems to be getting in its work on Porlerfield.
Since he was seen walking down (3 street with a mop on
his shoulder, it is rumored that he is contemplating matri
mony. Do you want to make Woods, '95, blush? Then ask him
what he did when he was calling on his girl, and sudddenly
discovered that a sprig of mistletoe tvas hanging from the
The officers of the senior rlass for the ensuing term are as
follows: President, J. C. Porlerfield; vice president, W. B.
Fillsbury; fecretary, Miss Gctner; treasurer, W. E. Brook;
The local oratorical contest will be held on the evening
of February 6. All persons intending to enter the contest
must hand their manuscripts to the secretary of the O. A. U.
N. on or before January 27.
The annual Chase and Wheeler oratorical contest of the
Palladian society will be held in the chapel, January 3a The
contestants are Misses Gray, DcPue, Getuer, and Edwards,
and Messrs. Marlay and Fifer.
The following is the averages for each class in the final
physics examination. The average for he class of fifteen
sophomores uas 67 per cent; for twenty-five freshmen. 6S per
cent; for sixty-one second preps, 69 per cent.
H. .A. Senter has done a good deal cf photographic work
for the university within the last year. Recently he made a
photograph of a very large beet. The photos were distrib
uted to delegates at tbe beet sugar convention.
The illustrated sheets from such papers as ruck and
Judget which were exhibited in a Urge case among the art
collections of the Western Art Association were printed from
cuts made from drawings by Professor Barbour.
The annual meeting of the State Agricultural Society will
take place on the 19th and 20th. A corn exhibit will be held
in Memorial hall. Admission will be FSCE. Take in the
show. Sire up the big cars of corn. Smile at the sagarpalace.
The Delian boys, instead of the regular reception usually
held at the first ol a term, rendered a program bearing the
titl, "The Delian Boys' Reception to Leap Year." The
program was well received and the boys felt well repaid for
their trouble.
The summer school begins Monday, June 20, and closes
Friday July S. The departments of physics, civil engineer
ing, botany, chemistry, entomology, European and American
history, philosophy, mathematics, German, and Latin will
offer courses.
Arrangements have beea made whereby teachers may
pursue a university course of study in absentia. Examinations
must always be taken at the university, and the work of the
senior year must be done as a resident student. Degrees
will be given.
The State Horticulture Society was in session last Tues
day, Wednesday, and Thursday. The display oi fruit was
excellent. Sweet perfumes of apples and grapes filled the
corridors of Nebraska hall. Delicious apples filled the mouths
and pockets of avaricious students.
The annal meeting of THE HcsfEKtAM association was
held in the chapel last Tuesday at 5 o'clock. The usual
scrap was omitted. C M. Skiles was unanimously elected
managing editor. The following associate editors were
elected: Miss Matthews, '94; Miss Field, '93; F. C. Kcnyou,