i '. ..'"? 7w; M THE II ES I'KRUN. 'Hgg.s-? O.aT iig afij(f J 4 - f' .V. .- tf: w J"fet 9orner 10th and P Streets lllil'AKTMKNT STOKK. Dress Goods, Silk. Handkerchiefs Qi.ovks Hosiery " and Corsets A Specialty. Special Lines for" University Student CO O & i i X m H W O Sole A. onl for CHRISTY HATS The liiK'.st In the World NEW ARRIVALS OF SPRING CLOTHING. We MaW a Specialty of CATET SUITS Lowest Price in City. Discount lo Students. X o in O D O r o ci W. IF. COOLE & CO., Bicycles ', Lawn, Tennis Sets, Base Balls and Foot Balls, A PULL LINK OF SPORT l NG GOODS AND SPECIALTIES. do and Sec Him ReflOre Buying. 140 South Eleventh Street. COLUMBIA. VND VICTOR . L.. S1IADER, Ht Shtulcr's Drug store, Corner Fifteenth uud O Mrcetn. nt . II Evans, President. C. C. Quifir.u:, Manager. Evans Laundry Company. 327-31 North Twelfth treet.--Telcihone 100. - We Guarantee Satisfaction i?i Every Particular. Sin dents Trade Solicited. : 0'W"W"I3Srca-:E3I3, 8& CO. Tlhe New Dry Goods Store at 1 109O St. We Would Be Pleased to Have You Call and See Our New Goods. CINCINNATI FineBootsn, Shoes QurvL' PART OR ne -usiom Work Made to Order. Repairing Neatly done. - 1228 O; Street. WAf.pn & wolfasoer, o r J -Jtxii w ajjj jW -.