14 T II K II E S P K R I A N. li! Miss Oakley. The speakers of the everting were Colonel Jenkins, the mayor of the city, Lieutenant (iriflilh and Colonel Hills. Colonel Hills, as well as the other speakers, was particular lo cmphas'zc the slalom :nt that they wanted their girls to meet the ci.dels. The only murmur was an "amen" fiom the cadets. Choice selections ol vocal and instrumental music were tendered by Fairbury talent, and the efforts were well appreciated A light royal time was had by every one, and the people of Fairbury amply sus laincd their reputation that they know how to entertain. Saturday night the baud boys gave a concert to a good house, although the evening was very bad. The concert was well appreciated, although the numbers by the glee club had to be omitted. Divine services were at the head of Droadway, in camp Sunday afternoon. The sermon was preached by the pastor of. the Christian church. After church the battalion had a dress parade, and was reviewed by Colonel Dills and the officers of company I). Monday morning we broke camp, and repaired to the station where the boys were doomed to sorrowfully part from their recent conquests. Thicc cheers for the mayor, three checis for Fairbury, three cheers for Colonel Hills, three cheers for the girls, and we bid a final farewell to Fairbury, having had one of the most enjoyable encampments in the history of the battalion, the inclemency of the weather notwithstanding. The officers and citizens of Fairbuiy will long be remem bered by the boys for the earnest cllorts they put forth to make the stay there as enjoyable as possible. It was near supper time Monday evening, when 115 tired, hungry, diity, sleepy boys returned to their routine of college woik, doubt less invigoiatcd by the i.uling at Camp Sherin.in. t'AMl' xiitks. I Did you cat chicken? How about that Pound cake? Ask Sawyer. Several of the bovs impiovcd the oppoilunily for collect ing botany specimens. That the Fairbury gills arc all right is the unanimous decision of all the boys. "Hut few prisoners and very select ones," seemed to be the motto of the officers this year. Several of the boys went fishing while in camp. The combined result was one fish, length, four inches. Two snakes, length each five feet. On account of the almost constant rain, the drill between the two battalions for the "Griffith medals" was necessarily postponed until the return to school. Were Pancoast keeping a diary, something like the fob lowing would appear thereon: "Spent in Fairbury for oil to keep the gate hinges from squeaking, 5c. The boys that were on guard duty Sunday while John L. jr., gallantly led something less than half a dozen girls about the camp, declare that hereafter they arc conscientiously opposed to the performance of military duty on Sunday. The saloon keepers of Fairbury subscribed ten dollars apiece to get the cadets down there. After the boys came home, and the saloon keepers were asked for the money they had pledged, they said they would pay this tim!, but that they would never again subscribe money to get a Sunday School outfit to come to Fairbury. SWAY PICK-UPS. A meeting ol the scientific club was held May 30, when the following program was given: Mr. 11. A. Seutcr, "Aluminum;" Mr. II. W. Norris, "The Development of the Sensory Epithelium Ci The Salamander; Mr. P. A. Rydberg, "In the Land of Sand-draws and Canons." The first battalion wasn't in it. George Hall has an attraction at the ttni. Who did not gel one oV Crete's pickles? Mr. Copeland has spent a week at home. Yates plays marbles with the gills in the chapel. The first preps picniccd at Crabb's Grove Decoration Day. Many of the students went home before commencement exercises. Call at Nebraska Hall and sec the b.U recently capluied on the campus. Mr. Hayward spent encampment week at his home in Nebraska City. Considerable new apparatus has recently been put into the gymnasium. Mr. Ross' brother has been very sick. Mr. Ross expects to huvc to suflcr also. On his return from camp, Aiders, '93, lound his father waiting here to sec him. The latest problem: How to get twelve boys to scratch the names of fifteen girls. When Cicero Johnson is waxing eloquent, ask him what about the house of Stuart. Tom Wing took examination1; early, and is now in the employ of the raiboad company. Dai her and Marlcy watched the university post ollicc vciy closely until lctlcis came from Fairbury. Mr. Hcnllcy's cousin from Chicago, and sister from west- tern Illinois were visiting him last week. Didn't you want to be a soldier and with the soldiers stand when inspection day come around? Have you noticed that Mr. Stroman has looked sad lately? His best girl was recently married. Lieutenant Dudley visited ai the university while the cadets were at Camp Sherman, Fairbury, Neb. Mr. Faurot spent a part of Decoration Day preparing a file of TllK HKSl'KRiAN for the state historical society. Miss Yates has been obliged to leave school for the rest of the term to take care of a sick relative in Nebraska City. Mr. Eager has a lubber coat that was left in the guaid lent at Fairbury. The owner will please call for his properly. Miss Drowr, state secretary of the Y. W. C. A., addressed the young ladies in the chapel, Monday afternoon, May 25. "Mitty" McGhec, in loading the tenls at Fairbury care lessly allowed the car-door to fall down on his back, much to his discomfort. Morgan McGhec was forced to go to his home in Wyoming prior to commencement exercises, owing to injuries received in the gymnasium. Mr. Norris, who has been connected with the biological department of the university for the past year, returned to his home at GrinnelLIa. Mr. Kcnyon has an article in a recent number of the Wefiras&a Farmer on the trip he took with Dr. Kingslcy and others to the Dad Lands of Dakota. Were it not for the fact that the persons that were dis covered in room 16 closely perusing a matrimonial paper object so strenuously to anything being said t.bout it, there would be another local for this column, but alas, the event must rest in oblivion. V kl - "V raifeit .. . L J f iJtM " "J - """ - )- - mwHww