"! " ' ' i Tnrrni ii i i ir i ' TTTM 3 THE HESPERIAN. m jo. g X H in n u Cermr loth and P Streets DEPARTMENT STOKE. Dress Goods, Silk Handkerchiefs Gloves Hosiery and Corsets A Specialty. Special Lines for University Student in o s m i i & D c) r A o Sole Agent for CHRISTY HATS The finest in the World NEW ARRIVALS OF SPRLNG CLOTHING. W'i Make a Specially of CADET SUITS Lowest Price in City. Discount to Students. o r o in "W IF- COOLS & CO., Bicycles, Lawn Tennis Sets, Base Balls and Foot Balls, A FULL IiCfE OF SPOUTING GOODS AND SPECIALTIES. Go and Sec JISm BcTOrc Buying. MO Soutu Eleventh Street. GOXUIVIBXA A.ND VICTOR C. I. SnADER, at Skudcr's Drag store, Corner FiftcoHtk and O rtrcct. .. T T " C. C. Quiccle, Manager. T. H Evans, President, v - t Evans Laundry Company. 327-31 Xortli Twelfth Street Telephone 10. H Guarantee Satisfaction in Every Particular.-Students Trade Solicited. j""W"W"i:nC3-:ej:r, &c cjo. The New Dry Goods Store at 1 109O St. We Would Be Pleased to Have You Call and See Our New Goods. CINCINNATI Fine Boots Shoes Fine Custom Work Made to Order. Repairing Neatly done. Shoe Parlor, 1228 O Street. WARXEB Sc WOJLFANGER. - "& ? - , J. . , 't. WSKNKSfi!SBBft2SSSl