The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 01, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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modatc more students) yet, there are many whom
they cannot accommodate.
One, if not two; new literary societies should be
foimed. In fact such action is demanded by existing
circumstances. The new literary societies should
take as their model the literary societies as they now
exist in the university. Experience has proven that
the principles they maintain are eminently the proper
Some energetic persons should put their heads
together and aid in the formation of these societies.
All sacrifices made will be amply rewarded. The
greatest difficulty to overcome at present would be in
securing a suitable hall. Without a doubt the faculty
and Regents would furnish temporary quarters. There
is a room on the fourth floor over the Union Hall
that might be profitably made use of. This sugges
tion will, at least, it is hoped, receive careful consid
eration by all parties interested.
"Harry's Career at Yale" is the very attractive title of a
story now running through the Outing magazine. It is a
story of college life in the days when class fights and cane
rushes were the proper thing, the abolition oi which the
author takes occasion to cite as a proof of the declension of
college spirit. The story is told in a spirited way and is well
worth the attention of a college student.
, It is said that one of the sensations in the book world il
be Max O'rell's volume of novels under the title of "A
Frenchman in America." It is claimed that in this book he
has not repeated himself but is as fresh and racy as if he had
never written a line upon Amciica. , His inimitable humor
has been given full play in relating his experience as a lec
turer, while his impressions of certain prominent Americans
are unusually spicy and interesting.
The Century magazine announces that it will celebrate
the 400th anniversity of the discovery of America by pub'
lishing a life of Columbus, written especially for that maga
zine by Emilio Castelas, the famous Spanish statesman, ora
tor, and author. It will be written inSpaiish and will be
carefully translated. Senor Castelos, whose interest in and
admiration for America are well known, has made a carcfu'
study of the new historical bearing upon the subject'
The articles will be richly illustrated. Other articles dealing
with the discovery of America are being prepared and will be
published in the same magazine.
In the October Century will be lound an interesting letter
on a winter journey through Siberia by Gtorge Kcnnan, the
noted Russian explorer, whose exposures concerning the con
vict system of Russia has given him world-wide fame. The
lcttei is a description of a winter journey from Iokutsk, the
capital of eastern Siberia,' after the investigation of the con
vict system. As he was carrying a great number ol legal
documents, letters and political incendiary matter, and as he
belicyed himself to be an object of considerable suspicion to
the police, the journey was by no means devoid of exciting
incidents, and will be read with interest by those who heard
Mr. Kennan's lecture on "Russian Political Exiles," on
October 26. ,-
"John Auburntop; the history of his development in a
fresh-water college" is the title of a novel by one of our
former students, Anson Uriel Hancock, which appeared dur
ing the summer and which, naturally, has attracted mote
than a passing interest from the students and friends of our
university. The events take place in the seventies, in and
around Lincoln, while the characters, a numbsr of university
students, are easily recognizable ever though there is a
slight attempt to conceal thctr identity. For instance, who
will fail to recognize in young "Coldcistern" he of "the
small frame and large blue eyes," our own Professor Cald
well; who is "Wcrl" but the Reverend Worlcy, now in the
western part of this state, while "Mordaunt" and "Dave"
represent respectively II. V. Mordaunt and the Hon. David
Mercer, of Omaha. Professors "Aw he," "Limbcrberry"
and "Pluck" are also remembered as former members of the
The story hinges upon the mutual affection supposed to
exist between the hero and heroine, John Auburntop and
Miss Minerva Jackson. The conversation of these two and
the other characters arc so unusually deep and thoughtful,
especially on the part of John Auburntop, as to suggest that
they had been previously prepared and committed to mem
ory. There never yt has been, within the knowledge ot
the author, a company of students in the University of
L Nebraska who made a practice at all times and in all places
of discussing philosophy, art, and literature. In fact the
entile book is curious medley of love, philosophy, science,
and literature. Very little persuasion is necessary to set
John Auburntop to discussing topics not at all interesting to
the reader, entirely foreign to the subject matter, and which
lend to lessen interest in the story, which is supposed to be
the main attraction of the book. No wonder that the lov:
between these two becomes strained and morbid and leads to
their final separation. Small wonder is it that he author,
believing, as he evidently does, that many students are liable
to be affected in the same wny as Auburntop was, incident
ally cites this liability to meet ore's fate in college as one of
the disadvantages of aco educational institution.
The book is by no means a picture of university life. It
is true that the author gives a good description of a recita
tion of a geology class under Professor "Aw-hc," and an
interesting description of an evening in the Palladian hall.
Hut other really interesting things as the "student riot," so
called, caused by the contpulsory drill in the military depart
ment, it pleases him to pass with a few words.
Of the story in general, it may be said that 'he events are
stiuiig together in an extremely illogical way; that the char
actcrization is very poor. The actors talk but leave no
impression of Ihcb individuality. Even the hero himself
makes but a slight impression upon the mind of the reader.
The author's object seems to have been to spring a volume
of cssa)s upon the public and to insure at least .1 local sale by
attracting a local interest to its events.
Will his holiness, the Pope, come to America? Every well
informed person knows that recent occurrences point to such
an outcome. Put at the mere suggestion that the Pope will
leave Rome and come to America, a host of inquiries arise in
everyone's min-,'. "What is Rome without a pope?" Will
become a by-word. And the equally expressive query will
be bandied about, "What Is the Pope without Rome?" Sup
pose, then, that ne comes to America. Will it be possible
for a pope to be a pope in reality in these United States?
Removed from Rome, will the Pope still be able to sustain