The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 15, 1891, Page 10, Image 10
7 io THE HESPE'RIA X. A volume containing the plates in autotype facsimile of the whole of the unique manuscripts of Aristotle's "Constitu tional History of Athens" is an interesting addition to the Greek library. The manuscript, effaced and mutilated, was found only recently and is now safely guarded in the ltritish museum. The manuscript was written about the year ioo A. D. on the reverse side of four rolls ot papyrus, upon the lace of which arc the accounts of a farm baliff during the icign of Vespasian 78-79 A. D. The manuscript disappeared about the 5th or 6th century A. D. The battalion drives the young women away from gymna sium at "their hour" on three days of ihc week; and the prac tice of the band makes the small exercise room quite unten able. So the five o'clock class in physical training will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays only, till further notice. It is expected that next term regular provision for time will be made in the regular schedule; as the recent regents rule says that the faculty must modify the course, if that be necessary, to admit of the required weekly work. The chancellor went to Hebron last Friday to address the people of that city and of the surrounding country, on what is known as Hebron Day, the last of a three days' harvest festi val. Hut the weather had made the roads almost impassible. and the festival had been abandoned. A telegram had been bciiI the chancellor on the Monday previous, but had never reached him. So he had the ride for nothing, except he vis ited the schools, and "saw the country." A stationary bowl has been ordered and will soon be in place in the young men's toilet room. With the additions of a glass and plenty of towels and soap, it will now be possible for us to keep clean, no matter what the work is in which ve arc engaged. This has been impossible heretofore, to the great annoyance of all and to calling out many unfavorable comparisons between the main building and Nebraska Hall or the chemical laboratory. The opening of the Latin School rooms for an hour each morning, before the reading room is open, has filled a long felt want, as is evidenced In the fact that the room is prac tically full every morning. The number will increase as the cold weather sets in. This with the opening of the reading room all day, from 8.30 a. m. to 5 p. in., adds very much to ihe comfort of the students. Now if the library could only be open evenings! The apparatus and chemicals in the chemical laboratory will hereafter be distributed to the several rooir.s from the store room in the basement. Material to the upper labora tories will be sent up on the dumb waiters that have just been put in. W. Hildreth as dispensing clerk has been put in charge of the distributing room. Several new glpss eases have been added for the lcceptiou of apparatus. .Professors who have nothing of particular interest to say tr the reporter, will do well to follow the example of Pro fcsBor Harbour. Perceiving the time was drawing near for the appearance of the reporter, und knowing of nothing of particular interest to impart he procured a fine basket of grapes and some choice apples, all of which greatly rejoiced the weary reporter. The students are rightly indignant with the two 'or three . unknown persons who are using tobacco in the building this term. No such soiling of floors and stairways has been known, and is sadly derogatory to the good name of the institution. A very righteous punishment awaits these offenders. The chancellor suggests a joint debate to he held be tween the literary societies at some time after the mid-win-ler holidays, in the university chapel. Mr. George Kennan, the great Siberian traveler, has becrr secured to give one of his lectures on Monday, October 26, at St. Paul M. E. church under the auspices ol the Palladian soci ety. Mr. Kennan is a very entertaining lecturer, delighting, the audience with his dry humor and stirring his hearers with a touch ol pathos or realistic word painting. Every studenr should not lail to hear him. Rev. S. P. Merrill, of Rochester, N. V., attended chapel exercises, October 7. He bears the distinction of being the first white person born in what is now Nebraska. His father came a missionary to the Otoe Indians in 1S33. Mr. Merrill' was born in 1S55. Hc ad m manuscript form a valuable history of Nebraska in the thirties, wheh he gave to the State Historical Society. Professors llcsscy, Hunt and Fosslcr are regular contrib utors to the Northwestern Journal of Education. Professor Ilcsscy prepares a lesson for study each month on elementary botany. Professor I Iunt writes on English grammar and Professor Fosslcr furnishes his translations, with notes, from Andersen's Bitter Bitch ohne Blldcr. Yea, verily, the fame of our university, or of our professor in botany, or both, lias spread even to the deserts of Tcxas. Scptembcr 10, Professor llesscy received a previously unknown grass from that region, sent by the Texas .ig3cul tural eoliege that it might be duly christened by those whe arc adepts in that line. The State Journal is talking of getting up an illustrated educational holiday edition, in which there will be no adver tising, the best of paper, ami halftone engravings. Such an edition would sell like hot cakes among the students. It is understood that it will include all the educational institutions in and about Lincoln. The very large edition of the catalogue is nearly cxhausted As 1 suppleiiwet a Smaller "ininaturc" catalogue will be issued without the names of the students and olhcr formal matter, and in such form as to be readily understood by those rather unacquainted with the technicalities of university work. The officeis of the Union boys debating club for the ensu ing term are as follows: President, H. A.Scnter: vice presi dent, Ralph H. Johnson; secretary, Mr. Scarson; attorneys, C. E. Stroman and I). W. Crabtrce; custodian, Y. H. Pills bury; scigennat-arnis, W. 1'". Wolfe. The chancellor wandered into the lower halls last Friday evening, with the result of an immediate order that lights be placed at the foot of the stairways. Those who have "wan dered in daikness" lo! these many years will appreciate the change. As a preparation for leap year all the girls are now ic tjuiied to take four half-hour lessons in manual training. Whether leap-frog is included in the list of their exercises is what the boys have been unable to determine. The chancellor, John Green and all others who had a finger in the pie, have the hearty thanks of the students for the promptness with which the steam was turned into the buildings this fall. The arrangement whereby the ministers of the city con duct chapel services docs not meet the approval of all stud ents at present but it -will doubtless prove most satisifactory. Hon. M. Gillilan, a member of the house of lepresenta tives during the last session, was a caller at Nebraska hallr the 9U1 inst. Supt. Skinner, ol the Crete schools, was at the university the nth inst.. with a view to dolnc some special work in I absentia. II nn Km wmmmssmnvr