IV 8 Til K IIES1M5RIAN. thnt night, sure that we should never sec the ocean so beau tiful again. We had gorgeous sunsets for several nights, which I never saw equalled. 1 saw ever so many Hying fish and one of them Hew into the lower deck of the ship. Its wings were transparent and very pretty. The fish itself was about eight inches long. It has been about ten days siiue my sea sick ness ended, and I have felt remarkably well and have a rav enous appetite all the time. Don't know but I shall accept the theory that sea sickness has a beneficial effect on the s)stcm. Fiikktown, Sikkka LiiiiNK, October 30, 1891. At last the long voyage is over and I walk on solid earth once more. Ilefore 1 tell how it all came about I may as well say first that we arc married and then describe things at my leisure. We came into harbor yesterday morning about S o'clock. A few minutes later a boat came alongside with Roy and Mr. Jadequist and also Mr. and Mrs. F. Miller, who came to meet the olhci three girls. We all went ashore together. Mr. Jadequist and Frederick were to go up the river at noon, so they had ni ranged for the wedding to take place iinmedialedly after breakfast, which was at 11 o'clock. I was in something of a dilemma, for 1 could not get my trunk finm the :.hip until afternoon, but I made the best nf it. which amounted to my wearing my flannel dress. The ceremony was in the church, according to the law here, and besides the missionarii present were a number of the Angola passengers, the captain, and two or three officers and a num ber of colored people. Mr. Frederick (colored) is the pastor of the charc'i and he assisted Mr. Miller in the service, which was much longer than the simple forms we are accustomed to at home. Just before the prayer the minister gave out a hymn and the audience rose and sang, he rending two or three lines at a time, the words being suited to the occasion. After the benediction he hurried us into the vestry, where the United States consul was waiting to fill out some important docu ments. Then we went back into the church and received the congratulations of the missionaries waiting there. As we came out of the church quite a crowd were assembled. They left a space in the center for us to walk through, and as soon as we were fairly out of the door they threw rice at us in great quantities. I did not get it all out of my hair and clothes until nearly night. Some of the black women walked near us to the door of the mission house and with good wishes and courtesies said good bye. November 2. The last two days have been speijt very quietly, for they think new comers should not exercise much at first but mornings and evenings. I have taken walks enough to see some of the beauties of Freetown, and they are certainly far beyond anything I had imagined. The trees are superb and the views of the ocean and Sierra I. cone river, which we have from almost any point in town, arc almost chauning. There seems to be no soil but red gravel and sand. The roads, red in the middle where people walk, with green grass at the sides, and the greatest ol trees tow ering on each side, are extremely picturesque They keep the roads clear, so walking is very pleasant. It was quite a surprise to me to hear the queer jargon they tall;. The words are mostly English but the idioms are from other languages. "Make you leffen' is leave them. If you make a person happy, you "make their heart sit down cold." "Me no savie cook 'merican chop," I don't know how to cook American dishes. Roy .seems perfectly well, but ts thinner than when I saw him last." I am picking up some of the Timue language and think I shall enjoy reading it. Vanguilder, '91, has a lucrative law practice in Omaha. '()! P. A. Rydberg came down from Wahoo in time to inke in the Deliau girls' program, Friday evening, lie remained over Saturday at work in the botanical laboratory. Messrs. Hall, McCroskey, Tingley, Haggard, Lamastcr, and others of the alumni enjoyed gazing on the struggles of the sophomores and freshmen last Saturday. Theodore Weslcrmon, a former student, is one of the stock holders in the Lincoln Evening tVews as recently reorganized. U.S. Hrccvort, a former student, is sccretrary and treas urer of the Omaha Medical college football team. '91 Hurt Wheeler of Omaha was down to sec friends recently and was a spectator at the cane rush. I.cc Edwards, '94, of the Omaha Medical college , was down visiting friends n few days last week. So, '88, 'jo -Prof. Caldwell, Roscoc Pound, and T. II. Marslttiul were the judges at the cane rush. Miss Van Ilise, '93. is visiting friends at the university. She is the guest ol Miss Stockton, '92. 'S4 12. O. Lewis was elected county clerk of Richardson county on ihe Republican ticket. '91 Miss Ida lionnell of Chicago was visiting university friends a few days last week. '91---J. 11. Fogarty is striving to educate somoof the future statesmen at Hennosa, S. 13. 86 Mrs. A. (I. Warner left the 2d of month to join her husband at Washington. ATIJJiTJCiS. TIIOSK CHAMPIONS AT DOANM Arti NVhltt!WiiHliMl to tho ICxtont or 3JJ to 0 An Inter esting Came Throughout, The football game for the championship of the state was played at Crete December 6, before a small but enthusiastic number of people. As a result the "old gold" rctnines her place at the head of the procession. Vive I'uuivei'sile ( A el ru ska! According to all the principles of right and courtesy the game should have been played at Lincoln, but Doane seemed to be fonder of making claims of championship than of play ing our team. I lenee, we were obliged to draw on the athletic association once more to help defray a part of the expenses of the team. That Crete is not a football town is becoming pain fully apparent. She has a football team of which any city might be proud and the citizens' of Crete cannot advertise their city in a better and more profitable way than by encour aging the football team that has done so much for her college and city. Doane's football team was organized but a little over a year ago and stands seqond to-day to but one team in the state. Surely Doane has nothing to regret from the achievments of her football team, and the college and city alike should spare no pains to encourage and aid this branch of college athletics. About fifty students accompanied the team to Crete and did much to cheer the team to victory. Chief of fire department" Larson, owing to a pressure of business, was unable to attend but J. Cecil Graham was on hand and discharged the duties of the chief satisfactory to every one present. It is of course unnecessary to say that Roscoo was there with his usual supply of enthusiasm and "old gold" colors. It was about three o'clock when the twe teams appeared on the field in the following positions: