The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 15, 1891, Page 9, Image 9

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". A inciting of the cyclists was held in the Armory, October )
to, and a University Wheel Club was organized, a constitu
tion adopted and the following officers elected: President,
Geo. L. Sheldon; vice-president, Paul Pizey; secretary, J. P.
Dcardsley; treasurer, P. A. Colson. Eugene Brown will act
as captain and Will Clark as lieutenant for the riders. Old
gold and garnet will be the colois, Committees were
appointed to get suits and procure a room for the use Jl the
club. All wishing to become charter incmbcts of this club
must pay to the ttcasurcr fifty cunts and sign the constitution
on or before Satui day, Octobet 17. Tito flisl ride will piob
.ably be taken next Saturday, '1 here are at present about
twenty-five wheels ready to start. Thus does athletics boom
in the University of Nebraska.
We understand that our foot ball manager has made
arrangements to play a game at Crete, October 24. Now,
.in the fust place, we have no team organized as yet,
hence this action must be regarded ai a little prcmatuic if
not unwise. We played two games away from home last
year, why not give the students here a chance to sec a game?
When we went to Crete before, the students of the university
footed the bill and when we went to ( )maha we footed our
own bib largely. Now it is time that we give the people
here a chance to see us face a team wot thy of our metal. We
Tcnow the manager of the team thought this plan was lor the
best but he certainly did not give the plan sufficient con--sideration.
Mr. Sweeney, an athlete of Doane college, visited the uni--veisity,
October 10. He also visited Wesleyan and Cotner
universities with the intention of foiming a foot ball league.
It is understood that Hastings college is knocking for admit
tance to the inter-collegiate athletic association and that she
will biing with her a good foot ball team. Come right along
Hastings and we will show you how to beat Doane next time
you meet her.
We arc glad to note that the college classes have decided
to play a schedule of games for the Jennnnt offered by the
alumni. The first game will take place next Saturday. These
contests will be close and exciting and should be witnessed
by every lover of foot ball.
Where is the base ball team?
The echo answers-
Theic seems' to be little interest in tennis this year.
Library Improvement I'oIntH mid Hlntn.
Through the kindness of our very genial and obliging
librarian, Professor McMillan, wc have secured for our leaders
some valuable information in regard to the library.
The first and most noticeable change is, of course, the loca
tion oi the books of the American history and civics depart
ment in the reading room. This change was made in order to
give greater facilities to the students of those depat tments for
special work. Students in history and civics could ask for no
better advantages than are thus affoidcd.
In the library proper, cases with pigeon-holes have been
added for holding one hundred or more periodicals that the
university takes. Each department has its periodicals close at
liand so that students know where at once to find the current
literature relative to their brnnches of study. Certainly the
various improvements in the library have been well conceived
for utilizing the limited space at present available.
The librarian is at present using every endeavor to bring to
.completion the "finding lists" both for authors and -for sub
jects in the vnrioi's departments. These, which will certainly
fill a long felt want, will however be but temporary. Card
catalogues arc to be" provided as soon as practicable. We
shall then be able to say wc have a full-fledged library. Hy
action of the regents the library is to be made within the near
future a library of reference in every sense of the word. No
pains will be spared to have ail books at immediate command.
Every facility will be afforded for study and investigation and
the librarian hopes that it may be a place of pleasant resort
and of great profit 10 all who freqnent it.
Valuable and numerous additions of books are continually
being made of which Tin: Hksit.kian hopes to make more
extended mention from time to time through its literary
column. t
Tin;'KKlAN take pleasure in thus giving extended
notice of the increasing advantages of the library. Every
student, from first year to senior, is urged to use the library
all that he may. The librarian is not only willing but anxious
to help every student in his work and investigations. Our
librarian is undoubtedly one of the best read professors in the
faculty and is therefore eminently fitted to help all who come
to him for advice in regard to their reading. Miss Flor
ence Smith, our pleasant reading-room assistant, will also do
all in her power to aid in securing the books students desire.
Every student is urged to remember that the library is for
use aiurp'ofit. Use it and profit by it.
Military Appointments.
The following officers and non-commissioned officers in
the cadet battalion were appointed October 5:
Cavtains-G I, Sheldon, A; F D Hyde, D; J A Barkley,
11: M M McGhcc, C
First I.ikut. and Aijt.H J Edmiston.
First Lir.rr and Q M C 1) Chandler.
First'TS. J B McDonald, A; L E Troycr, II; H E
Nelson, D; R E Dingcs, C
SucoND LiKl'T. W E Brook, A; T Brugger, D.
Sr.T. Maj. E. E. Nicholson.
Fir.hT Sr.Ts. H A Senter, A; E M Pollard, D; F Gund,
B; F D Eager, C.
Skri:ants-W H Sawyer, A; Paul Pizey, 11; J P Will
iams, A; II G tfarber, C; R S Bulla, II; W A Richmond, A;
H J Podlcsak, 11; F P McFarland, D; C E Tefft, D; F F
Tucker C; J P Beardsley, C.
Cori'ORAI.s-W II Clark, A; W D Reed, C; H G Whit
more, B; A M Anderson, D; Jurgen Albers, A; J C Graham,
C; II S Lord, D; E W Brown, B; L G Thayer, B; R II
Johnston, B; W H Forsyth, C; R H Cheney, A.
Neither a drum' major nor a color sergeant have as yet
been appointed.
The new scrapcis are the right thing in the light place.
But for whose feet were they intended!
New seats aie being put in several recitation rooms, and
others for the chapel and for the chemical lectin e room have
been ordered. We shine!
At a meeting cf the directors of the Scientific Club held
on the joth hist., the following officers were elected: Tnesi
dent, F. C. Kenyon; Nice-president, J. C. Porterfi eld; secre
tary and treasuier, Miss Bouton.
The Delian boys met last Satui day evening and organized
a debating club. The following officers were elected: Presi
dent, John L. Marshall, Jr.; vice president, Robert Graham;
secretary, James Lunn; sergeant at-arms, U. G. Cornell.