fer i"rr "' . Vt.v . i..i J'.jjf -- '- iuiSit! HHHRMMHnHHHMH TIMS HESPERIAN-. TIMS HESPERIAN-. -, , R ,. .' s -- V." $5.00 i?0 TN'S RESTAURANT : -j-; i NORTSl ELGTSTII STREET - ', '- v. " Aho on European Plan as Formerly - s ' OPEN FROM 6 A. M. TO 12 P. M. ' '' -OYSTERS ZIsT EYEBY STYLET ;' 7? Y? to .Z?wy K?;r Groceries is at - ' ' McCARGAR'S Dealer in STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. Give him a call. Goods delivered to any part of the city. 618 North Twelfth Street. Telephone 632. .: ARISTOTYPES. Something Newl Tnis is lhe Only Studio in the Gity that makes a specialty of ' - this Beautiful Style Picture. A fine life size picture given free with each dozen best cabinets for a short time. Special rates to students. .. - ' 12112 O Street. ECLIPSE STUDIO. r , I,,,.. . MR;S. L. .A.. MABKELL, milliner v .. V " XiIZSTOOXjDST, 1225 O STREET ISrEBSASKAi JHE LITTLE DANDY. - CiOLDB KRRY BROS., Proprietor. , First-Class Shaving" - AND Hair Cutting. Give Ue gl lx-xetl. 09 Nor tSi Twelfth, LINCOLN, WEB, CLASON & FLETCHER, Books, Stationery, University Boots a Specialty. 113Q O Street. Lincoln, Neb. tyafete. PHOTOGRAPHER Does the most artistic work lo be found in tr.e ciiy. Eirst premiums at the Nebraska State Fair in 1888, '89 and '90. EXAMINE HIS WORK SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS EX S. SAYRE, DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES? Fine Fruits and Vegetables ' Comer 16 and O streets. Telephone No. 338 :: SUBSCRIBE TOR THE HESPERIAN. Ay , iiiMiii Tiri liiiiii ' ' iXiSrt"t'i 1' "" V v i- V '. M m -1: --v -L . :$ ' . 1 . n 4- 1. a . : .S3! ft 1 1 i'JSJ' . si' .'1 SW'ift