The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 01, 1891, Page 9, Image 9

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to exercise thcra freely and without ceasing. Ye editor
allowed his enthusiasm to carry him too near the players at
one time and barely cscapcJ assassination at the hands ol
the indignant freshmen.
'94 secured the kick off and forced the ball dangerously
near the sophomores' goal. The sophomores seem to fumble
the ball now whenever it comes to them and Richards soon
carries the ball across their goal. '94 seems to realize now
for the first time that she has a big undertaking. Ferguson
makes. the second touch down for the freshmen. The sopho
mores, at this point, were too quick (or their opponents and
kicked the ball well toward the opposite goal but Nusz
returned the ball with interest and the star of the sopho
mores sank to rise no more until the second half of the game.
Ferguson got his clutches on the ball and was pushed over
the goal line by the wily frcshies. Score 12 to o for '95.
Time was soon called and '95 was jubilant.
The second hall was by far the most interesting and excit
ing. '94 was determined to even up the score now if possi
hie, while '95 was equally confident that she could hold the
lead already 'gained.
The sophomores played much better this half and by dint
of hard work carried the ball across their opponent's goal
line amid the cheers of the multitude. The ball was now
kept for some time in the territory of '95 brt a few minutes
before time was called Nusz made a phenomenal run and
went down with the ball not lar from the goal line of '94. By
successive rushes the ball was now steadily advanced toward
the goal and upon the fourth down when the mass of surging
humanity was separated Moritz was holding the ball on '94's
goal lino. Score for '95 16, for '94 4. Time was called
soon after this with the ball in the territory of '94.
The positions of the players were as follows.
Westerman right end rush Lyons
Johnson, R. H left end rush Chursch
McFarland right tackle Moritz
Clemens left tackle Wynegar
Johnston, W. M right guaid Richards
Corel left guard Vont
Crabtree center rush Reed
Gerrard right half back. Ferguson
Johnston, J. H left halfback Haughton
Thomas goal tend Nusz
Canfield quarter back. Pace
Marsland, referee.
Pound, umpire.
The Unit erhlty tf ttrabkaluut a Snap Playing with Doane.
C f N., 28; Uaane, 4.
The univrrsity foot ball team played its firt game last
Saturday at Lincoln Park with the Doane college team, of
Crete. The day was somewhat chilly but there was a fair
turnout to see the game. The noise of the horns and the
college yells resounded through the park about an hour
before the game was called. It was about 3:45 when the
players lined up in the following positions:
Anderson center rush Stall
Hyde .-.-.right guard Williams
Stockton left guard Farr
Porterfield right tackle Cope
Chandler .left tackle Pattun
Sidles .--.---right end rush.. .Waterman
White left end rush Long
Pace - -quarter back. .- . .Lovht
Johnson full back House
Mockctt right lialf back. .... Mains
Nusz left hall back Sivecney
Sukftitutes. Lord, Troycr, Chuwch for U. ol N.
Davidson, Ward and Fuller for Doane.
Marsland, referee. Cassell, umpire.
The university secured choice of goal, giving Doane the
kick off. Instead of attempting ' the wedge, the ball was
passed to Mains who was tackled before gaining anything.
Mains now takes the ball and plunges through the university
rush line, gaining about eight yards. The ball is again
passed to Mains but nothing is gained and the university gets
the ball. The ball is given to Mockctt who gains twenty-five
yards around left end. Cope is badly hurt at this point and
time was called for a moment, bnt he pluckily holds his posi
tion. Johnston now takes the ball and gains twenty five
yards around right end. Mockctt tries center hutains noth
ing. Johnston takes the ball and darts around the right end
making the first touch down. White kicks goal. Score, 6 to
o for university. Ball goes to center and after a pretended
kick, House takes the ball and is downed, without any gain.
Mains now takes the ball and gains ten yards through the
center, but on the second trial finds his way blocked.
Sweenry gets the ball and gains five yards. Mains next tries
to go through rush line but is pushed out of bounds and claims
that he was choked. The foul is allowed and Doane takes
twenty yards nearer their opponents' goal. Mains three
successive times to force the ball over the university goal line,
but the university is playing ball now ami Porterfield, at last,
catches the ball within three yards of goal. Univcrsit) has
the ball and the danger of a touch down is over. Mockctt
carries the ball fifteen yards from goal line but unfortunately
loses it. Mains takes ball and loses about two yards. Mains
finally drops the ball and Stockton falls on it. The ball is
now carried first by Mockctt then by Johnston aronnd the
ends until Mocket finally lands the ball behind Doane's goal.
White again kicks goal. Score, university, 12; Doane, o.
Ball is kicked now from center by Sweeney and is caught
by Nusz who gains nfty yards before he is tackled. Ten
yards more are gained by Mocket but Doane gets ball and
Waterman gains twenty-five yards. Oft side play by Doane
and Johnston takes the ball and gains thirty yards around
right end. Mockctt takes ball and drops i. but it is saved by
Pace. Nusz kicks ball ovei Doane's goal line and Chandler
gets down on it making another touch down. White misses
goal. Score, 16 too. House now gat is fifteen yards from
center. The ball is now advanced toward Doane's goal line,
the only plays worthy of mention being the tackle by Pace
and the offside plays by Doane, until Johnston again puts
the ball over the goal line and White kicks goal. Score, 22
too. Time is almost up now and at the end of the first half
the ball is near the goal of Doane.
Doane has about enough now, several of her men having
received slight injuries during the game. She offered to give
the game to the university but finally consented to play fifteen
minutes longer. The university starts the ball with a V gain
ing fifteen yards. After a good deal of adt'antage to the uni
versity, Sweeney gets the ball and gains fifty yards for Doane
and is only prevented from making a touch down by the
tackle of Nusz. Sweeney again gets the ball but is tackled
by Skiles before having 'ime to kick ball. Chandler soon
gets the ball and makes a good pass to Mockctt who makes a
touch down. White kicks goal. Score, 28 to o.
No one dreamed now that Doane could possibly score
befere lime was called but Sweeney kicks the ball near the
university goal line and Nusz kicks it in touch, Mains falling
upon it. Doane brings the ball in fifteen steps and by two
successful charges forces the ball over the goal line, making
the first touch down ever scored by any team against the uni
versity team. Sweeney missed goal. Score, university. 28;
Doane, 4. When time was called the ball was again near
the goal line of Doane. Had the full time been played the -university
would have had many more points in her fayurj, .A
return game will be played at Cictc in two weeks.