T HE HE S PERI A N. 13 ? Summers, '95, says that northern girls arc not to he com pared with southern girls. Ask him why. They say that most of Harbor's mail is directed to M. H., Jacksonville, 111. Who is M. H. anyhow? The societies adjourned the sessions for December 18th, and will attend the lecture by Professor Snow. Last Wednj-jiliy Dr.Curtis,of the First Presbyterian church, visited the sophomore French and Greek classes. Chapel exercises Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday morn ings of last week, were conducted by Rev. Curtis. Miss Trecmau had charge of the freshmen and sophomore German classes during the illness of Professor Fossler. Professor Hesscy recently prepared a paper on the "Nebraska Ground Cherry" for the Garden ami Fans. Professor Hesscy has recently received from Dr. Under wood oi Green Castle, Iowa, a collection of lower plants. The smiling (ace of Robert Hiltner is missed from his usual haunts. He is confined at his home on account of sickness. It is reported that the far-famed author of "John Auburn top" lias skipped for parts unknown with $10,000 not his own. A large number of the professors and students attended the concert given by the oratorio society at the M. E. church. Miss Lewis was unable to attend classes for some time on account of an injury she received in the gymnasium, Decem ber 2. An even half dozen of the old seminar crowd got together recently and had their photos taken to comincmmorate the event. Lciutcnant Pershing has sent for sixty-five new rilles. Until they come, some of the cadets must drill without aquip incuts. The first day the gate rules were enforced the air was a deeper blue than the fence when the working men reached the gates. Ralph E. Johnson's avoirdupois prevented him from catching the first train home from Crete, the day of the foot ball game. Miss Hawes, who has been sick for six weeks, has returned to the university to resume studies in the art department. "Hoys, I give you my word oi" honor that I am going through school without beard, moustache, or side-burns." Fred Hyde. 'J. G. Smith, while in Australia, took several photographs of the plants and scenery of that country. These may be seen in Professor Bessey's office. "If there is any class spirit in the freshman class, and there is," remarked a prominent boy of '95, "if is due en tirely to the freshman girls." The new electrical building is rapidly nearing completion. It is being built very firmly, and, when completed, will pre sent a Vv.ry pleasing appearance. A pleasant party of university students enjoyed themselves Friday evening .December 4, at the residence o( Mr. J. V. Winger, thirteenth and J. streets. a "We thought it was a principle recognized by all that the talent of the literary societies should contribute to the success of the established society paper." Miss Marble, a sister of our own John, came down from South Dakota to attend the university, but was taken sick soon after school opened and has not been able to be out since, She is slowly recovering. When, in the French class, Mr. Clement's seat broke down, the professor exclaimed: "Keep up, Mr. Clements; my the amount of French you nrc getting." The benefit concert so kindly tendered to the Athletic association, by Professor and Mrs, Mcnzcndorf, enriched the Association by about forty dollars. They say that, when "32 to 0" came over the wire from Crete, the chancellor's voice sounded louder, and his arms swung higher than any students in the hall. Dr Geigcr has been on the sick list for nearly three months. For six weeks he has been confined to his bed with typhoid fever. We are glad to learn that he is regaining his strength. A map of the botanical gardens at Stockholm, Sweden, with the compliments of Professor Wittrock, who is in charge of them is one of the latest acquisitions in the botanical de partment. The Delian girls gave a very creditable program the eve ning ofths nth. Their original song relating to the slate scratching process will doubtless inspire many a bashful youth to happiness. Misses Green, Matthews, and Mullen, Professor I logman, and Messrs. Hardy and Saycr are members of the local ora torio society, and took part in the musical recital at the M. E. church last Friday night. Edmiston seems very much taken with his new command "attcn-shong." One evening last week he insisted on prac ticing it at an evening party. And the wind proceeded to take action on his sidebnrns. The arrangement whereby students may register for next term's work before the end of this term will lighten the reg istrar's labor, and facilitate the forming of classes at the beginning of the following term. Professor Snow, of the Kansas state university, is to be at the university Friday night, December 18, and will deliver an address in the chapel on "Evolution." The lecture will be given under the auspices of the scientific club, and will be free to all. Several new gates have been put in the new iron fence. Why not have these gates open some of the time. Friday nights those living north of T street must promenade clear around to the cast gate. Down with penitentiary bars. Open the gates,' Thayer had his squad at double quick. He struck a stump and was soon dumpped head under earth aud heels over head. He saw stars and imagined that his squad had approached the fiery regions. He then shouted out, from his dusty abode, "hold on boys". Professor Bruner addressed the farmer's institute at Table Rock Tuesday evening; followed by Chancellor Can" field, Wednesday; Professor Ingersoll, Thursday; Professor Bessey, Friday. The people expressed themselves as espec ially well pleased with the chancellor's address. Scene in history class: Professor, What do you know about Cyrus. W . I don't know anything about him. Prof. What do you know. W . I know that it is about dinner time. P-of. Wei'., I am glad to know that your stomach is in working order if your brain is not. : 'PLEASE DO NOT WALK On'tHIS SIDE : is the sign that Senter placed on the east side of the Chemi cal labratory, and then kept walking there himself until the chancellor politely requested him to desist.