The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 01, 1891, Image 1
THE HESPERIAN. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vol. XXI. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER i, 1891. No. 3. THE HESPERIAN. Issued semi-monthly by the Hesperian Publishing Associ ation, of the University of Nebraska. GEORGE L, SHELDON, '92, Managing Editor. ASSOCIATES: JAMES A. BARKLEY, '92, - Editorial C C. MARLAY, '93, - Literary F. D. HYDE, '92, ----- Comment C. M. SKILES, '92, - Athletic N. B. BARR, '93, I Local and T. C PORTER 1ELD, '92. J " " 1 Miscellany PAUL TIZEY, '93, - - - - Exchange J. L. MARSHALL, Jr., g, Alumni, Former Students EDITORIAL NOTES. The Hesperian was detained slightly m order that an account of the University vs. Doane foot ball ' game might be published. SAWYER & SHELDON Buslness Managers. terms of subscription: One copy, per college year, (in advance) One copy, one college term .... Single copy, ADVERTISING RATES ON ATrLICATION. $1.00 35 .10 ALUMNI AND EX-STUDENTS. Special endeavor will be made to make The Hesperian interesting to former students. Please send us your sub scriptions. .Subscriptions on our books will be continue until ordered stopped. Address all communications to The Hesperian, Univer sity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. PALLADIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. F. D. Hyde, Pres. Miss Vejta Grey, Sec'y. We supposed that there was to be no cane rush this year. In fact, we are of that opinion still; but, judging from the bold red notice recently posted on the bulletin board, there must be blood in the eyes of the freshies that cannot be easily washed out. What is the matter with '94? Have they sent their courage east? The lecture on "The Russian Political Exile" by George Kennan was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone who was so forunate as to hear it. Mr. Kennan is an interesting and attractive speaker. He possesses what may be called true oratory. His vast exper ience furnished him with an inexhaustive supply of material. He was not flowery, but eloquent. His lecture contained interesting anecdotes, narrative description, feeling, pathos, emotion, in such propor tions as to hold the entire attention of his bearers. His lecture was a fitting tribute to the cause he is labor ing to promote. The Palladian society is to be congratulated for securing such a notable personage to open a series of lectures they intend to give, and for the business like manner in which they carried out all arrangements. UNIVERSITY UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. Geo. L. Sheldon, Pres. N. B. Barr, Sec'y- DELIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. Miss Lura Stockton, Trcs. Miss Ida Matthews, Sec'y. UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. N. B. BARR, Pres. L. E. Trover, Sec'y. UNIVERSITY Y. W. C. A. Miss Lulu Green, Pres. Miss Elizabeth Field, Sec'y. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. J. H. Johnston, Pres. Paul Colson, Sec'y. ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION. Paul Pizey, Vice-Pres. Geo. L. Sheldon, Sec'y. SCIENTIFIC CLUB. J C. IvENVON, i'res. Miss Kosa IJouton, Sec'y. It is nearly time to begin to arouse interest in the oratorical association. It will be necessary to hold the contest early in February, and the event, is a very pertinent one. There should be more contestants than there were last year, or any previous year- for that matter. All orators of fame within the univer sity, and those who would win renown and do service to the university are urged to prepare their manu scripts at once. There is no reason why the univers ity may not win the state contest. It must win. It is to be supposed that the contestants have written their orations before this time, but judging from the past, we doubt it. The idea that two or three weeks is suf ficient time to make all preparations for such a con test is wrong. Experience, and costly experience at that, has proven this, and it is time that we should realize iL . The university has not won oratorical 1 v - 1 honors, heielofoie, shnply becaube the pcisuiis ciiicr