THE HESPERIAN EDITOR'S EASY CHAIR. i in: sac.a or i.aki:. 1 am the great Lake, Harvauls' pet halfback, Smasher of lush-lines, Maimci of Heiucs; Where I go hlood flows, Noses are biokcn, Rushers i oil writhing, titim is the slaughter; Vainly men tackle, Vainly would stay me, I, the Hull Headed, I, the Pile Oliver, The Kent less, the Tough one, Plough on undaunted, Shouting my wat-cry. Thor, in his cloud cat, Chuckles to sec mc Mucking the center, Winning my live yards; I am the gieat Lake, Ilnrvtml's pet half back, Nightmaic to Yale nvin.-rlfarvard dvocate. It seems like a patado, that the pctson who is of the smallest calibre is gcncially the gicatest boie. Yale Record. A nuiros(Al.)' The maiden blushed and hung her head 'What do you take me foi?" she said. The young man spoke up eageily, 'r-'ot better 01 foi woise," said he. The Palladium. tiik sKei;i:r or m'cchss. "How ilolh the nusy little l)ee Impiove each shining hour? And gathci honey all the dav Kiom every opening flower?" It's hugely done by indiistiy, Hy hustling mound the eaith; And w oi king every 1'iing that's gicen For all the thing is woilh. Brttnonian. At Boston Univcisity the faculty have voted to peimit woik on the college papei to count as houis work in the course, allowing seven hoiu.s per week to the managing ddtlot and two hums to each of his assistants. Ex. a rAiu.i'.. One day sonic flies, with sad suiprlsc I'lew into fragtanl glasses, Wheiein, llio' fleet, they found their feet Held fast by tempting Masses. So, may the swell, on whom flies dwell In laige oi smallui masses, Take caieful heed lo mend his speed, Or he'll floundei 'mid the lasses. I III. I IIUI'.i: I'.MI'IHS. A tenuis com t, tlic place loi sport, A net and lackets two, A sumiuci day, the time lo play, A maid with eyes of blue. Tlio ball shesuivos. AlasI it swerves Oocs bounding down tliu hill. "A fault," I call; but yet with all llui faulls, I love her still.-- The Inlander. The icccnt death if Paiuell culls to mind the long list of gicat men who have passed away since the year was ushered in. Cieoigc llancioft, Shcnnan, llanett, Joseph E. Johnston, Hannibal Hamlin, Von Moltke, Lowell, Boulangcr and Chailes Stuait 1'arncll. What a catalogue of great names! Historians, poet?, dramatists and statesmen. Who shall fill their places? Does the income equal the outgo t-E.. "A fellow feeling makes us wondious kind," Pei haps the poet might have changed his mind, If, in a ciowd one day he chanced to find A fellow feeling in his coat behind. Ex. Enthusiastic piofcssor of physics discussing the organic and inoiganic kingdoms: "Now, if I should close my eyes- so and di op my head so and should not move at all, you would say I was a clod! Hut I move! I speak! 1 stait! what now do I become?" Excited student "A clod hopper." It takes five minutes to regain proper decorum. The Undergraduate. Is this debating-club where boys dispute, And wrangle o'er their stolen fiuit, The senate, crew bile cloister of the lew, Where Clay once flashed and Webstei's cloudy brow Hiooded those bolts of thought that all the hoiion knew. Lowell. ALUMM AND FORMER STUDENTS. '88 Mariicd at Freetown, on October 29, Mr. Roy O. Codding lo Miss Alma Benedict. The following is an ctiact fiom a letter Irom the bride, pait of which was wiittcn on shipbo.ud ind part after her anival in Afiica. S. S. Ancioi.a, A 1 i.antic Oci'.AN, October 24, 1 89 1 . It is a month since we left New Voik and still we sue sail ing,with four or live days moie of it befoie us. I suppose we aic due at Siena Leone to-mouow or next day, but we had such asloimy passage fiom Lheipool loMadeiia that wc.uchuhiud time. This is never a fast boat and we weie moie than two days ciossing the bay of Hiseay, the loughest part of the way. The last few days have been very line, with an cMicinely calm sea and we aie making about eight knots an hours. It seems slow to us coinpaied wilh the Chicago, which made fouitccu or fifteen. ' Most of otu passengers left us at Madciia and the Caiui) Islands and there aie oul fifteen of us now. We foui aie the only women on the ship, but wo do not I eel lonely. The men aie gentlemanly, most of thciu, but iiutuly nil diiuk, which seems vety strange to us prohibi tionists, llowevei, the diinking has fallen off laigely this- week, ami we aic very glad of it. We came into the harbor of Clrand Canaiy Wednesday morning, the 21st. The island is mountajnous and locky, with gieat lulls of sand ueai the scashoie. As we had not been ashore since we left Liveipool, we decided to spend a few limns at Las P.tlmas. So about 2 o'clock we got into one of the little boats that came along side the Angola and weie lowed lo land. f We took a cat tinge nml diove tluough tin town and saw a number of lltings to interest us. 1'lieie seemed to be only two or tluee wells in the lowet pait of town, and we saw the women walk ing away fiom llicsc in all diiections with great cailhein jais on their heads. They all had a gieat deal of fun at our expense, and they never hesitated to laugh light in our faces. The houses weie all just alike, so there was not much lo see In the way of nichitecluial beauty, except the cathedral which is seveial bundled yeais old and is quite, imposing. The baiinun oichnids weie queer enough and looked 11101c tropical than tut) tiling vc saw thete. The last sen tence was written at Isles de Los whcie we have been stop ping several hours. This island is a beautiful spot, but they say tl is nothing like Sicira Leone. A number of the natives have conic on boatd and aic buying thingsof thesailois. They aie togged out in all soils ol costumes. I see two or Jtree dandies with watch chains and canes. It has been quite warm the last few days and we have all put on summer cloth ing. The sea was very calm last week, but day befoie yes terday it was ciowded with white caps, and in the evening each one of these shone like a bluish-white flanye, making one of the loveliest sights I ever saw. There is no describ ing it As it is like nothing else, we watched it until late- H9