lit wu KKSI LSZZSdZS THE HESPERIAN $3.00 PER VEEK EDo:r Board, ert BROWN'S RESTAURANT NOKTI1 ELEVENTH STREET Also on European Plan as Formerly OPEN FROM 6 A. M. TO 12 1'. M. OYSTERS IILsT EVERY STYLE ! 7 Vrtftf Buy Your Groceries is at McC ARGAR'S Dealer in STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. Give him a rail. Goods delivered to any part of tl.c city. 618 North Twelfth Street. Telephone 632. ARTSTOT YP ESI Something New! This is ihe Only Stlldio in the City that makes a specialty of this Beautiful Style Picture. A fine life size picture given free with each dozen bebt cabinets for a short time. Special rates to students. 1222 O Street. KCLTPSE STUDIO. MRS.. L. -A.. ZMI-A-RIECEIjIILi, MILLINER XjHsTCOLISr, 1225 O STRKET IsTEBIASK -A.. JHE LITTLE DANDY. CO LDBERRV BROS., Proprietors. First-Class Shaving AND Hair Cutting. Give TLTe ei Tarietl. 109 North Twelfth, LINCOLN, NEB, CLASON & FLETCHER, Books, I Stationery, University Books a Specialty. mm 'ctf&tc PHOTOGRAPHER Does the most nr'tistic work to he round in the ciiy. First premiums nt the Nchraska State Fair in 1888, '89 and '90. EXAMINE HIS WORK SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS 1I20 O Street. Lincoln. Neb. EX 3. SAYRE, DKAI.KR IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Fine Fruits mid Vegetable!. . Comer 16 and O sheets. Telephone No. 338 SUBSCRIBE TOR THE HESPERIAN.