THE HESPERIAN, was short sighted or dealt in shams. For one pupil that comes to the university from an accredited school, five do not, sjmply because they have been impressed with the belief thnt their education is finished. A long accredited list may lool: well in the catalogue but it is an easy matter to get accredited. All that is necessary is to put certain studies Greek, geometry, "mental science" on the curriculum. That nobody has ever taken them, ever will take them, or can ever be prepared for them, matters not. The work of the faculty in this matter savors slightly of red-tape and time sctvlng. What shall it profit a university if it have a large number of students and gives degrees to every Tom, Dick, Harry (and regent) who wishes one? An instnncc or two may not be out of the way. The uni versity faculty succeeded in getting a high school raised to the major course by placing Greek on Its curriculum. Yet there was nobody connected with the school capable of teach ing Greek. Tn one high school (not far removed from the university) it was understood, as a matter of course, by the graduating'1 class of last year that no one would be pre vented from graduating on account of negligence in work or incompetency, because the principal wished to graduate" as many ns possible. In more thnn one accredited school the principal would be unable to enter the sophomore class of the university. Verily, something is rotten in Denmark! If the university would be strict in its standard of admission even to losing a student or two, would not wink at incompe tency for the sake of popularity, would make the require ments for graduation something more than mere course-grinding, would be more carelul thnn hitherto in the distribution of -M. A. degrees, in a word, would be less bound by conven tionalities, it would make the work of those of us who arc try ing to infuse a little honesty, humility and scholarship into education less arduous. The above remarks are based on a direct personal acquaintance with four of the accredited schools and upon an indirect acquaintance with several more. Gno. W. Danveks, '90. Editor Alumni Department, Hesperian: I feel like "killing time" this evening, so think, perhaps, it may be an opportune time to fulfill my promise of an item made to you before leaving Lincoln. One finds here in John Hopkins a university in both senses of the name; a collection or group of colleges, the English university; a school for advanced and original work, the Ger man university. This is certainly a group of colleges doing advanced and original work. I think the hends of more than one department here can say, and substantiate, what a pro fessor not long since said to me; that "The greater part of the original work worth publishing in this department of science in the last ten years in this country, has gone out from thic university." To one coming from a university where the whole work is the under graduate work, the exclusiveness of the students is a very noticeable factor. The men group themeselvcs off intutivcly, as it would seem. The biological fellows know no one but biological fellows and a few chemistry men who put themselves into the sanctitv of their circle by taking biology as a subordinate subject. Then there arc the gco-and min erological group; the modern languages, the historic, politic, and ecnomical, the mathematical, physical, and the classic philological groups, each group ns perfect strangers to each other in the university world here, as the Methodists, Camp bellites, Adventists' and you "agnostics" arc toach other in the student world'at Lincoln. The faculty seem to deplore the fact, ntd try to encourage intercourse between the stud ents of the different departments, but to no avail. Possibly if the faculty should try teaching this by practice rather than by precept they might secure more association between the fellows from the different departments. Yet this depatments exclusiveness is only a necessary resultant of the work done here. This is pre-eminently a grad uate school; a university of the German kind. Your profess or has ere this told you that you must never expect to know all of all things; that in this period of the world, specialists are in demand, and that it is better to know something of one subject, than nothing of all subjects. In addition to this I quote my professor here when he said; "Life is too short to know all that is known in this age, of any one subject. It will be better for you to know, what is in and where to find, your books of reference, than to try to commit them to memory." In other words, make your knowledge a good department library catalogue, rather than a very poor general library. The students here seem to be working on that hypothesis, and as a very natural sequence care for nothing outside of the line of their work. For a degree 01TI1.D, one pursues three subjects, a major, a first and a second subordinate subject. Naturally the subjects group themselves, by ibices; as, Economics, His tory, Politics; Politics, History, Economics, or any one of the several groups that may have been suggested above. You have a trace of the beginning of this exclusiveness in your scl-lit feuds, only here it becomes more spccializ'ed. The work done by the students here is very extraordinary, both in amount and quality, and may he accounted for in several ways. The class of students who present themselves to pursue the graduate work are mature, and, (if you will par don any seeming modesty,) among the best men sent out by the various colleges and universities ol the country. Almost every man in a class represents a different college and a dif ferent state, and has a pride to carry himself in a Avay that shall be no disgrace to himself, his state or his previous instruction. Given a good class of mature minds, urged on by the incentive of honor to uphold and honor to win, and directed hy some of the best minds in their respective special ties, it is not strange that large results are obtained. One might expect a similar stimulus in your freshmen class collected from the various high schools of the state, only tKa1 the fallacy of the comparison appears in calling a high school mind mature in any way. It has just blossomed and of ne cessity is yet in the milk, but by care will pass into the dough with its sopliomoric existence, then slowly begin to turn, at first quite green and unripe, but with proper nurture, and you have it there in your most excellent faculty, in a decade we may expect the plump and ripening grain. The increased attendance of the past few years in our undergraduate schools is beginning to show itself here in the increased number of men taking graduate work, there is an increased attendance of about twelve per cent over last year. This increase may be due in part to the re-established confi dence in the financial stability of the university. I want to take this opportunity to congratulcte the young men and young women of Nebraska upon the facilities they have of obtaining a good modern education. The more I am thrown in contact with students from other colleges and universities; (and among them the best universticsi in our land) the more honest pride 1 have in my alma mater, .and the more honor nnd respect for her faculty. Nebraska has a university to take pride in. Sincerely, Frank F. Almy, '89. F, A. Noble, formerly of the class of "'gz, graduated at the university of Washington, Seattle, last June, and "isnow attending the Ann Arbor law school. '