1" IK", i i The class of '96 . is keeping up with other classes in the university. They met for organization O.'tobcr 16, ami are now organized with the following officers: President, Adam McMullcn; vice-president, Win. Hcnjamin; secretary, Grace Prey; treasurer, Florence Stockton; historian, A. Roberts; sergcant-atarms, L. M. Ovcrstrcct. Dont be surprised at any lime to hear a new class yell ringing Ih tough University Hall.- " " " The man who plays the clarionet, The man who blows the horn, The man who makes th,c flute his pet. And wakes you up at morn; The man who plays the tenor drum May put the soul on thistles, Hut the one who oftcnest makes you glum Is the blooming wretch who whistles. Ex. EDITOR'S EASY CHAIN. COKA TO CIIAKI.IK. 1)kar Ciiaklky Come tomorrow evening, sure. Papa is at home, but is laid up with a sore foot. See? CIIAKLKY TO CORA. Dkar Cora I can't come tomorrow evening. I am laid up on account of your papa's sore foot. See? Ex. Literary student to bookseller. "I want a Chaucer." Hooksellcr. "We don't keep tobacco, sir." One of our young men went out to call, Sporting a bran new prince: lie placed his heel on a banana peel, And he hasn't bananawherc since. Ex. Deep-thinking Senior. "Say, Milliard, r, life worth liv ing?" Dullard ssuming a very wise aud scientific air). "Well, cr-r. It depends on the liver." ".r. A first class butter the Rocky Mountain goat. Smiles. An ancient Roamiu' maiden the feinrlc book agent. Ex. Guppy, (as he investigated the' quarter of limbergcr). "Do you know what famous council of the Reformation this cheese makes me think of?" Tuppy. "No, what's that, jGuppy?" Guppy. "The Diet of Worms, me boy." Smiles. Prep (to zoological senior). "Hogs die of insomnia down in Arkansaw." . Senior. "How is that?" Prep. "Mud conglomerates upon their tails so they cannot close their eyes." DIRECT. POINTERS. Saycr & Sawyer, stationery. New sourkrout at the "Good Luck." Cadet suits, gloves and caps at Ewing's. Call on. Ewing for cadet gloves aud caps. Cadet caps and suits a specialty at Ewings. Special prices to students at T. Ewing & Co's. Come and sec what "Erasiue" is at Hesperian office. Fine veiws of the University buildings; at the Hesperian Office.' . ' ' Get your fine stationery of Saycr & Sawyer at the Hcspe reian Office New York pears, quinces and Talman sweet apples at the "Good Luck." Pens, ink', paper, envelopes, pencils and erasers at the Hesperian 0,ffice.. 'STRAnKP As a greedyjuhior said, seeing that the soph omr?s'Hat surpassed his in 'beauty. The finest students' suits in the city at Ewing & Co's, 1115-17 O street. Good goods; low prices. Have you seen the nicklc" savings stamps? Call at Ne braska Savings Hank for descriptive circular. Found crcd on mashed potatoes, near the corner of Sand. 12th Streets, W. F. Wolfe. Use Kennedy's spavin cure. Fohsale A last summer's ventilation-straw-bicycle-hat. Inquire anywhere except on the third floor of University Hall. A neat vest pocket memorandum book will be given to every student by the Nebraska Sr ings Hank. Call on Ting ley and get one. Wantkd Second-hand ibooks bought, sold, and ex changed. Law books a specialty. Lincoln Hook Exchange 119 North'Twelflh street. Lost! Somewhere on the campus since school began some sub-nasal appendages. Finders arc warned not to leave them in the steward's office. We do not offer special prices to students but we guarantee our prices to be lower than those who do. We have a large stock of Under wear, Hosiery, Gloves, etc, for Ladies and Gentlemen which we invite you to inspect. MILLER & PAINE. 133-139 SOUTH UTH STREET- JVlir&. Gosper, JMILUNERY AND NOTIONS 1 1 14 O Street. Ilutcliins & Hyatt COAL AND WOOD Office No. 1040 O Street. Telephone 225 P. F. HUBER, Dealer in Coal and Wood.- Yards at 14th and Mo Pacific Ry. Telephone 779. OFFICE, 1206 O STREET ' ,' SUBSCRIBE FOR THE. HESPERIAN. '-- ijSfiSfifi