Z? It I MUMIM '' rt li ilMHIIHlilH I in 1 1 II II ilHI I ' II ' II1! I ill I Mill i 1 1 I ' I H ki i I Hi -ntST-fim .' 'ni ' L, ' ' . f xww r It' TTH E HES11 E.R I A Nv ' 4. . - .. ( :; . .... .. - V H j- 1 1 Cbc-- NT-")'j fc""Sj v W -:, k j v' Smoke the Celebrated U. O. Cigar! rlMPORTED and KEY WEST Cigars always in Stock. D. B. CQLHAPP: r Ks .. xL,'Trmigwnrrr ii m BTpmnTOinraiiiHiM i BiMiaasMfaHEEagi&iiii IHII 111 IIIM !! IH Ml IMBI ! !! rrUfflTlflllll m H FT f MTI I il I TimMTmnTTnTli t 1 -i ' -i t ir--T1T-'" ' jn. 6ik ' i.4 ' ', " THK H KS 1'1?.K T A TC, - . - .' " ! Hi if j . m : 1 : 1 '. : , , ., w. - n$x.i wr '. ' . 1 ' . m v. . ' t r- v . . r rt -" M4 Dl Hlfl fi -t-k Of " ; . - .jWm wUnrjrBw ,v i. ""IS; ' - 'fO 7Y? GRAPH ER, - 4.- 'ir' ;"vs' pocsthcmost 'artistic "work to be found .in the city, First' premiums nt Nebraska State Fair in 1888, 'SoaritPgo. v I. EXAMINE HIS WORK. .SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS IN ALL YOVR LEARNING LEARN, TO SAVE. STUDENTS AKK INVITED TO Ol'KN UANJv ACCOUNTS WITH THE Nebraska :- 1 ... ' - ' : : savings Bank N- ', A .". And thus AVhilc pursuing other hranches of. . learning tlioy will learn to Have ami also get some practical business experience FOR FURTHER INF6RMATION CALL AT THE . . Bank, Cor- i3th andO Ste- - Students and Their Friends should see to it that their tables are supplied with. GULICBCS RRFAF) -JL . 3 ,,rf JL A. 3 1 - PTRq ft C j j N-a . CAKES, JMIIii:S, GROCfcRIIS. Everything from this establishment is firstclass and we advise all of our friends to go there for their sup " , . ' plies. 912 PSTREET.TELEPHONE198. , - - ifc'VJ V V O H. I-iA.ITr 8a OO., Proprietors.. ,, v V ! I(5E 'Cream will soon le served from 6 to 12 pt m. ; . - Everything strictly first-class. Give us a Trial, ICE CREAM AND ICES. OF ANY FLAfOR. $& Hot "Cake's and Pies ,.'..- JFresk Every Day liemember "The Finest" J B. BKl2UiaiG, Prop 1230 street. Br . ; -"-ff IS - v m- FINEST nil ' j HHB - J BQI1 . fc MI- '''' nrll VW"!bYA fllJ I llHTCr -..: siurrnni&Kiui lk- mmrlr 1 OH W Bl A SBfl "W-- -w jrv i I lMBif '1 - . y i I "v.. : c5aaa"nE.B- TOCBI r , mm : - ' t i ).-, ', ... .. .. ' ,-.- - '. .4 .-HP'' " !C. TV" ' ? ,5f: - ,h-j' -('.-, -."'i -.- .'-.vW -XV --- : i ' J tt .' 1 n A v ' 'fl v.. H A.' -.Vfl e-.a J .