THE HESPERIAN. this, for the peasants, the outlook for the future is well-nigh hopeless. The. horrors of famine arc intensified ly riots and murders; the people are growing desperate. Now that the distressed state of affairs is becoming generally known, lib eral men in all parts of the world are beginning to send in contributions for the suffering peasants. One large firm in New York city with a branch house in St. Petersburg has offered to transmit all contributions free of charge. America with her plenty should be the first and largest contributor Congressman C. F. Crisp, of Georgia, has at this writing been chosen by the democratic caucus for speaker of the house of representatives. This means his election as the democrats have a majority of about 150 in the house. The general impression seems to be that by this nomination the democrats have brought the silver issue more to the fron1 and have in a degree shelved the radical tariff rclormcrs. Speaker Crisp himself, however, said: "I beg to say to you now that my election means a step backwards in tariff reform." It may mean, nevertheless, that he will advance no radical tariff reform such as Congressman Mills would favor. There is one pleating feature in this speakership contest to those who are patriotic enough to do something besides wave the "bloody shirt." Southern men have again taken the position their ability deserves. If we may judge oJ the men who were candidates from their previous record, we may well conclude that the democrats acted wisely in nominating Congressman Crisp of Georgia for speaker. He is an able man and one that can command the respect of even his opponents. Recently two lunatics in New York City attempted to assassinate two millionaires after failing to extort money from them. To most people, doubtless, this will appear to be but the mad act of a maniac. Even when it is known that the madmen were half starved creatures few people will give the matter more than a passing notice. Yet it is well worth more than ordinary consideration. When the hungry, crazed lunatic came face to face with the cunning millionaire reared in luxury there met the extremes of the civilization of to-day. The same social system that made the one a millionaire, an aristocrat, and a man of power made the other a pauper, a criminal, and a maniac. Some one, no doubt, will object that it is not the social system, but the man himself that is accountable for his condition in life. Let this be granted. Then state the matter thus: the same social system has per mitted one man to become a millionaire, the other to become a mad pauper. Does this statement of the ense make the matter any better? Not at all. The violent contrast between the conditions of life of the two men is still apparent and fearfully real. It is too apparent and too real to be jus tified in the heart of any honest man. It is sad to think that the indomitable Cyrus W. Field is now laid low by misfortune. After a long and eventful life, he is now probably brought to his denth-bed by the question able business practices of his oldest son. He has always been a man of great physical vitality and endurance. His untiring perseverance and undaunted courage were the talk of his time. Through ten long years of continual failures in attempts to lay the Atlantic cable, he struggled to final and triumphant success. An incident illustrative of the estimate great men put upon his energetic zeal comes to mind. While dining one day at the house of Mr. Adams, in London, his head nodded with weariness. John Bright, who sat near him, exclaimed, "I am glad to see you sleep; I didn't know that you ever slept." It is said to-day Cyrus W. Field has no home. He is lying sick in the house of a friend. His property is all gone to pay the debts of his crazy son. The man that linked the world together by his wonderful "chain lightning" certainly deserves a better fate. One moic good man has gone the way of the just. On Saturday morning, December 5, Dom Pedro II, ex-emperor of Brazil, died. At his death, he was but three days past his sixty-sixth birthday. He was related to several of the royal families of Europe. By marriage his mother was related to Napoleon I. She was herself a member of the Hapsburg family. Among his relatives he could number constitutional monarchs and absolute rulers. Dom Pedro II, though not a great man, was a good man. He was a man of whom all men, certainly all except his ene mies, spoke well. As a sovereign, he had closely adhered to the constitution. He was a liberal monarch. He looked to the best interests of his people. He wished to elevate them as a people and as a nation. By peaceful means he accom plished the extinction of slavery. He brought the govern ment of Brazil more in accord with moJcrn ideas of govern ment. As a reward for his goodness, not for his faults, he was deposed. May it be that he is now in the delight of a more fitting reward. EXCHANGE, In the November miiuhci of the University Quarterly is a very sensible article on "College Men in Journalism." The writer has a very good idea of human nature in general, and of a journalistic aspirant in particular. He first takes up the question as to whether a college curriculum is beneficial to a person intending to make journalism his profession. The writer's answer to this question is an emphatic yes. He further adds that a college education "is a desirable prepar ation for any profesion, business or trade." Continuing he says: "The fact is that the newspaper man has more need of the most thoiough and liberal education possible than a man in any other profession or business. The preacher has need to be well versed in theology, the lawyer in jusisprud ence, the engineer in appplied mathematics. But the news paper man has need to be master of all these things. He must be able to write, immediately and intelligently, about a hciesay trial, the building of an aqueduct, a military cam paign, a contested will case, the fluctuations of trade, the influenza, the newest electrical invention about any topic in any depattment of human knowledge or human interest. Surely, to fit him for such work no university curriculum is too extended." To be an "all-round" newspaper man, the author claims one must have a "newspaper temperament which includes an almost instinctive knowledge of human nature, swiftness and sureness of judgment, steadiness of nerve, compiehcnsive memory, accuracy as infallible as man can hope1 to possess, nimost infinite taking of pains." One other requisite should be added, "devotion." A man whose ability as a newspaper man is unquestioned should devote his whole time to his chosen profession. Those that merely wish to do newspaper work before they "settle down to business" should be told that there is no room for them. "There is no place in Newspaper Row for a tide-waiter." Although many sneer at journalism, "It Is not easy to sound its due and law ful praises in too high a strain. The newspaper man is the writer of history; not of the past, but, which is far more important, of the present. He is the statesman who speaks not to senates but to nations." Not every journalist can resell the standard Gicelcy or Delane reached, but success will attend his efforts if he goes into the work with sincerity, earnestness and devotion. i The article is written in a masterly manner and we are sorry it is impossible: to insert it verbatim.